Just an idea that came across my mind. Each letter of the alphabet will be turned into a word. Please review!

Apples. Tug watched as Will bit into one, juice squirting down his face. Tug looked at Will. He tried to adopt a puppy dog face, but being a horse it was hard. Will saw Tug staring at his apple.

"Don't tell Halt," Will said as he held out his hand and fed Tug an apple. Tug chewed contently as the juices squirted in his mouth. He closed his eyes in appreciation. Will reached up and gave Tug a pat on the neck.

Can I have another?

"No," Will said. "Do you know what Halt…"

"Will!" Halt called. "What are you doing?"

"Blast," Will muttered, as Halt strode towards him. He turned and faced his mentor.

"What have I told you about feeding your horse to many apples?" Halt asked.

"I know what you've told me Halt, but I just thought…"

"You're an apprentice, you can't think," Halt said. Will sighed. Tug sighed. Tug had really wanted another apple.

"Go shoot a hundred arrows," Halt said, and turned and walked back to the cabin. Will waited until Halt was gone, then reached in his pocket and pulled out another apple.

"Shhhh," Will said. Tug chomped happily on the apple, watching Will.

"Will!" Halt called. "I saw that! Go shoot your arrows!"

"Ok Halt," Will said, and then ran lightly over to where the targets were set up and began shooting arrows.


Halt sat in a chair in the small living room in the cabin. He was drinking a cup of coffee while reading over a report that Crowley had sent him. He watched Will out of the corner of his eyes, waiting for him to go to bed.

"I'm going to bed, Halt," Will said. Halt just grunted in replied. Will plodded to his small room and closed the door. Halt waited a few moments, then stood up and laid the report down on a small table, along with his coffee. He walked as quietly as he could to his room and retrieved a small sack. He crept towards the door of the cabin; he tried to ease the door open. He grimaced as the door squeaked.

"I really should oil those hinges," Halt muttered. He crept out to the stable were Abelard and Tug were. He gently stepped into Abelard's stall and opened the sack. He held out his hand and Abelard snatched the apple out of Halt's hand.

"This is our little secret," Halt whispered in Abelard's ear. He fed Abelard another apple. Halt suddenly froze. He heard a noise. He heard someone stumbling towards the stable. Tug's stall was before Abelard's. Halt heard the stall door open.

"Don't you tell Halt," a voice whispered. Halt heard Tug munching on an apple.

Please don't let him see, me. Trust the cloak, trust the cloak, Halt thought. Abelard nickered a greeting to Will. Will looked up and over the wall dividing the two stalls. His mouth dropped.

"Halt?" Will asked, staring with his mouth wide open. He continued to stare at Halt. Halt sighed.

"Finished staring?" Halt asked. Will's eyes darted to the sack filled with apples in Halt's hand. He grinned.

"Don't you think you are feeding Abelard too many apples?" Will asked. Halt chose to ignore him.

"Or are you a master and you can't think?"

The next letter will be B. Please review or PM me with ideas for a word!