Pairing: Sting and Lucy- StiCy/StiLu

Rating: T for safety!

Summary: Rogue as well as all of Fairy Tail are devastated at Lucy's "supposed" death, little did they know that their little celestial mage would soon return but this time with a mysterious person. But what's this? Rogue seems to know him? You'll have to read it to find out what happens! This the sequel to I Wish!

Italics: thoughts of the current person's P.O.V or letters

Bold Italics: P.O.V's, chapters, chapter titles and info inside brackets

Authors note:

Ohayou minna! Sorry the sequel took so long I had a terrible writers block which still hasn't fully disappeared yet :( oh yes and for my readers who also read Only You I'm sorry but it might be a delayed for some time not because of this story no it's because the writers block I mentioned is... well blocking my ideas for the next chappy :( I hope you'll forgive me!

Oh yes and this is set after the Grand Magic Games (GMG)

Quote(s) summarising part of the chapter or basically the whole chapter:

"I guess it's going to have to hurt, I guess I'm going to have to cry, And let go of some things I've loved to get to the other side
I guess it's going to break me down, Like falling when you try to fly,
Sad but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life starts with goodbye"
― Carrie Underwood

"Now I've gone for too long
Living like I'm not alive
So I'm going to start over tonight
Beginning with you and I"
―Hayley Williams

Chapter 1: Dead or not?!

Lucy's P.O.V

5 minutes before my "death"

My blood trickled slowly off of my bloodied arm as the final droplets of the red liquid made their way to the ground. I reached the edge of the cliff and looked down, jagged rocks protruding out of the ocean came into view but otherwise didn't help ease my nerves as my heart kept pounding in my ribcage. "I'll miss you" I took a deep breath and my body went numb, I was about to plummet right into my watery grave when suddenly a hand ensnared my waist and pulled me back roughly. I lost my footing and ended up falling right on my butt and I presumed my "saviour" did too, I felt myself being pressed up tightly against my "saviour's" body while his hot breath tickled my neck. When I began questioning who my saviour was I immediately thought of Rogue, I turned around my heart pounding with hope only to be disappointed...

There behind me sat... Sting Eucliffe... Rogue's former "partner-in-crime"... Just saying his name gave me shivers that would last a considerable amount of time. I will never forget the way he sneered at me when I was getting tortured, a part of me wanted to smack his scarred little face so hard he'd end up in a coma. Whether it was a large part or not, the feeling was still there. I gasped and struggled free from his grip, inching dangerously close to the edge of the cliff. When he realised this he pulled me in closer almost hugging me, "What the hell do you think your doing Blondie?!" He hissed at me with a hint of annoyance.

"Trying to get away from you!" I poked him on the chest at the last part to my emphasise the point. I stood up and brushed the imaginary dirt from my clothes, and glared at him angrily.

"Now is that what you would say to someone who just saved you life?!" He taunted, his usual cocky smirk painted on his face. I snorted at him, which was very unladylike of me.

"For your information I was trying to kill myself! And you just had to stop me! That's was about my 100th failed suicide attempt!" I hissed at him, my voice laced with venom. He looked at me flabbergasted, he stood up and ripped a piece of cloth from his jacket and wrapped it carefully around my bleeding arm which surprised me... A lot!

"Now...why would you want to do that you stupid Blondie?!" He asked me in a half serious half joking manner. Tears pricked my eyes at the thought of Rogue and Yukino, I didn't want to tell him what made me suicidal but it seemed like my body had a mind of its own today...unfortunately...without thinking I burst into tears and sobbed uncontrollably into Sting's barely covered chest. I felt him stiffen and awkwardly pat me on the back suggesting that he was not very good at handling crying women. I felt him hesitantly wrap his arm around my waist trying to soothe me with panicked words, if the depression wasn't so overwhelming I would have laughed at his current state but unfortunately depression was the only emotion that I could show.

"I-I'm s-sorry its just be-because..." I said in-between sobs. Unfortunately I was too sad to get him back for calling me Blondie so I decided to get him back later...

"D-don't worry! You don't have to tell me..." His voice was still panicked and I was about to try and stop myself from revealing all of the reasons of my pain but again my body apparently has a mind of its own... It's like it ditched my brain for the more 'emotional' one!

"I-It's because of... Rogue..." I felt his body become rigid and stiff at the mention of his former partners name.

