Okay, so i was tired and bored, and wanted to write something (new)... This is based before Pepper found out about Tony being Iron man. It first was going to a one shot relating to St. Patrick's day. (happy St. Patrick's day by the way!) But, after writing the first few sentences, i got the idea to do a story set back when Pepper was still that 'crazy' person that followed them around, but was still friends.

This first chaper really has nothing to do with the story what so ever, but I didn't want to start it out like i usually start a story, so i just did a seemingly random chapter, that actually does show how their characters are...in this story apposed to how they are in my other stories. Also, remember some things might seem repeated, or you might be like, 'we already knew this, go on already!' But that's because, itis based on before Pepper knew Tony's identity and before War Machine happened. Oh and there is NO Gene.

Disclaimer: IMAA is not mine, IMAA is owned by Nicktoons or Marvel, or whatever...I dunno.

"Monday's suck." Tony said sighing.

"Nothing new there." Rhodey replied yawning.

Pepper rolled her eyes. "What do you guys do all night? Text each other?"

The two boys shared a look. "No, it's just Monday, everyone's tired." Rhodey said lying.

"I know that, but it's almost every day with you two. Especially Tony. You guys just seem extremely tired and exhausted, and not to mention, Tony looks like he got beaten up."

Rhodey worriedly looked to Tony, having not noticed any wounds of the sort. There wasn't anything but a bruise on his cheek, but Pepper was more awake and perceptive than he was at the moment. Maybe she saw something he didn't.

"Really, I don't see anything?" Rhodey said in attempt to get her to tell him what she saw.

Lucky for him, she did. "You see there?" She said pointing to Tony's cheek as Tony backed away a step. "A bruise there, and his lip is swollen a bit, and he has a small limp."

"Oh…yeah, well that's what happens when you…fall down the stairs." Tony said rubbing the back of his neck.

Pepper raised her eyebrows, not believing him. "I can tell you two aren't ready to tell the truth to me yet…so, I'll just have to let it go."

Rhodey and Tony silently sighed in relief. Yet, they knew she wasn't about to let it go. She was only tricking them into believing that. But they weren't dumb. They could tell she was just going to 'spy' on them to get answers.

The warning bell for the beginning of class rang, so the teens rushed to their lockers.

"Wow, we have got to be careful around Pepper." Tony said.

"No kidding." Rhodey replied falling back in the couch in the armory. "She's on to us."

Tony picked up a nearby wrench and twirled it in his hand. "Was I really limping?"

"I hadn't noticed anything."

Tony sighed. "We definitely need to be more careful. If she could notice something that you couldn't…well that's the best sign."

Tony began working on upgrading his newest invention. Iron man. The previous night, he had been up till 2 o'clock in the morning chasing a criminal group called the Maggia. Ever since he saved all those people from the falling train car and not to mention, Stark International from exploding, he decided to live out his title as 'hero'. When he finally caught up to the Maggia, they made sure to shoot him with whatever weapon they got their hands on. Hence the reason why he was beat up.

Rhodey had been up helping him by means of the new controller chair he got that monitor's Iron Man's systems and Tony's heart monitor, which seemed to be the main problem with fighting. So, they were both unbelievably tired.

Which is why, Rhodey just fell asleep doing his history homework.

The next day, Pepper met up with the two boys at the door of the school before class started as she always did.

"So, another late night, texting each other?" She asked.

"No." Rhodey and Tony both said. Rhodey continued, "why would we text each other, we live in the same house."

"I don't know, plus I can't be expected to remember that kind of thing. I don't have the best memory." Pepper said.

"Then how did you remember what you read on my files on your dad's FBI data base screen?" Tony questioned.

She laughed nervously. "Well, you can't blame a girl for being obsessed with knowing about the new kid. Especially when it's a famous, rich kid." She paused as she put her stuff away in her locker. "Anyways, what were you up late for?"

"I got caught up in a new invention, and I think Rhodey had to finish the history homework his fell asleep doing when we got home." Tony explained this time telling the truth.

"Oh," Pepper said seeming to believe that he was telling the truth.

The warning bell rang and they split up. The boys to get to their lockers and Pepper to get to class. Tony took a little longer to get his stuff because he was checking his phone for police reports, so Rhodey left him to get to first period.

After seeing that nothing required Iron Man's help, he finished grabbing his books, that he was forced to bring, and began heading to class, which he just so happened to be late to…again.

Half way to class, a jock walked by him and 'bumped' him so he was pushed into the locker. The jock laughed. "Oops, sorry I didn't see you there."

Tony rolled his eyes, making his point that he was ignoring the bully. He rushed into class and gave a nervous smile and wave to the teacher who just shook her head and scribbled something down on a piece of paper. He sat down in his desk quickly.

"What took you so long?" Pepper whispered.

Oh right, she sat next to him. "Jim." He whispered back.

"Oh…" Pepper said understanding.

Jim Berkley. The only person stupider than Harold Hogan aka Happy. But, he had his scholarship in football instead of basketball. He was the biggest jerk in their grade. Almost everyone hated him except the seemingly brainless cheerleaders. He found anyone who was smarter than him, and tried to find a way to get under their skin. He seemed to target Tony and this other kid the most. Tony didn't really know the kids name, but he thought it might be Kevin or Steve or something that started with a B…

The rest of the school day went by and it was pretty uneventful. Pepper tried to get Tony and Rhodey to explain themselves for Tony leaving for two class periods. But Tony easily tricked her to believing that he had to go home and charge his heart implant. So, now they were on their way home to where Pepper was visiting.

"So, you have to charge that every day?" Pepper asked tapping on the center of his chest, listening to the clinking sound her fingers made on contact.

"Yep." Tony said.

"Does it hurt ever?" Pepper asked.

Rhodey looked at Tony worried and curious at the same time.

Tony pursed his lips and actually looking like he was thinking. Maybe he was. "Well, I guess it does if I strain or forget to charge it. Even just play wrestling with Rhodey could cause pain I guess, it's almost as if it has a mind of its own…it's always random…"

"Dude, if wrestling hurts, why don't you tell me?" Rhodey asked in worry.

"Because it doesn't always hurt." Tony said as they walked inside Rhodey's house.

"Can I see it?" Pepper asked moving on.

Tony's face went a bit red, but he coughed to clear his throat. "I guess you can…if you want…"

He lifted his shirt to show her the circular blue implant. Her eyes widened in awe, and he looked away awkwardly. She curiously started to tap and trace it making sounds of awe.

"Whoa! This is so cool! You made this?" She asked.

He nodded pulling his shirt down, much to her dismay. "With help of my…dad's research…"

She looked down regretting bringing up the subject. She decided to change the subject. "So, iron man! Isn't he AWESOME!?"

Tony and Rhodey shared yet another look. "Yeah…"

"When I heard he saved that little boy from that fire, and those kids from that other fire in one day, I almost screamed!" She said before looking down. "Actually I did, while doing some dumb victory dance."

The two boys laughed. "Oh, Pepper."

So, how was it? Good? Bad? Though really you shouldn't judge it just yet. I haven't really gotten into the story yet...I mean at this point, i'm still just pondering on what to do with this story, but I have a pretty good idea on what will go on.

Fun Fact: My family calls me a night owl, because I'm always up really late and in the summer sometimes i'm going to sleep the same time their getting up.

Well, i'm off! Please review what you guys think, and be honest! :)