Me: *Sitting at the desk humming the tone of Till I Hear You Sing, sighs, and then notices the readers* Oh! Hello my lovely readers, it is I Nightstar with another chapter of Guiding Light.

Erik: There are only 3 chapters left till the final act of Guiding Light! I hope you can deliver an ending to our lovely readers, Nightstar. Last Chapter was indeed interesting especially the incident with the fop. *excitedly speaks and chuckles at the image of Miguel with cake all over himself*

Me: I know, I know and I won't fail them don't worry. I have a few tricks up my sleeve in these last three chapters. Last Chapter was only the beginning! Anyways I would like to thank everyone who recently commented and followed the story, I honestly feel humbled by all your comments. Thank you, thank you *bows deeply and not over dramatically holding my heart* Anyways where we last left off, the party is over and the road to win Elena's love is afoot! Who will Elena choose? Will Iglesias take a hike? Will Erik succeed? Read and find out!

Erik: *intercedes* Also please comment and review, we honestly like to hear from you.*whispers to readers* Plus, Nightstar is a comment/review junkie.

Me: I heard that! Another note, I attempt yet another fanfic (I'm sticking to that one also for commitment), it is a Merlin fanfiction called Not The Only One, so if you guys want to check that out you are welcomed to do so. Disclaimer: I do not own The Phantom of the Opera, its' characters, music, plot line etc. I am only responsible for my own characters and this plot line. Now on with this chapter!

Elena's P.O.V~

(Two days later rehearsals)

Everything after the party went back to normal... for the most part. For me it was far too quite, algo está mal (something is wrong). As I kept practicing my solo I mouthed out to Meg, who was a on the other side of the room, how uneasy I felt. Meg looked at me mouthed a 'we'll talk later', later could not come any sooner. Today I was pleasantly surprised Señor Iglesias was actually being civil and not giving me any crude flirtations, instead he was fully concentrated on the dance noting things about my movement and execution of the dance. I continued with my dance and then, once it was over, Miguel came up to me and smiled. "Señorita, as I said before, you are music divine. You have it running through your blood to dance the sweet art of seduction, but you must let it out! Think yourself as free as a bird."

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked surprised at his outburst.

"In terms of the routine, no you did nothing wrong. All the footwork and movement was correct, perfect, but you did not feel it. Loose yourself into the music, into the rhythm! Escucha el ritmo Elena," Miguel stated as he suddenly realizing something, "Rehearsals are over everyone! We will continue tomorrow! Elena, come with me. I have something to show you."

Miguel grabbed my arm and led me out of the studio without looking back he was heading back to make sure if I was alright. He lead me up the stairs and kept climbing higher and higher up.

"Where are we going?" I asked a bit scared being alone with this man and being dragged up some more stairs. Miguel then kept going not bothering to answer my question. Me tomó un par de minutos para darme cuenta de que nos dirigíamos a la azotea. Definitivamente, algo estaba pasando! (It took me a couple of minutes to realize we were heading to the roof. Definitely, something was going on!) When we got to the doors of the roof he, being the ever gentlemen, opened the doors and a gush of cold air swept through my whole body. I did not realize how late it was until I saw the magnificence of the night sky and the elegance of the stars. Miguel slowly directed me to the middle of the roof and began to twirl around, as if being lead by music. I continued staring at him, esta loco (he's crazy/mad).

"Señor Iglesias, what is the meaning of this? Estás bailando como un hombre poseído y me estás asustando (You're dancing like a possessed man and you're scaring me)," I stated still confused at why we were on the roof.

"Elena, the first day I met you I said you were music divine. You can dance each dance perfectly with no mistakes, but you show no feeling. It was until you let yourself, your heart, be lead by the music that I felt what you felt... You need to relax feel the music, so I brought you here. Vamos, no seas tímida. Muéstrame lo que sientes aquí en la azotea (C'mon don't be shy. Show me what you feel up here on the roof)."