"I'd never thought Rogue would make a girl cry...ever..." He exclaimed appalled at Rogues behaviour. I shook my head and continued.

"He didn't hurt me...well not intentionally anyway... I...I was in love with him...but he had already fallen for Yukino... No-one but Levy and Mira knew of my pain... Today was the day I was supposed to die... I couldn't take the pain any longer... Especially when they're already married... There's nothing worth living any more... Nothing..." The tears kept flowing, like a never ending waterfall while Sting started to relax. He hugged me tighter while I hugged him back finding comfort from the man who I thought I never would in a thousand years.

I felt Sting release me from the hug and started to panic. He started to pace back and forth on the spot while I wiped off the remaining tears from my face and replaced it with a confused facial expression. "Why are you panicking?!" I asked him. He stopped his pacing and looked at me as if it was the most obvious thing.

" Natsu-san and the others are heading this way! Obviously they found the tracks your blood made on the ground!" I smiled sheepishly and went into the same state of panic as Sting. It wasn't long until Sting ran off into the woods looking for something leaving me more vulnerable in my life than I ever had. Seconds later he emerged from the woods holding a big clump of berries.

"This isn't time for eating!" I shouted at him, A vein popping in my forehead.

"I'm not going to eat this you Baka!"

"Then wh-"

"This is to cover up your scent! Of course a stupid blonde like you wouldn't have thought of that now would you?!" He cut me off.

"It's amazing how you can taunt me and manage to infuriate me in the worst of times!" He just smirked and smashed the berries on the floor everywhere. When the idiot had finished the place looked like a mess, I started to push the remains of the berries off the cliff and confused Sting did the same. When we managed to clear out most of the berries when Sting grabbed me by the hand and dragged me into the woods going deeper and deeper until I stopped him.

"Wait! Can't I at least see everyone one last time?" I asked him breathless.

"No! It'll be dangerous if we go back there! Natsu-san could sniff you out you know!" He sounded almost angry and that appalled me. Why would he be angry? There's no reason for him

"Please! I'll stay close to some berries there! That should cover up my scent!" He shook his head while my spirit dropped.

"That won't be enough to cover up the scent of your blood! The berries covered your scent easily since the smell of blood wasn't that strong and the blood on the ground was already dried." He retorted.

"So?" I replied.

"So... Your wound already bled through the piece of cloth I gave you!" He started to walk away from me thinking he won the battle.

"Fine then! If you won't let me! I'll just go by myself! I don't need your permission anyway!" I ran back as fast as I could and soon found the same cliff face where I was supposed to die. I heard a shriek of pain and found Mira running over to the cliff. She nearly fell over if it wasn't for Team Natsu's help, I stepped forward absent-mindedly as if on impulse to try and soothe the crying Mira.

"LUCY!" That did it. I was about to run towards the sobbing Mira when the same hand encircled my waist and brought me against the same person's back.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He hissed at me, his hold on my waist ever so slightly tightening.

"I-I...don't know..." I looked back at everyone and was devastated to see their state. Erza was muttering words I couldn't hear while sobbing, Gray had bloodshot eyes and I was surprised to see he hasn't stripped. Happy flew Natsu down to the rocks to see if they could find me. I never thought it would hurt them so much... I was beginning to regret what I did, I'm fooling them into thinking I'm dead. I shouldn't do that to my nakama... I tried in vain to try and escape Sting's clutches but it was futile, I stood there limp while crying my eyes out.

"I thought you wanted this..." His voice came in a whisper and instantly I turned around to look at him.

"I-I didn't want this... I never wanted to cause anyone pain..." I looked back at my nakama, regret stabbing my heart with a cold cold knife of betrayal. "I've decided... I'll just continue living my life normally... Even if I have to go through this pain...again and again..." I felt Sting's grasp on me loosen, probably in shock of my short and silent speech. I took that chance and ran towards my grieving team mates and was surprised that they didn't notice the ruffling of the bushes and leaves nearby thanks to me. They're really devastated huh... I nearly reached the cold hard ground of the cliff when suddenly a hand tightly grabbed my wrist... again...

"But then that's not fair to you..." He dragged me back a couple of metres into the woods, just enough that they wouldn't hear us talking but also enough for us to have a clear view of team Natsu and Mira.

