Paragon Shepard. Spacer. Sole Survivor. Infiltrator. Romanced Kaidan in ME1. Romanced to Garrus. Destroy ending with high readiness.

Otherwise, its party time. I've been playing with this idea for a few days now and I wanted to flesh it out, get some thoughts. I know that Daddy Shepard is presumed dead, but hey.

Spoilers for 3.

The bright lights of the Citadel hurt her eyes. Little Alice Shepard had never seen anything like it, but her daddy had. She was being held in his arms, daddy's little soldier holding on tight to her favorite doctor. Her mother was guiding the ship in to be docked, and Shepard stared at the station with uncertainty. He closed his arms around her a little more to reassure the child. She had seen so much in her short life, but places like the Citadel were new to them all.

"Didn't you get those scars last time you were there, daddy?"

Alan Shepard proudly wore a three pronged scar across the right side of his face. Two of the slashes began just underneath his eye, and the other dragged at his jaw. As the story went, he had a nice rumble with a Turian C-Sec officer. No one ever talked about how or why, but they liked to say it was an even fight, and that Alan Shepard fought pretty damn well for a doctor. There was talk that he could get rid of the scarring fairly easily, but serving on a military vessel taught him the value of such things. Most of those that served on his wife's crew had lived through the First Contact War, and they respected a man that fist fights a Turian and gets out with just a scar.

"I sure did," He answered quietly. "We're going on shore leave, and when we're there... We'll get you something nice to play with during all of the moving around, Princess."

"Can I get a new practice rifle, daddy? The gunnery officer said he'd show me how to snipe!"

His daughter's enthusiasm made him chuckle. She was her mother's child through and through.

"You'll have to talk to your mother about that."

The heavy steps of her mother's boots clanked through the starboard observation deck, and Hannah Shepard came in beside her husband and child. She always wore a bright smile, and she taught her child to have faith. Perhaps there hadn't been a better mother to be born to, or a better person to inherit one's qualities from.

"Asking for a rifle again, sweetie?"

" 'Course she is. Six generations of soldiers on your side, its no wonder she wants a gun."

"Gone are the days where little girls ask for ponies, Alan," Hannah said softly, leaning against the windows.

She was ready to be with her family.

The influx of volunteers in the fight against the Reapers on Earth had been staggering. The Good Doctor hadn't expected it, but he knew Alice Shepard's potential better than most. He saw the wreckage, the absence of all synthetic life, the damaged relays. They would have to work night and day to be able to move through them again, but the engineers aboard his vessels were ready.

His research cruisers had been filled to the brim with volunteers from the few safe havens left in the galaxy a day before the final fight broke out, and by the time they reached the Charon Relay, moving in stealth mode, they received the calls that the war had been won. He had moved the group out at the right time, and the mix of relief and fear upon the vessel let him know he had picked the right people.

The last message they received from the Alliance stated that several of those aboard the Normandy had been critically wounded. Family of some of those men and women had come aboard his vessel, and the diversity of his passengers was staggering to the Good Doctor. He watched them pass by the window of his med-bay, Turians, humans, Asari. He had never seen such a group of men and women ready to find those they loved.

Only two ships had gotten through the Charon relay before the signal went out. They could not maintain communications at such a distance, but those that got through knew their mission. The signal that destroyed the Reapers meant the Crucible had worked. Those that made it through had only one mission: To aid the survivors on Earth and search for Commander Shepard. Three more of the vessels that chose to follow him went to work immediately on the Relay.

He moved to the central control station of his own vessel, where he was met by several of those that had volunteered. He wore a Quarian environmental mask that confused and puzzled nearly everyone he met, but he liked to hide his face. There was no reason for anyone to know his real name or who he really was when he had the ability to get them back to their families and their loved ones. Every person who had joined him had no motivations beyond that.

A Former C-Sec agent and his daughter stood near the galactic map, their focus on earth as one of the Good Doctor's officers listened to a distress call coming in from a nearby planet. She kept it to herself for now and spoke silently as the Doctor joined the two turians looking over the map.

"It will be hard work, but we'll get through. A lot of ships must have gotten away before Commander Shepard activated the Crucible. We'll find the people we're looking for one way or another. It will take time, but everyone has a job they can do to get it done." He reassured them.

The mandibles of the elder turian flared, the blue and almost simple colony mark he carried shifting in the motion, " As long as we find out what happened to my son."

"No doubt he is safe. The Commander isn't quick to let her crew members die. She'd give her life first."

"You talk like you know her, "The female commented.

She only earned a laugh from the Good Doctor, reverberating through the breather of his mask," A long time ago, I did. Can't say she was- or is- the same as she was when I knew her."

Vague enough to mean anything. He knew his words were those carrying many meanings, but he meant them. He had known the woman once, and he missed her. There were many in the galaxy that would miss her if she perished out there on the Citadel.

"Doctor, the distress signal that's coming through... Its from the Normandy. The ship got thrown from the Relay's Mass Effect field and crashed on a nearby planet. Orders? What do I tell them?" The Asari communications officer looked at him with hopeful eyes.

Disali had known Liara T'soni when they were children. He questioned her eagerness to join over such a simple connection, but he never understood Asari. The turians he had been speaking to perked noticeably at her words, and the Good Doctor let out a deep sigh.

"Tell them we'll send a small group. Have a damage report ready for us before we go down."