Kisuke stared into the vial containing the virus that his corporation had been instructed to find a cure for after a recent outbreak had happened in the city. People infected with this virus had been reported eating others. The bitten then in turn became like those that had bitten them. This was causing a mass hysteria in Karakura Town and Yamamoto wanted the problem fixed as quickly as possible. Yamamoto had sent out bits of the virus to specific people in the Shinigami Corp. and the Visored Corp. in hopes that one of the corporations could find a cure so that this outbreak could be quickly resolved. The top scientist in each corporation are probably sitting at their desk right now just like Kisuke staring at the vial containing the thing that is causing so much chaos it doesn't seem possible.

He swiveled in his chair to look out upon the city that had been divided into two sections the infected and the uninfected and a tall barricade erected around the entire city, keeping everyone in and the rest of the world out. The barrier had been erected a couple days ago when the virus had begun to go out of control. Visored Corporations stood near the barrier dividing the infected and the uninfected, making it possible to see into the part of the city that was infected. Kisuke watched as the infected walked uselessly into the fence separating them from the uninfected, before looking down at the vial containing the green virus that was the cause of this. He promised to himself that he would find a cure for this, no matter what it took.


"Ichigo Kurosaki," a short male, with black hair said, catching the orange haired teen's attention. "Please, come with me."

Getting up from his seat, Ichigo followed along behind the smaller male. Ichigo had been asked to come down to the clinic to help see if he could help them find a cure for this virus that's been spreading like wild fire. All he had to do was let them draw a bit of blood. He had been more than willing to help out in any way that he could with stopping this virus.

The male nurse took his height and weight, before leading him to a room to have his blood drawn. Taking his seat, his eyes found the nurse's name tag, as the nurse wiped the juncture of his arm with a bacterial wipe. The name tag read Luppi Antenor. Looking away from the name tag, Ichigo watched as Luppi picked up the syringe, having already prepared his arm in the time that Ichigo was staring at the nurse's name tag.

"Okay," Luppi said, his arm poised to push the needle into the vein in the crook of Ichigo's arm, "you're going to feel a slight pinch and then it'll be over. One, two, three," the nurse counted, before plunging the needle into his arm.

There was a sharp prick, causing Ichigo to cringe slightly. Amber eyes watched as bright red liquid filled the vial. Blood quickly filled the vial and it was over before Ichigo knew it. Pulling the needle out of his arm, the nurse quickly wrapped his arm to stop the bleeding, before walking away with the vial of Ichigo's blood to go label it. Ichigo stood up and stretched, before walking over to the door prepared to leave the room. With his hand on the handle, Ichigo felt a sharp prick on the back of his neck, startling him. Slapping his hand on the back of his neck, he quickly looked behind him to see the nurse typing away on the computer, completely ignoring him. Shrugging he left the room, oblivious to the syringe, with the intricate 'A' scrawled over a biohazard symbol, lying beside the keyboard.

Striding out of the clinic, Ichigo quickly walked down the streets towards home. It was already twilight outside, telling him he had been in there longer than he had thought. The moans and groans of the infected echoed ominously in the air, as they rattled the fence separating them from everyone else. They uselessly reached their decaying fingers through the chain link fence, hungry for more human flesh. Ichigo shuddered at the thought of one the infected gorging itself on human flesh, before quickening his pace. As he strode down the street, he saw a man lurching down the street aimlessly. The man twisted his head in Ichigo's direction, before staggering towards him. Ichigo stopped in his tracks watching the man curiously, before continuing down the street. He must be drunk, Ichigo thought as he turned a corner and the staggering man was now no longer in sight.

The sight of his house was a huge relief to him as he jogged up to the front door and opened the door, only to be tackled to the ground by a white blur. Looking up into his twin's golden eyes, Ichigo groaned before trying unsuccessfully to pry his brother off of him.

"Where did you go," Shiro asked, clinging to his twin, nearly suffocating him.