" It doesn't matter if its not fair to me! I want to see then happy again! Not crying all the time! Even if I have to go through the same pain throughout my life... If it makes them happy...I'll do it! Besides why do you care?!" I asked him, my voice rising from a hushed whisper. He just shrugged and held me back when I tried to run away from him. "Let me go! Just...please...let me go..." I sat on the ground while droplets of salt water emerged from my eyes. Sting sat down beside me and looked me in the eye.

"So you're telling me you're going to spend all your life pleasing others?! I do admit that is a pretty selfless thing to do but... You're happiness comes first... Do what's best for you...not them..." I thought about his words and chuckled.

"I never knew the great Sting Eucliffe cared about other people's happiness!" I joked. He pouted and looked away from me childishly, I laughed at this and stood up. He looked up at me as I gave him my hand, "do you want help to get up or not?" He looked at my hand and then back up to me then hesitantly placed his hand on mines. I smiled and tried to pull him upwards, after a lot of heaving I managed to get him standing.

"Seriously Blondie?! I'm not that heavy!" He argued. I took a deep breath and spoke.

"Apparently you are! How much fat do you carry?!" At my statement he nearly screamed back his response, luckily a hand to his mouth did the trick and he tried again.

"It's not fat! It's muscle!" He retorted. I giggled and patted him on the back.

"Keep telling yourself that Stingy bee! Oh yes and don't! Call me Blondie! It's Lucy! L-U-C-Y! Lucy!" He grunted in response to my new nickname for him.

"Don't call me Stingy Bee either Blondie!" I flicked him on the head and walked closer to the crying group which was about to leave and again for some unknown reason I found Sting pressing his body behind me. I blushed for the first time since Yukino's and Rogue's marriage and unfortunately it was for the guy who laughed at me when I was getting tortured by Minerva.

"W-what do you think you're doing?!" I said under my breath. Even though I wasn't looking at him I knew he had that annoying smirk he has plastered on his face.

"What don't you like it?!" He asked innocently...all too innocently... I blushed a deep scarlet colour and turned to face him while trying to push him away from me.

"N-No! Why would I anyway?!" Damn! I stuttered!

"Don't fall for me now Blondie...this is just to hide your scent..." He leaned closer to me, his hot breath fanning my face. I felt my heart skip a beat, hoping that he couldn't hear it. I could still feel my flushed cheeks as they began to burn. He leaned in even closer and was about to whisper something in my ear when suddenly he stiffened. I turned around and found that Team Natsu and Mira was about to leave.

"She wouldn't want us crying over her death like this... I know she wouldn't... lets go and tell everyone what we found out..." And just like that they left, leaving my heart broken in pieces and coated with regret...

After a few more minutes I saddened and trudged behind him"Let's go..." My voice was weak and frail, barely even a whisper. I walked past Sting and was about to go deeper into the forest when Sting dragged me back to my spot. "W-Wha-"

"Shh... Look..." I pouted but nevertheless looked as to where he was pointing. I was shocked...Rogue...Rogue was there... He actually cared! I was about to run to him happiness filling my soul when Sting stopped me, he shook his head telling me to stop. I did as I was told and stood on the spot frozen, I suddenly remembered that Rogue was married to Yukino and if he did care... It would be because I'm his nakama...only a any other... Familiar pain replaced my happiness as I stumbled back. Look away! If you stay he's more likely to find you...Run...Run! An inner voice told me, I turned around and ran forward only to bump into Sting. Tears pricked my eyes though the tears never fell. I look up at the blonde dragon slayer, his eyes soften at the sight of me and just as fast as it had come it was gone. Did I jut imagine that?! I did right? Sting doesn't care about me...definitely... Oh great I'm hallucinating now, what's next am I going to start imagining fairies and unicorns?

" can't be gone...she just can't!" Rogue's voice shocked me out of my argument with...myself... He ran towards the cliff, much like Mira had done. When I saw him crying it felt like my whole world fell apart. I caused him pain... I never wanted to do that... I thought I could escape the pain when I died... I never thought about what everyone else would feel... I'm so selfish... I-I... I don't deserve to be their nakama... I'm sorry... " LUCYYY! COME BACK!...Just...don't leave me...don't leave everyone... come back..." The tears that had built up finally fell. My hands cupped my face to stop the sobs from coming out while the only good idea that can to mind was to cry...on...Sting... Did I just call that a good idea? Just the same as the first time he awkwardly wrapped his arms around me while patting my back trying to soothe me. Thankfully after a while he started to relax and get the hang of it.