"Bueno, esta bien. Voy a verme como una loca, pero voy a hacerlo. Usted, Sr. Iglesias, está loco mas allá de toda razón (Well, alright. I'm going to look like a maniac but I'll do it. You, Mr. Iglesias, are crazy beyond all reason)," I responded as I walked over to the middle of the roof. This was a challenge and I never backed out of a challenge, even if I was wearing these rather uncomfortable ballet clothes. I closed my eyes, feeling like a complete fool, and I tried to dance something but I couldn't. I stopped and I glared at the snickering Spaniard in front of me. I glared and then I closed my eyes, imagining my surroundings and feeling what the night had to offer. I cold breeze started to pick up and I instantly was guided by it. I moved around following it and molding myself to it's movement. Suddenly, in my mind the roof transformed into a ballroom and I was in the middle of it. Everything was lit dimly and I was dancing to this enticing music, and a mysterious partner (the night) came next to me and guided me with fluidity. I swirled around the room with this partner in my mind, he seemed interested in me and I tried to entice him with my dance. He soon noted my movements and started to follow, always teasing him.

I was so entranced with my imagination that I almost did not notice Miguel's footsteps. I opened my eyes and noticed him dancing along side me. He smiled, as if encouraging me to go on dancing. I closed my eyes again and I saw the same thing except the dancer (in my mind) had been dancing on his own (ballet moves) and he seemed so lonely. I decided to join in and soon I was dancing with him. I then had unfamiliar hands on my hips, but I did not seem to care at that moment. In my mind, I was lifted up by the mysterious man and I felt a gush of air, and as if by response I did some hand gestures that resemble the flapping of wings.

"Elena, open your eyes," Miguel said. With a blink of an eye my whole image disappeared and I saw all of Paris. I was disappointed really that the stranger had disappeared... he wasn't a stranger though. It was the one man who haunted my mind. I wonder if Erik could dance?

"Vez, qué te dije (See, what did I tell you)? You have it inside of you, Vega. You just need to invoke what you have in you. We only have a few days before we open... I know you can invoke those feelings in the dance,"Miguel praised as he still had hands on my waist. I turned around and I immediately regretted how close his body and mine were. I didn't dare to look at him so I gently pushed him aside and walked towards the door. I was nearing the door, but I was puled back rather roughly by Miguel. "Señor Iglesias what is the-mfft!" I stood paralyzed in my spot as I was being kissed by Miguel. I knew he had made his interest in me evident but I never would have imagined he'd do something like this! Once he let go I was still in shock and unable to control my thoughts.

"You have no idea how long I wanted that kiss to happen," Miguel said as he caressed my cheek. He had this softness in his eyes, a softness that I had never seen on him before, and a sweet smile that seemed foreign on his features.

"Miguel I- I don't understand. Why did you do this?" I stuttered.

"I needed to know that I had a chance at your heart Elena... that kiss told me everything but I will still ask anyways," Miguel proclaimed as he drew me nearer to him

"Ask me what?" I inquired a bit scared at what Miguel would ask of me.

"Elena, run away with me?

Erik's P.O.V~

(orchestra room)

Earlier today I was in the shadows of the orchestra room seeing that their execution of the piece was perfect, to my dismay they were hardly anyone that made drastic mistakes. I was about to leave when I saw the ballet rats appear and state that rehearsals were over. I smiled knowing Elena would be heading home; this would be my chance to escort her home and begin wooing Elena in earnest. I looked around trying to spot her in the plethora of dancers heading towards the changing rooms. I was beginning to worry when I did not see her in the midst of them, but soon my worry dissolved into anger. I heard whispers of Elena being lead out of the room by Miguel Iglesias and no one knew where they were and what they were doing. That insolent boy! How dare he take advantage of his position as dance instructor! I thought but then felt guilty as I too had done something similar in the past. I marched through the shadows and searched every possible room that Iglesias and Elena would be in, but as I got near the top of the opera house I heard voices near on the roof and soon I went to the dreaded shadows of the rooftop. I was correct in hiding in the shadows, but as soon as I adjusted myself and observed them I felt a stab to my heart with what I saw before my eyes. Miguel Iglesias and my Elena were kissing, in that moment I felt my heart break for a second time in the roof, I didn't hear most of their conversations afterwards... I could only see red and hear the world silent as can be. I managed to hear Iglesias as something of Elena.

