Disclaimer: I do not own DGM , if I did, I would put on concerts and make the characters all sing in their underwear...

ENJOY! (Seriously, or I'll send Kanda to your house in a bad mood... Then again that's not really a punishment, is it? Ok. I'll send the Millennium Earl to your house wearing nothing but a pink mankini. Yes. I went there...)


Buried in three foot high snow were three figures casting dark shadows across the dull, blurred horizon. The three kept walking forwards not daring to peer back at the endless expanse of white that lay behind them. Breathing heavily, their feet carried them through the snow, propelled only by their sheer determination. They had to reach their goal: it was important that they succeed in the mission entrusted to them...

Flashback - 5 hours earlier

An over-excited Komui dragged Kanda, Lavi and Allen into his office - if you could even call it that. Piles of incomplete paperwork were strewn across the desk and floor with the suffocating smell of coffee and perspiration lingering in the stagnant atmosphere.

"Komui, how can you work in a place like this? It looks like a landmine exploded in here. Honestly, you call yourself the Chief Officer of the Black Order? What a joke!" Kanda, being as insensitive as usual, received a rather disappointed frown from the Chief. That just ticked him off all the more.

Allen, completely ignoring the bluenette's usual straight forward self, focused on the more important matter in hand.

"Why did you call us here chief? Was there something you wanted to talk to us about?" Allen asked Komui and then soon regretted it as a huge smirk spread across the Chinese's face. Komui readjusted his glasses and they glinted deviously in the light.

"Actually, I have a mission in mind for the three of you," Komui stated, "how does Antarctica sound?" At this, Lavi started jumping for joy and smiling to himself. Allen just stared at him like he was insane.

"What is so great about Antarctica? I don't get you Lavi."

"I get to play and build a snowman with Yu-chan! We can all frolic about in the snow~"

"You're gonna frolic off a cliff if you carry on!" Clutching at the hilt of Mugen, Kanda gave the redhead an evil glare that gave Allen the shivers. Lavi didn't seem to notice and carried on with his ridiculous grinning unaware of his impending death.

"Komui! You expect me to go and freeze my ass off in Antarctica with these fools no less!" Komui just smiled sweetly at Kanda's rude remark, continuing to irritate the Second Exorcist. Kanda was starting to wonder whether everyone in the Black Order had a death wish.

"That is exactly what I expect you to do. There have been some sightings of Akuma and, as it is your job, I expect you to investigate this matter and end the source of panic," Komui said calmly, "is that clear?" Komui gave Kanda an intimidating look as he held out the mission briefing to the three of them.

"Che!" Kanda snatched the file and turned to storm out of the room with an expression that insinuated that he was ready to kill whoever was unlucky enough to cross his path. Allen felt genuinely sorry for whoever that could end up being.

Flash forward

Allen's legs buckled from underneath him causing him to land face-first in the snow. He groaned and let out a small sob, his previous determination dissipating into thin air.

"I'm hungry!" Allen complained pathetically. Lavi and Kanda, who had not stopped walking, stopped and turned around to look at the miserable blob that lay helplessly in the snow. Kanda made a noise that was a cross between disappointment and defeat.

'What are you doing moyashi?"

"Pitying myself. What does it look like?"

Kanda strolled up to the sulking white-haired youth and held out a hand. Astonished, Allen stared dumbfoundedly at the hand for a moment. Kanda was being nice! Something was definitely wrong. Allen's eyes widened as he looked up at Kanda.

"Who are you and what have you done with Kanda?!"

Kanda snickered at Allen's idea of a joke but then looked him directly in the eyes and realised that he wasn't joking. Any slither of respect he may have held for the exorcist in front of him had gone straight out of the window as he saw how sincere he was in his idiotic accusation.

"You're serious, aren't you? And here I was thinking you had at least one brain cell in that head of yours, but it seems that I was mistaken." Kanda sighed and used his outstretched hand to grab the boy by his cheek and yank him to his feet. Allen yelped in surprise and rubbed his aching face when kanda finally let go.

"That hurt!" Allen moaned and began dragging his feet forward through the snow in a slow and sluggish manner. Kanda was content that he was at least making an attempt to carry on. Although, knowing Allen, he would probably start complaining again in a few minutes or so.

Allen tried to catch up with Kanda and Lavi who were gradually straying further away from him. The last thing he wanted was to be left alone out in the snow. Who would feed him? The moment he had caught up with them, they halted. In front of the three young men was a small, decaying, aged house. It's walls were held up by feeble supports that seemed as though they would disintegrate if the wind changed and the roof left in a wrecked state with a gaping hole where half of the slates should have been.

"This must be the place. So some great exorcist is in there?" Allen wondered what kind of person they would be. In Komui's briefing it didn't go into great detail about the person they were supposed to meet. It only stated that "an exorcist of great skill will aid you in your mission. You will know who when you meet them. They will explain the rest of the situation. You are to meet him at the location displayed on the map above. Good luck, exorcists." From Komui's incredibly vague explanation, Allen only knew that the exorcist was male and obviously quite skilled with his Innocence. Other than that, he knew nothing.