"I can't do it any more... I have to go back... It was nice meeting you should come and visit sometime..." I have him a sad smiled and released him from the hug I was currently giving him. I started walking calmly towards Rogue thinking that there was nothing stopping me. At the last minute Sting grabbed my wrist preventing me from walking any closer to his former partner. "S-Sting?" I couldn't contain the surprise in my voice and I nearly forgot to whisper. "What are you doing? Let me go... I have to do this..." I told him impatiently. He just kept staring at me his mouth moving the tiniest of movements as if he was trying to explain what he was doing but his vocal chords wouldn't work. I didn't realise that my eyes were darting everywhere but his eyes until I 'accidentally' caught a glimpse of his gaze. Our eyes locked on to each others and refused to let go, his beautiful blue orbs danced in the sunlight while a blush was making its way to my cheeks. The sound of Rogue leaving made us snap out of our...awkward stare-off... Sting scratched the back of his head and coughed quietly trying to ease the awkward tension off.

"S-sorry..." I blinked and tilted my head.

"Eh?...the great Sting Eucliffe apologised! He actually apologised! This is the best day in my life!" I giggled while Sting kept blushing like a teenage girl.

"S-shut up Blondie!" He punched my arm lightly. I poked him and returned my attention to Rogue. He left he knew... That I was alive... I spun around and faced Sting.

"Does he know I'm still alive?" I asked him. He just shrugged.

"Don't know he never said anything but from the looks of it he's suspicious." He walked deeper into the forest until he found his camp-site. I followed behind him getting a little creeped out when I couldn't see the sun above the trees any longer. The camp-fire grew higher and larger as Sting fed it more wood, "so what are you going to do know that you can't go back to your house?" He asked teasingly. I paled and fainted, my soul escaping through my mouth while Sting did nothing to help. That Bastard! I was immediately brought back to life when an idea struck me.

"I know! I'll just travel half-way across Fiore and join a new guild! Maybe Mermaid Heel..." I explained. Sting shook his head.

"You need money to get on the trains Baka!" I smirked.

" I have money with me here!" I stated proudly. While Sting looked like he was about to laugh his ass off.

"So you brought money with you and tried to commit suicide, which failed, have you ever thought of what you would do with the money after you're dead? You're basically wasting the money you know?!" I blushed at my stupid plan and pouted.

"It's not my fault! Besides I wouldn't be worrying about that anyway! I wouldn't care less about the money after I'd died! Because in heaven you don't need jewels!" I reasoned.

"And who says you're going to get to heaven Blondie?! Your personality can rival the devils wife! If he even has a wife..." I was insulted. How dare he! Ohh how I want to slap that pretty little face of his down to Hell!... Wait... Did I just call his face... Pretty?! NOOO! I'm better of dead!

"Well they don't let little stingy bee's into heaven you know!" It was Sting's turn to be insulted.

"I'm not a bee Blondie!"

"Who are you calling Blondie? Blondie!" Just like that a war of words started, after a few minutes of our verbal war a small red cat awoken from its slumber.

"S-Sting-kun...why if Fairy-san here?!" Lector groggily croaked while rubbing his tiny little eyes with his paw.

"Nothing you have to worry about Lector go back to sleep..." Sting told the small cat but before the cat could go back in the tent I scooped him up.

"Aww you're so cute! Almost as cute as Frosch!" I nuzzled the cats belly making Lector laugh. When I stopped nuzzling him he started to swing his arms and legs wildly, probably trying to hit me.

"L-let go of me Fairy-san! Or else Sting-kun will hurt you! Sting-kun will save me!" The cat boasted. I looked over to Sting who was watching us intently. I nearly blushed as his eyes locked on mines but gained my composure.

"Lector has been spoiling you too much. And I stand corrected, apparently Frosch is cuter than you..." The cat huffed.

"I have not been spoiling Sting-kun Fairy-san! I'm only telling the truth! And I am cuter than Frosch! Now put me down!" I shook my head and sat down opposite of Sting in the logs which were facing the camp fire. I started to rock Lector back and forth while the said cat started to get sleepier and sleepier, when his eyes closed he unconsciously snuggled closer to me.

