Saint Liberace's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, wizarding Sunnydale

November 14th, 1997

Tommy Lestrange watched Xander and Callisto enter the interdimensional portal, before it closed behind them. "Good luck, son. I'm thinking you'll need it..."

"So do I," Cordelia nodded, before walking over to the bed and grabbing the hand of her boyfriend's uncle. "Anyway, tell me more about Xander's bio-parents. The stuff you *didn't* tell him, I mean."

Tommy lifted an eyebrow. "What makes you think I'm gonna tell you such family secrets, even if they exist?"

"Because soon enough, I'll *be* family," Cordelia retorted. "And we're talking marriage, children, the whole nine yards. I mean, who else is Xander gonna spend the rest of eternity with? So you may as well cough up now rather than later, mister!"

Tommy just smiled, thinking that maybe – just maybe – his nephew had found himself the right girl to continue the Lestrange line and bring honor back to the family name. Meanwhile, Ares appeared in a flash of fire on the streets of muggle Sunnydale to help out with the death demon troopers. The God of War took in the scene of battle, and instantly the remains of Sunnydale High were sealed off…

Glory killed General Star Killer by blasting his head off with one of the energy staff weapons! Harry used his god-level powers to finish off some of them as well. Faith was having a total blast firing her energy weapon at the death demon troopers, ducking and weaving madly...

"I'm totally keeping this badass weapon!" Faith grinned savagely, before hoping that Dawn was still safe at school. { She is. She has to be! }

Buffy attacked the death demons and finished them off with her sword. Both Ares and Willow threw fireballs at them as well, as the demons burst into flames! The older Slayer thought to herself, { We're outnumbered, damn it. We need backup! }

The battle continued to rage as Glory decapitated some of the death demon troopers that tried to escape her, but failed. Remus, Teddy and Tonks and Luna cast powerful spells, while both Harry and Hermione began lifting 'em up and tossing 'em into trees! The two lovers grinned at one another briefly, in between the sickening sounds of bones breaking and blood gushing everywhere...

A short while ago, Callisto and Xander arrived into the demon god realm. The sky was blood red and the sun above them was black. The realm itself was eerie and creepy as hell. They saw a lone residence not far away, and headed straight for it.

Logan greeted them personally. "So, both of you came to my realm to die at my hands. Fine by me!" He got ready to take them both on.

"You can't beat us both, Logan," Callisto chuckled crazily, causing the demon god king to raise an eyebrow.

"What she said. Feel the power of the Dark One, dude!" Xander's eyes went white.

The clash of the gods began! Callisto and Xander tag-teamed their opponent with their attacks, and while they had numbers on their side – the demon god king had both power and great deal more experience on his…

Logan threw ice bolts at them both. The demon god's speed was incredible! Almost frozen, Xander blasted fire balls at the ice bolts while Callisto zapped Logan with lighting blasts! He fell to his knees in pain, but quickly got up again.

"HA! Not too bad, both of you. But you'll have to do better than that!" Logan laughed.

Xander suddenly let go, just like he'd recently done with the Destroyer; striking at the demon god king with his powers. Creating a wave of darkness around and within, to weaken the bad guy. Then he yelled, "Callisto, finish this asshole off!"

"I'll be glad to!" She grinned, taking out the Hind's Blood and pouring it on her sword's blade. Xander never had time to wonder why she simply didn't use the dagger, before Callisto stabbed Logan in the chest with the blood-drenched blade!

The Hind's Blood began to kill Logan, but slowly. Too slowly. So Xander dropped the wave of darkness and chopped Logan's head off with the Sword of Darkness! { There can be only one… }

Logan's head and body exploded into greenish-purple swirling smoke. But that wasn't all; the demon god king's death was so powerful enough to open many dimensional rifts, through many worlds!

"Uh-oh. This won't end well!" Xander looked kinda freaked at the sight of the various demon dimensions that started mixing together.

"We can't worry about it now, Xander! Quickly, get us out of here!" Callisto shouted; she just wanted to get the hell out of this realm right now!

They reopened the portal and jumped through it, leaving the demon god realm behind.

A very powerful Yokai named Nurarihyon, wearing a strange-looking cloak with weird designs, blue shirt and blue pants, dark blue boots, appeared out of nowhere. He had a demonic-looking sword with him, along with long, white, pointy ears and grey skin. He chuckled, watching the portal close behind Xander and Callisto.

"Those two make an interesting team. I look forward to seeing them grow in power!" Nurarihyon grinned wickedly, before fading into the shadows.

Back in Sunnydale, Ares, Harry and Glory combined their powers and wiped out all of the remaining death demon troopers! The Greek God of War looked pleased, yet not entirely so. { Well, we did it. The demon gods have lost the war, but soon enough, they will return. Of this, there can be no doubt. }

"We did it! We actually did it!" Teddy looked amazed and delighted that they had somehow triumphed in the face of overwhelming odds.