"Must be. The anticipation is killing me, let's see who it is!" Lavi started to run up the steps leading to the porch when his foot fell straight through the floorboards. A cry of pain escaped his lips as he pulled his leg out of the wood and collapsed on the floor grasping at his leg. Quickly running over to lavi, Allen pulled out a small first aid kit tucked inside of his uniform in case of emergency. He flicked open the clasp and removed a long strip of bandage wrapping it carefully and securely around Lavi's wound that trailed from his ankle up to beneath his left knee. Assisted to his feet by Allen, Lavi cringed slightly with the pain. Kanda scowled.

"Exactly what we need! A cripple and an idiot. This day just keeps getting better and better..." Kanda clapped sarcastically then strode confidently up to the door and knocked. The door swung open.

"Hello ladies~"

Stood in the doorway was a tall, well-built man with long, crimson hair trailing down his shoulders wearing nothing but a pair of black boxers.

"Master Cross!"

"What the hell! Allen! You're not a cute girl!" Allen shot him a sarcastic glance that said 'Oh, you noticed!'. Cross Marian stood, still half-naked in the doorway, with a disappointed look on his face. That damn Komui! He would kill him later. Both Lavi and Kanda stared, mouths agape, at the General in front of them. Completely unaffected, Allen grabbed his master by the arm and dragged him inside of the house while Cross repeatedly complained and mumbled to himself. Allen sat him down on a small sofa in the corner of the room while Lavi and the bluenette sat cross-legged on the floor. The four said nothing until Kanda finally broke the silence.


"It's complicated." General Cross rested his chin on his linked hands and sat forward facing Kanda, Lavi and Allen, who had joined the others on the floor. Then he started to explain.

"You see, three days ago, I was out drinking when Komui approached me. He handed me a map to this house and said that he had hooked me up with a couple of hot blondes and we were to meet right here in three days time," Cross frowned and continued.

"Then you three appeared." Allen pondered over this for a little while before he was rudely interrupted by his own stomach growling at him. The white-haired boy groaned and stood up. As he looked around the cluttered room, he noticed a fridge by the opposite wall among a pile of empty boxes. He wandered off in its direction. When he opened the fridge door, he got the shock of his life. It was completely empty. He stared gobsmacked at the lack of food, his eyes wide in disbelief. However, something caught his eye: a small piece of folded paper tucked into the side of the fridge. Curious, Allen slowly unfolded the paper revealing a message addressed to the four of them. It read:

Dear General Cross, Lavi, Kanda and Allen

I assume that it is Allen who is currently reading this message. I realize that I told you that this was part of your mission. That was a complete and utter lie. The truth is that there is no mission; I used that as an excuse to get you away from the Order. Some close friends of mine are visiting and we needed some spare rooms. As for General Cross, I thought that you might fancy some company for the next four days.

By the way, I deactivated your golems' communication network, including Timcampy's, so you will just have to wait until I send someone to pick you up in four days time. Until then you'll just have to hang on. You can think of it as endurance training, if you like.

Take care, Komui :)

P.S: Kanda doesn't mind that we trashed his room does he?

Allen was just about ready to explode in anger himself when a pair of big blue eyes peered over his shoulder at the message. Allen felt a omnious aura radiating from close behind him. Kanda was trembling in fury.

"They trashed my friggin' room?!" Kanda roared, "I'm gonna kill 'em! I'm gonna kill 'em!" His eyes looked like they belonged to a wild beast. No. At that moment Kanda was a wild beast. He ground his teeth and clenched his fists until they bled. Seething with anger, he marched straight over to his golem, perched on the edge of the sofa by Cross, and checked his signal; it was non-existant.

"That asshole really did tamper with my golem!" Kanda barked throughout the house. His anger only increasing, he grabbed General Cross by his neck.

"I bet you knew something about this!"

"This is my first time hearing about this. Besides, what man would volunteer to spend four days trapped in a room with three guys?" Cross responded, "now would you please let go of my throat?" He felt Kanda's hand tighten and then leave his neck. Glaring at the bluenette, Cross leaned back into a comfortable position on the sofa and crossed his legs.

"At times like this all we can do is survive and wait. If Komui picks us up soon then we should all be fine."

"I think we have a bigger problem than how long we'll have to wait for help. We'll have no food for the next four days." Kanda's eyes shot towards Allen when he realized that the bean sprout was right. How would they survive in the freezing cold for the next four days with no food and second-rate shelter?

"We have absolutely nothing?" Lavi sat there dumbfounded as the true severity of their situation came to light, "Isn't there anything that we could survive on?" Master Cross smiled devilishly, turned to reach a hand behind the couch then pulled out three bottles of what looked like whiskey and displayed them proudly in front of the three boys.

"I have alcohol."

I can't wait to write the next chapter... as soon as alcohol is involved things start to get interesting. Let's just say that there is a chance that by the end of the next chapter there won't be a house anymore :D I hope you will find the time to review xx