"Night night Lector..." I cradled the cat in my arms unaware that Sting got up and sat down beside me.

"Night Fairy-san...Sting-kun..." The cat said in his sleep. I smiled and hugged him closer.

"I've never seen him fall asleep without me..." I handed Lector over to Sting and giggled when he fumbled to try and position him so that he could cradle the little cat just like what I had done. I laughed when he nearly dropped Lector so I went behind him. Without thinking my hands went under Sting's and helped him to cradle the cat like a puppeteer would do to his puppets. What I hadn't notice was during all that my fingers intertwined with his.

(If you've ever watched the film calls Ghost, it's really old...I think, anyway in one of the scenes the girl was doing pottery in one of those spinning things and the boy came over and sat beside her. He put his hand on the back of her hands as she was doing pottery and he guided her while at the same time he was basically holding the girls hand. Sorry if my explanations crappy but oh well that's what in trying to describe here for Sting and Lucy hehe)

When Sting finally cradled Lector I finally realised what I was doing, I released Sting's hand all too quickly surprising Sting. He could have dropped poor Lector on his head if he hadn't had quick reflexes. Unfortunately Lector woke up and started crying just like what a little toddler or baby would do when they woke up from their slumber, Sting started to panic while I smacked my head. I motioned for him to give Lector to me and he did so without any questions, "seriously be more careful! This is your cat you know!" He held his hands in front of him in surrender.

"You surprised me!" He accused. I smirked. This is finally the time to get him back for calling me Blondie all those times!

"So you're saying you liked holding my hand?!" I asked innocently. He blushed instantly and stuttered all kinds of nonsense. I laughed at his current state and smiled at him. "It's been a while since I laughed this much... Thank you Sting..." I beamed at him while his blush intensified.

"N-no problem..." I rocked Lector back and forth calming the cat while his crying was soon dying down. When I thought he was asleep I stopped rocking him, oh what a mistake that was! He started crying again, this time louder. "Do something!" Sting told me in a panicked voice.

"I'm trying!" I replied back. An idea popped into my mind and I wasted no time in doing it, "Hush, little baby, don't say a word. Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird won't sing, Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring turns brass, Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass. And if that looking glass gets broke,Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat. And if that billy goat won't pull,
Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull.
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Papa's gonna buy you a dog named Rover. And if that dog named Rover won't bark
Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart.
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town." The lullaby made Lector fall asleep easily, nevertheless I still rocked him back and forth. (I know you've noticed but I've edited it a little bit from the original version!)

"I'm glad that's over!" Sting exclaimed.

"Mama used to sing that to me when I was little... And so did papa..." Sting looked over to me and for the millionth time our eyes locked onto each others. His blue orbs showed shock while I presumed mine's showed sadness.

"Used to?" I smiled a sad smile.

"My mum died when I was young and my dad died a couple months ago before the Dai Matou Enbu" I laid down on the ground since all the logs have been eaten up by the fire. Darkness started to set while the stars start to illuminate the night sky like diamonds scattered across the galaxy. I placed the sleeping Lector beside me while Sting decided to come and join me on the cold...hard...ground.

"It must have been pretty rough on you huh?" I nodded.

"What about you?! Your parents...what were they like?" I asked him absent-mindedly.

"My real parents... I never got to know them... Apparently they died during a mission, they were mages, at least that's what everyone in the orphanage told me..." Without thinking I inched closer to him until our shoulders were touching while being careful not to squish Lector.

"I'm sorry... I guess I never really knew the real you before..." The stars twinkled as the night sky began to lighten up with the help of the moon.

"I've never really shown anyone but Rogue and the Exceeds..." I look at him, his face still clearly visible under the moonlight.

"Well then I'd love to know the real you someday..." The moment made my heart flutter, something which hasn't happened in a long time.

"I'd love to know the real you someday as well Blondie" I faced him and flicked him on the forehead, he rubbed his forehead and started to poke me. He poked me on the sides making me howl with laughter.

" Hahahahhaha s-stop! Ok ok I get it now s-stop! You're going to wake up Lector!" He stopped tickling my sides and laughed, he covered his mouth instantly. "You actually laughed!" This was the first time I'd ever felt so light-headed, so carefree... I wish this moment would never end... But time doesn't stop for anyone...

"What?! Never seen a person laugh before?!" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and grinned.