Luna laughed at his enthusiasm. Then she cut herself off as a blue swirly portal opened up, and Xander and Callisto jumped out before it closed up and vanished.

Willow was *so* glad that Xander was back, but she wasn't too happy to see Callisto again. { No, never mind her for now. } "Xander, you're back and not dead!" the redhead cried out with joy.

She ran up to him and gave him a hug. He hugged her right back. "Are you okay, Wills?" Xander asked with a worried look on his face.

Callisto just rolled her eyes. { Maybe I ought to summon Hades to take her back to the Underworld? No, don't want to give him ideas where *I'm* concerned... }

"Well. I'm glad everyone did very well on giving the demon gods and their forces a good ass-kicking," Ares said, with his typical smirk.

"Thanks, I guess..." Buffy said uncertainly. Faith just gave the God of War a high five before he vanished.

"Right, you pathetic maggots, listen up. My work here is done, and Harry, don't forget you're shit!" Glory tossed her weapon at him, and then she disappeared in a flash of fire.

Harry just sighed in defeat, before Vamp Hermione took his hand and led him away. The battle had gotten her undead hormones all worked up, and she was determined to jump her boyfriend's bones as soon as possible once they returned home. Most of the Order swiftly left as well, heading back to England as quickly as they could, each in their own ways. They still had a new Dark Lord to worry about, after all!

Although oddly enough, Luna decided to stay on the Hellmouth to hunt for fantastic beasts native to the area, and Teddy decided to keep her company. He rather liked the weird female teenager, and her fascination with mythical magical animals...

Xander immediately headed back to the hospital, and reassured his uncle and Cordelia that he was both safe and well. His girlfriend quickly ordered him to take her back to her house, and then she dragged him up to their bedroom. "What's this about-?" the guy started to ask –

Before Cordelia shut him up by pushing Xander down onto the bed, jumping on top of him and kissing him fiercely. And as their clothes went flying, what happened next was nobody's business except their own...

Even if that didn't stop a number of higher beings from spying on them. Luckily for her Mal wasn't amongst them, as she was still seeking the alien Xander and Velasca – because if she *had* witnessed Xander and Cordelia losing their virginity to one another, she would have done something stupid and gotten herself killed!

Down in the Underworld, nothing much had changed as far as Bellatrix Lestrange was concerned. She was helpless, a squib – a muggle. She had been for what felt like years or decades, thanks to the warping of time here in the land of the dead. But then, she heard a couple of people muttering, not far away...

"Dumbledore," she spat at the former Headmaster of Hogwarts, who was talking with the shade of Rupert Giles. "I heard you mention my nephew's name?"

"As did I. And that of Potter," Severus Snape intoned, coming up to join them.

"Ah, Severus. Really, *when* are you going to let go of your bad feelings for young Harry?" Dumbledore asked in a disappointed tone.

"I believe the muggles have a saying. Something about the twelfth of never," Snape replied darkly, unwilling to forgive and forget.

"Shut up, Snivellus!" Bellatrix snarled at him, who immediately snarled incoherently back at her. She ignored him and stared at the two pathetic fools who'd mentioned Xander's name. "Well?"

"You ought to be proud of your nephew, Mrs. Lestrange. Xander helped saved the world recently, according to the information Hades has distributed," Giles said calmly.

"Yes, my former protégé has even achieved godhood of some sort," Dumbledore smiled beatifically, instantly making Bellatrix want to smash that smile right off of his face. "And my dear Bella, you might be interested in knowing that Xander and Harry briefly joined forces in order to drive back the legions of the demon gods. Granted, I'm not sure how they did it, but the balance between good and evil has finally significantly titled in the favor of the Light," the old man sighed contentedly.

Bellatrix *screamed* in mindless fury and would have attacked them straightaway, except a couple of demons showed up and dragged her away – kicking and screaming – for her regularly scheduled torture session.

"Perhaps Potter *has* accomplished something worthwhile in his life, after all," Snape smirked at Bellatrix's back, before heading off to find Ethan Rayne for a short game of Exploding Snap.

Back in Sunnydale, Friday night ended and it became Saturday morning. Callisto showed up in their bedroom while Xander and Cordelia were still asleep, sans any clothes. She woke them up with a miniature lightning bolt, sneeringly tossed a piece of ambrosia to Cordelia, and then vanished out of the room.

"Oh my God," Cordy said, holding the ambrosia in her hands. "Xander…should I-?"

"It's totally up to you," he said lovingly, still feeling *stoked* about finally having sex with his girlfriend. Hey, Greek god and Dark One, but still an eighteen-year-old guy! "I'll support you whatever choice you make, honey – you know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know," Cordelia said, before looking up at him curiously. "So what was it like for you? When Hades gave it to you, I mean."

"I'll be honest, sweetheart – the only thing better was having sex with you," he grinned at her, which made Cordelia slap him on the shoulder. "Ow! Cordy, that hurt!"

"Oh, quit it. You didn't even feel a thing," she glowered at him. "Seriously, what do I do?"