"Elena, run away with me?"

"Miguel, I don't know what to say," Elena replied quite shocked at the whole situation, and quite frankly who wouldn't be.

"Say you'll do it, Elena. You and I are not like them, cold and without feelings. We are meant to be free and having our hearts out in the open," Miguel stated as he placed Elena's hand to his heart.

"Miguel, as generous as your offer is, I cannot do that... My home is Paris and I am not a free woman, I am a mother. I am not as young as I used to be and therefore I cannot make the same mistakes as you. I have to think of my daughter first, Miguel. I have a responsibility to her. I vowed I would never leave my daughter alone again. Try to understand," Elena explained.

"Elena, Rebecca can come with us! Sure, it will be rough for a while, but she'll get used to it," Miguel protested trying to convince Elena. I anxiously awaited Elena's response in the shadows silently hoping Elena wouldn't accept.

"Usted simplemente no entiende, ¿verdad? (You just don't understand, do you?) Miguel, I cannot be as reckless as you!"

"Look, Elena. Think about it, I want to be with you and though I barely even know you l feel like we are connected. Elena, all I ask is for you to think about it until opening night. I promise I won't bring it up during rehearsals but I will need an answer," Miguel persisted to the angel.

"Dios mío (My god!) you are stubborn... Fine, I will give you an answer after the performance is over. Now if you excuse me I have to go to my brother's office... buenas noches (good night)," Elena said as she was exiting the roof, however Miguel stopped her and kissed her once more. Elena pushed him away and shook her head at him. She ran out and soon Miguel left the rooftop. I was left alone and as I looked into the night I felt a familiar pain in my chest I felt five years prior. Iglesias knew where to get me, but this made me rethink my plan of wooing Elena. I had to move faster than anticipated and I needed to talk to her immediately and calmly. I looked around the rooftop once more before leaving and whispered into the wind confessing to whoever was listening.

"Elena Vega is the best thing that happened to me... I cannot lose her, please. If you can hear me, I beg you to keep her here with me...please I cannot bear it twice."

I quickly went to the manager's office and found that both Mathew and Elena were discussing the offer made in the rooftop. Mathew looked as if he were ready to go after Iglesias and give him hell for what he had said to his sister. Elena looked distraught and rather small (since she was still wearing the ballet uniform). She sighed and then stood up from where she was sitting and walked over to the fireplace, her arms crossed and her stance a bit exhausted and resigned. Mathew broke the silence.

"Elena, hermana mía (sister mine), please tell me you did not accept. Miguel is affable and handsome but he is far too reckless for his own good."

"Mathew I know that, but-"

"'But' what?"

"Sometimes I think going away from here would do some good, Rebecca doesn't really have many friends here and I certainly don't think the opera populaire needs me to be the lead... but then I can't leave because of what I feel here," she pointed at her heart," Oh Mathew, I some times envy how less complicated your life is."

"Well, I am fortunate to have nearly everything Elena, but my life is less complicated because I told the person that stole my heart my true feelings. I advise you to do the same, perhaps they will reciprocate with much rigor," Mathew said as he looked in the shadows trying to spot me in the room. Damn! He knew I was in the room! He then walked over to his sister and gave her a warm embrace.

"Whatever you choose sister, know that I'll be there to support you and my niece. I know you'll make the right choice," Mathew said as he motioned me to show myself. I hesitated but seeing Elena distraught as she was I need to calm her down. I stepped quietly into the light and approached the siblings.

"Mathew, I'm frighten. How will Erik react to this?"

