+ so what type of music do you like?

Dan typed, pressing SEND and biting his lip. Him and Phil had been messaging back and forth for nearly two hours, talking about anything and everything. And although they had been talking for almost two years at that point, one of the things theyd only skimmed on in passing conversation was music. But Dan was curious. Music had always been an important part of his life, just like Phil had been recently.

- i like a lot of different bands

Phil sent. Dan nodded, moving forward to type again. He had just typed a C before he heard a sharp bing! indicating that Phil had sent another message.

- my favourite band is Muse though ^_^ what about you? :3

Dan froze, reading and re-reading Phil's latest response a few times before blinking once, twice, and slamming his fingers back down on his keyboard, typing out his response so fast he misspelled almost every single word. After re-reading it and fixing his mistakes, which he almost didnt care enough to do, he hit SEND.

+ HJGFTYGFUIRHIGJNRJ!1! NO FUCKIN WAY! mine too! :D theyve been my favourite band since i was like ten!

Dan smiled widely down at his computer, his leg excitedly jogging up and down, every once in a while hitting the underside of his desk, his fingers tapping on the top of the desk beside his keyboard. PHIL IS TYPING... popped up and he squealed happily, a short, high-pitched sound he would never, ever in a million years admit to making, even if Phil himself asked.

- NO WAY! :D theyre like the best band ever omg *heart*

Dan's fingers curled into his palms and his heart thumped uncomfortably in his chest. Phil was perfect. Phil was perfect before, he always had been, but now he was even more perfect, Dan though as he stared at the blinking cursor. Then his fingers were once again flying over the keys, small tapping noises filling his quiet room.

+ Matt Bellamy is perfect! we should totally try and go to a Muse concert together someday :))) *heart*

Phil's response was almost immediate.

- yes plz ^_^ *heart*

+ *heart*

was all Dan responded with. It was all he could think to say at the moment. He didnt know many people who like Muse and know it was Phil who liked Muse, his Phil.

Dan paused, his lips twitching, at that thought; his Phil.

With a large smile, Dan quickly read over Phil's reply, a simple smiley face, before minimizing the internet and opening Skype.

+ skype? :3

he typed after he had pulled the internet back up. Not even three seconds later, he heard the bing! indicting an incoming call on Skype. He waved his hands excitedly in the air for a few moments before raising his hands to fix his hair, spinning around to look in the mirror. Only then did he finally accept the call, trying to hold back the huge smile that threaten to escape at seeing Phil, just like it always did.

"Dan. Hey," Phil aid with a smile, shifting in his chair.

Dan smiled wider, spinning in little semi-circles in his chair. "Phil," was all he said.

"How was your day?" Phil asked, his arm reaching out of view of the camera to grab a mug full of what Dan knew to be coffee. Phil couldnt live without coffee.

Dan shrugged. "Fine. Better now."

Phil looked up from his mug, smiling widely and rolling his eyes. "Oh, hush. How did your exams go?"

That was one thing Dan loved about Phil (besides everything); he cared about everything. Even when Dan's mum was sick, Phil had asked Dan how she was every day until she had gotten better. Or when Dan had gotten sent to the headmaster's office, Phil had been texting him the whole time, and had even Skyped him the moment he said he was home. Phil was just awesome like that. "It went... Not as bad as I thought," Dan answered truthfully. "I think I passed." He smiled, realizing for the first time that yeah, he may have passed his final exams.

"Im so proud, Daniel!" Phil said happily, and Dan beamed. He knew his friend really meant it. Phil never said anything that wasnt true. And Dan loved when Phil was proud of him. It was an amazing feeling.

And they began talking, just like all of the other days. After about an hour, Dan's back started hurting and he moved to his bed, lying on his stomach and smiling down at his friends' face on his laptop screen. Another twenty minutes found Phil on his own bed, his laptop perched precariously on his stomach, his head and shoulders cushioned on top of three pillows. It was just like any other night between the two of them and Dan loved it.

Dan's favourite part of his days was Skyping Phil. While he did really enjoy just aimlessly messaging him back and forth for hours and hours on end, he loved hearing Phil's voice even more. It was deep and smooth and he laugh made Dan's heart skip a beat or two.

Phil shifted on his bed, laying on his side and sliding his laptop down beside his pillow. He smiled sleepily at Dan through his webcam. Dan smiled back. "'M getting tired," he said, rubbing his eyes.

Dan smiled wider; Phil was too adorable for his own good sometimes. "Go to sleep then, he answered, sinking down to lay like PHil was.

And they fell asleep like that, like all the other nights, laying on their own beds, one hand each extended toward their laptop. It wasnt the first time it happened, and it certainly woudnt be the last.

Dan was the first to wake up, sic hours later. He spent half an hour watching Phil sleep, watching the steady in and out of his chest as he breathed, before opening his Spotify and playing music to wake Phil up.

Link it to the world
Link it to yourself
Stretch it like a birth squeeze
The love for what you hide
The bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born
When you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

is from Dan
- is from Phil
everywhere you see *heart* just picture a less than 3 symbol heart xD

the song at the end is New Born by Muse
Phil trivia: on the BBC Radio 1 website under Phil's little About Me or whatever, he says his favourite Muse song is New Born. it was released in November of 2001.

sorry this one was so short. i just had to make an excited Dan Skyping Phil :3