Replaced in Time

Aincrad is a large island nation on the planet of Sao. This is not a virtual world, but is similar to our world of the past and future.

Year 1 - August

Her heart skipped a beat as the last several years played back in her mind like it was all a dream. Asuna looked around at the new house with a million images going through her mind. Where to place everything, how to paint the walls, what the kids' rooms would look like. It was almost overwhelming. A hand rested on her shoulder and she looked behind her with a smile to see her husband, Kazuto Kirigaya, known to everyone as Kirito smiling down on her. She put her hand over his and leaned in.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it. I want the babies to be born now so we can finally make it our home."

Their house was in a residential neighborhood in the city. The cobblestone street and narrow buildings made it look like an old European town from this world, but you could still see technology peek in with the hovering carts and holograms seen throughout the town. Asuna was having twins, a boy and a girl.


Asuna was cleaning the house one cool morning when she fell over in pain. She gasped for air and pulled herself up with help from a nearby chair. As she tried to regain composure, she realized that she was having contractions. Kirito had left some time ago to get groceries, so she figured he'd be back soon. Barely able to move, Asuna got some belongings together and headed for the door. Kirito had taken the hovercart, so she was going to go next door and hope the new neighbors will take her to the clinic. As she fumbled to the door, it opened slowly. Kirito walked in to find Asuna slowly moving hunched over.


"'s time."

Kirito threw the groceries on the counter and grabbed her bag.

"Wait, you should put the groceries away so they don't spoil. I'll be ok."

With his wide eyed determined look, Kirito took the entire bag and shoved it into the fridge, taking some effort to get it to close. He then ran out the door and brought the hovercart over to the front door. Asuna climbed in slowly and reminded Kirito to lock the door. He ran to the door and back to the cart in a fraction of a second and sped off towards the clinic. Getting there took half the time as Kirito decided to steer the cart straight up so they were above the houses. This route was only for emergencies, so Asuna didn't say anything. Kirito landed softly and ran inside.

"Where's the doctor?!" He said to a startled nurse.

"He's here."

"Please get him. My wife's in labor!"

"Asuna Kirigaya right?"


"I'll tell the doctor she's here, please bring her in." Asuna had gotten out of the cart and was already inside.


"It's alright. I can make ii...ah!"

Another contraction came and she hunched over. Kirito found a wheelchair and put her in it. By this time, the nurse came back and led them to the delivery room. Asuna changed and got up on the bed. The doctor came by and told them the babies were almost ready to come out already. Asuna was happy that she didn't have to be in labor long. A few minutes later, Asuna was pushing with all her might with Kirito holding her hand. With one final push, the first baby, the boy arrived. Asuna's and Kirito's eyes widened as the doctor held up the first healthy looking child. He then gave him to the nurse and Asuna pushed more and the girl arrived, also looking healthy. With a sigh of relief and exhaustion, Asuna fell back on her pillow and smiled up at Kirito. He sat down on the chair next to her bed and took her hand with both hands.

"You did it, it's alright now."

"Mmhmm" was all she could get out. Moments later, the nurse came back with two little bundles. She gave them both to Asuna and she instantly fell in love. Kirito and Asuna stayed close, exchanging the babies and sharing in their first night as a family.


Life had become normal with Asuna staying home with the kids while Kirito went on missions to get rid of the demons in the area. Asuna was reading a book with the twins sleeping nearby, feeling very relaxed and content. There was a knock on the door. Asuna went to the door and opened. it. At the door was the King, King Sugou. Asuna gasped and bowed quickly.

"Your highness! What can I do for you?"

"Good morning my dear Asuna. You look as radiant as ever. Pardon the unexpected intrusion, but I just could not hold back any longer. You see my dear, I've been watching you in secret for some time now and have decided that you would make the perfect candidate for my little...uh...arrangement." Sugou paused and stepped closer, causing Asuna to step back. "I'd like for you to be my queen and for me to adopt your kids as my own."

The King had met her some time ago while he was on a PR visit to the town. He had approached her and offered to invite her to a ball he was having later in the week. Kirito had said to go and that it would be a great way to unwind after just learning of her pregnancy. Reluctantly, she had agreed and did have a nice time, but she could feel the King's gaze no matter where she was. It made her afraid to even greet the King. Ever since that night, she had always been more aware of where the King was so she could be away from his cold eyes.

Asuna stepped back again and could only shake her head.

"I...I can't your highness. I'm sorry. I love my husband and we love our children. There is no way I could do this. I'm sorry."

Sugou's jagged smile turned into a frown.

"That's too bad. I wanted this to be easy, but you left me with no choice. Guards! Seize them!"

Asuna tried to close the door, but was outnumbered. She ran for her kids, but was too late. The guards grabbed her and lifted up the twins. Both had began to cry and Asuna was screaming. A small crowd had gathered and was watching the events unfold. Someone yelled out that Asuna didn't do anything and was hit by one of the guards. Asuna was screaming for help, but no one was helping. No one stepped up for fear of being killed. As she was carried off, her screams became softer and the crowd dispersed. Their neighbors looked in the house after everyone had left and remembered that Kirito had left on a mission and would be back soon. The husband ran out to find someone to contact Kirito and let him know his wife and kids were kidnapped. Kirito returned a short time later. He opened the door and saw the state of the room.

"Asuna?! Asuna?!"

Kirito ran through the house to find no one home. The neighbor heard the screams and ran over. She let herself in and Kirito turned around quickly.

"Oh Kirito-kun it's horrible! My husband went out looking for you. The King took Asuna and the kids."

"What?! Why?"

"I overheard him say that he wanted to make him his queen. She refused and then the guards took her!"

"Thank you" is all Kirito got out. He ran to his weapon rack and grabbed everything he could carry. He still had on his black trench coat and put his swords on his back. As he ran past his neighbor, she let out a, "good luck" and he was gone.