"I've never seen YOU laugh before! Well except that time at the Dai Matou Enbu... But it was more like sneering..." I trailed off, my eyes glistening as the stars danced and twinkled. I don't notice the sad faraway look on his face until it was too late, he stood up and brushed the imaginary dirt from his trousers and I did the same.

"Come on! Lets go sleep!" I blushed at his words cursing my dirty mind. Unfortunately Sting saw the blush and decided to tease me about it. "Blondie Blondie Blondie... You shouldn't be thinking dirty thoughts now! But, I guess if you want me so badly..." He started to advance on me with a teasing look on his face, I screamed and threw the nearest possible thing towards him. Which unfortunately was Lector, the said cat was thrown right into Stings face and fortunately didn't wake up. I nearly screamed when I had realised what I had done but instead sighed in relief when the cat didn't wake up.

I picked Lector up and entered the huge tent with Sting behind me rubbing his abused nose. I giggled and laid Lector down on his little bed that Sting had made him which was beside a large bed held together by blocks of wood and large leaves. The said cat started shivering so I placed his blanket up to his little neck to cover him up and protect him from the cold. That's when I noticed that there was only one bed, I paled instantly and decided to just go and sleep outside. I grabbed a spare pillow and blanket and headed outside when Sting stopped me, "There is a bed you know!" He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I know that! I just don't want to sleep with you! Who knows what tricks you have up your sleeves!" He feigned a hurt look on his face and whimpered. I couldn't help but smile at his antics while my heart did a little somersault at how cute he was...wait...cute?! What is wrong with me?! He is not cute! Never in a thousand years would he look cute Lucy! Get your act together!

"That hurts Blondie. I never take advantage of girls! You should know that by now!" I snorted in disagreement.

"Yeah right! Maybe in a million years!" I retorted. After a couple minutes of arguing I gave up and slept on the bed, I laid down on the bed while tracing circles on Lector's tummy to distract me while I waited for Sting to get finished dressing up. The agreement was that I had to sleep in the bed but! Sting has to stay as far away from me as he can. So basically the bed is divided into two. "Sting you know it's better for me to sleep in a nearby inn than sleeping here with you!" I shouted. He just snorted in reply.

"Tch, yeah right! And what if Natsu-san and the others find you?!" He replied back to me.

"Ugh fine! You know it really touches me that the great and powerful Sting Eucliffe cares about me" I teased him, careful not to wake Lector up with my loud voice.

"Tch! As if! I just don't want to save your sorry little ass again when you get found out!" he yelled back. I was too busy looking at Lector to notice Sting had come in, it wasn't until he laid down beside me on the bed that I noticed. I didn't look at him for fear invade he saw my blush, I wasn't used to sharing a bed with someone nevertheless a stranger! Well he's not a complete stranger but still... Anyway Natsu was the only one I shared my bed with and those little incidents were not intentional either. He reached over for the light source that was keeping the tent dimly lit, "Night Blondie" his voice was teasing as he turned off the light lacrima suggesting that he must've been smiling. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Night Sting..." My eyelids dropped even lower and was a out to succumb to everlasting darkness when a little hand reached out touching me, or should I say paw... I opened my eyes instantly while my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room. I could make out a cat-like figure standing up rubbing its eyes, I figured that was Lector so I picked him up from his miniature bed and cuddled him closer to me. He snuggled closer and began to purr in his sleep, much like a cat-version of a snore. I giggled and kissed him on the forehead already missing happy terribly. Darkness took Lector and I as hostages, never letting us go until morning came.

Sting's P.O.V

I lay awake as Lucy and Lector slept beside me, thoughts invading my mind, never letting me get even the tiniest of peace. I felt Lucy stir beside me, she turned around and placed her arm over my chest snuggling closer to me. I blushed but didn't make a move to resist in fear that she would wake up. She hugged my left arm tightly while placing Lector in between us. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her waist and brought her closer to me, careful not to squish Lector in the process. That was when my mind was finally if an unknown answer was resolved... I fell asleep slowly and fell into a deep slumber thinking one last thing... We'd make a great family...

How was it Minna?! Wasn't too bad I hope! Anyway please review id love to know what you thought of and I am super sorry to those who also read Only you! I'm really having difficulties with writing the chapter but ill pull through!

Fairytailfan101 out for now! ^.^