"I say that I reacted quite well," I responded causing Elena to be startled, "Mathew how are you this fine evening?"

"Erik, always a pleasure to see you," Mathew responded with a knowing smile. I smiled back at him, impressed with sensing me in the room. I then directed myself towards Elena, "Elena, you look lovely this evening and I hope you're evening isn't spoiled by me appearing."

"Oh no! Certainly not! Erik, where would you get a thought like that! I'm just... stunned," Elena explained as she looked down as if trying not to meet my eyes. I lifted her gaze, like I did on our first encounter, and I looked into the windows of her soul. They were clouded with confusion and exhaustion, I was afraid that Elena would fall from that same exhaustion. I looked at Mathew concerned and then he too noticed Elena's exhaustion.

"Elena, have you've been pushing yourself too much in the dances?" I inquired with worry laced in my voice.

"No." Elena answered rather quickly causing both of us to know that she was lying. She looked rather pale to me and she looked as if she was barely able to balance herself. Mathew, being the medic he is, noticed and spotted the tell-tell signs.

"Dulcinea, don't lie to me. I knew when you are lying!" Mathew scowled his sister rather comically, "Elena, as your loving little brother and doctor, I suggest you get some rest or stay overnight to rest. You are exhausted and by the looks of it dehydrated. You can barely keep yourself balanced!"

"Emiliano, I am fine, please don't make a big deal out of this," Elena tired to protest but as soon as she did that she swayed too far. I quickly caught her and thus Elena Vega was in my arms. She scrunched her face and then relaxed in my arms. A few minutes later her breathing went even and both Mathew and I looked at each other with knowing looks. Elena had pushed herself too far once more... she was like me in that sense. A hopeless perfectionist. I adjusted her in my arms and then looked at Mathew for guidance.

"Erik, please could you take Elena to your home I'm sure she'll get the much needed rest there. Also have her, no, make her take the day off she hasn't stopped practicing since after the party," Mathew ordered in a way only a doctor would. "I shall come back in the morning with Meg and Rebecca, if you don't mind. Make sure she eats, lately my sister has been preoccupied with her weight which is quite silly to me, and that she gets plenty of rest. Erik... all I ask is that you take care of her, not just today, but for a life time. Elena may be my older sister, but she's my only sister and the woman whom I don't know I can live without. Ella es la joya más valiosa que tengo el privilegio de obtener. Ella es la persona más cariñosa, amorosa y desinteresada que conozco. Cuida de ella, y le puedo asegurar ciegamente, ella cuidara de ti (She's the most valuable jewel that I have the privilege of obtaining. She's the most caring, loving, and selfless person I know. Take care of her, and I can assure you blindly, she'll take care of you). As her brother, I won't say that you deserve he Erik, because no one really does in my opinion... but you are close to deserving her. You have my trust and blessing on whatever you decided to do. I wish you both happiness and love. Now if you excuse me, I have to leave. Think about what I said Erik, tell her how you feel before it's too late. Goodnight Erik." Mathew left his office leaving me to reflect upon his words... tell her how you feel before it's too late. Was I truly late in telling her how I felt? Had I lost Elena from delaying my confession of my feelings? Was Elena truly considering running away with Miguel Iglesias? I shook my head and then carried Elena to my lair. I would have time to talk to her after she has rested well, for now I will let her rest and dream. I got to my lair and quickly placed her on the bed she looked so fragile and angelic; I stroked her cheek and she nuzzled into my hand seeking warmth and comfort. I froze at the unfamiliar attention, and I stood over her for a few minutes. I was heading out of the room when I heard Elena's voice.

"Erik, I love you... Always and forever yours." She was asleep, but in that moment I knew I still had a chance to tell Elena my feelings. Even if she confessed her feelings to me in a dream, it gave me hope to face tomorrow well enough. I hadn't lost Elena yet and that's what truly matters. Tomorrow would be another day, no more wasted opportunities but happiness for once.