"If you want, we can talk to Hades and Persephone down in the Underworld about this? I need to talk to the God of the Dead anyway, ask him not to drag Willow's ass back downstairs once his bounty hunters find her," Xander sighed. They got out of bed and got dressed, before he took his girlfriend in his arms – and they vanished in a flash of shadows.

By the time they got back, nearly a year had passed for Cordelia Chase, even if the mortal realm had aged only by hours; and feeling ready to make an informed choice, she ate the ambrosia in her bedroom. { Here goes nothing... }

There was a burst of light, and her eyes went white – just like Callisto and Glory. Her humanity replaced the essence of a deity, the new Greek goddess smiled at her paramour.

"You were right, Doofus. Not *quite* as good as sex, but pretty darn near to it!" She came in close and briefly kissed him. "I finally get what it's like now, ya know? Godhood – you just *can't* describe it to a human, mortal or immortal!"

"Well, duh!" Aphrodite's familiar voice interjected, as the Goddess of Love appeared with her customary light show. "And it's about darn time you two kids finally did it! Now, Cordelia, come with me – I want to show you all around Mount Olympus! My daughter-in-law Psyche wants to meet you for some girl talk as well..."

Xander very wisely stayed quiet as the two female gods vanished, and then he decided to contact his mortal friends. Oddly enough, Buffy came up with the idea of a victory party...

Later that night, the victory party at Cordy's place – which in no way resembled the Halloween party precisely two weeks ago, when all this had begun – had Angel attending the festivities. He was briefly mobbed with questions, but that quickly ended when Callisto crashed the festivities...

Oh, Willow didn't like the fact that both Xander and Callisto were now more or less on friendly terms, but she was smart enough not to antagonize either of them; especially since thanks to Xander's intervention, she was no longer living with the threat of being yanked back to the Underworld at a moment's notice. She was also smart enough not to distract Faith and Dawn, who were playing video games on the big screen TV in the living room...

"Why couldn't Xander become Xena? Oh wait, Xena isn't around anymore. Why am I even thinking of her again?" Willow mused to herself in confusion.

Cordy just gave her a weird look, having overheard her mutterings. "What does Xena have to do with anything, Willow?"

"I have no clue, Cordelia..."

Not far away, Angel and Buffy were talking in their own private corner of the mansion. "Glory was pretty helpful with the demons yesterday, I hafta admit," Buffy said with a small shrug, glad for the help from the hell goddess.

Angel frowned. While he was glad that the deity he shared a body with had helped save the world, he was under no illusions as to *why* Glory had done it. "Yeah, but I don't think she'll be always there, or want to help out. But I will be here for you, Buffy," he smiled at his beloved.

Buffy smiled back and kissed him on the lips. "I'll bet there are lots of spare bedrooms around here, maybe we should check 'em out?" She smirked back at Angel's shocked look. "Just kidding! Besides, I'm not even seventeen yet. Maybe by Christmas or my birthday, though…"

"Maybe." This time, Angel enjoyed the shocked look on the Slayer's face before kissing her all over again.

Deep down, Glory bristled and snarled, detesting this foul meatbag prison she was stuck in more than ever…

Harry, Hermione, Teddy, Luna, Remus and Tonks finally showed up and enjoyed the party as well, even though Xander's uncle Tommy was still healing at the hospital. But all good things must come to end, and so not long after midnight, everyone departed the Chase home. Xander briefly cleaned up the palace-like house, and then he and his girlfriend went upstairs to bed.

The next day, they finally told Cordelia's parents what had happened – and even though it took a while, the Chase elders accepted the fact that their daughter was no longer human, as well as no longer mortal. They didn't like how Cordelia had decided to ditch high school either, but reluctantly accepted the fact that they couldn't stop her from doing whatever she felt like from now on.

Which included sex with her boyfriend, in the privacy of their bedroom. Not that the two of them actually stayed in the mansion all that often – they started vanishing for days at a time...

But both Xander and Cordelia always showed up when their friends needed them, if not when they always wanted them.

Like when the crazy android -slash- serial killer named Ted appeared on the scene, and Buffy started having parental issues.

Or when Lyle and Tector Gorch came to town, and the pre-prehistoric demons known as the Bezoars started possessing students at Fondren High.

Or when Faith started writing in a possessed diary, and she almost ended up hurting her little sister thanks to the Horcrux in question.

Anyway, time passed and pretty soon it was time for Christmas vacation at the Chase vacation house up at Lake Cachuma. It was snowing outside, but Cordelia and Xander were making out in the master bedroom and oblivious to everyone and everything else. The cold didn't affect them anymore; they just wanted privacy, away from the rest of the world (and Mount Olympus).

{ Oh, Xander! } Callisto chuckled to herself as she arrived outside in the snow, and peeked in through the bedroom window. { You won't believe what's happened with your crazy aunt just now, down in the Underworld... }

The End

TBC in the sequel, "Callisto's Revenge".