I know I should not be starting another story because I already have too much going on. But I had to write this down. This may not even make it past my private files, but if you're reading this then it obviously did… I couldn't even think of a good title for this story… Any suggestions based on the summary?

We were lucky. It was love at first sight between us. I guess it helped that we grew up together in a small town of little drama. I can't think of a time when I didn't love him, maybe it really was love at first sight. Life with him was perfect. Changing from elementary school enemies, to middle school crushes, and then high school sweet hearts was amazing. Of course he had his flaws, but who didn't. I loved him, flaws and all.

God I loved him.


Past tense

Now I'm not too sure…

That was just a sneak peak. Should I continue?