"To the clinic," Ichigo managed to choke out, as he slowly forced his pale copy off of him.

"What for," Shiro asked curiously, as the two walked into the house.

Ichigo shrugged out of his coat and hung it up, before answering Shiro. "To have some blood drawn, it's no big deal."

Shiro decided to drop the subject for now seeing as Ichigo looked kind of drained. Ichigo bid his family goodnight, before heading up to bed. He didn't know why he suddenly felt so tired, but he felt utterly exhausted. Shutting the door to his room, he plopped on his bed too tired to even change into pajamas. Shifting his gaze from his ceiling to his window, he could see the dark looming shape of the barricade surrounding Karakura Town. He remembered the day this had all started a week ago.

On that day it had all started with a freak attack that had been reported on the news, which Ichigo and other students had seen on the TV during class because the teachers had been told to watch it. After school that day, Ichigo had seen a special task force squad called the Espada helping to coordinate the building of the barrier of the town and separating the infected from the uninfected. And after that day, Ichigo had continued to see the Espada scattered throughout the town taking care of incidences that popped up throughout the town. As far as Ichigo was concerned it was like everything was suddenly falling apart, everything was slowly becoming more and more chaotic, and he was willing to do anything that he could to help stop this.

He sighed as he closed his eyes; he was so exhausted that it wasn't even funny. With his eyes shut he quickly drifted to sleep, without a clue in the world that tomorrow would be the actual beginning of the end.


Ichigo woke to the sound of Shiro frantically telling him to wake up. Opening his amber eyes, he looked up at Shiro's golden eyes as his twin shook his bed again.

"What," he mumbled sleepily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"We have to go," Shiro said, "A city wide evacuation has been called on the whole town."

Ichigo immediately became alert, as he jumped out of his bed and quickly pulled on some clean clothes. "Where's dad, Karin, and Yuzu?"

"They already left," Shiro replied, chucking a jacket at Ichigo.

Catching the jacket, Ichigo quickly pulled it on as the two rushed out of the house into the mass of hysterical people trying to evacuate the town. The two pushed their way through the tangled mass of people, trying to get out the town and catch up with the rest of their family. Soon the only exit out of the town appeared, as the two weaved through the mass of people. The two soon were forced to walk along with everyone else, as the exit loomed above them. As Ichigo was walking he saw the Espada at the gate's entrance, as people were scanned for the virus before being granted or denied to leave. Ichigo hadn't been paying attention to where he was going and accidently ran into someone.

"Sorry," Ichigo said automatically, as the person gripped both of his arms to keep him from falling and being trampled.

"Watch where you're going, kid," a man with light blue hair said, letting go of his arms once he was sure that the smaller was stable.

"Ichigo," Shiro called, appearing beside him. "Let's go."

Shiro grabbed Ichigo's arm and pulled him away from the blue haired Espada. Ichigo turned his head just as the man seemed to be swallowed up by the mass of people trying to leave the city. Almost to the gate's entrance a horrific scream resonates in the air followed by more hysterical screams from other people as they try to rush forwards in an attempt to leave. Gun shots go off in the air, stopping everyone immediately and creating a dead silence. Ichigo standing beside Shiro looks up at the top of the barricade, where armed men and women stand with guns at hand. A man with slicked back brown hair stands up there with the armed people. He looked familiar, but Ichigo couldn't place a name with the face. Ichigo had never been good with names. A man with silver hair and a big, mocking grin stood beside the brown haired man, listening to him speak before nodding his head.

"There are to be no more evacuees due to there being too great a risk of someone infected getting through," silver haired man said into a microphone, his voice being amplified for everyone to hear. "So, you all should go home now. Bye-bye." No one moved at the man's words, they all just stood there confused by what he said, so the brown haired man spoke to the silver haired man, who again nodded. "You have ten seconds to leave the area," he said, the sound of guns being cocked ringing with his words, "Ten, nine."

As he began continuing, Ichigo realized how serious the man was and so did everyone else as they all began screaming and fleeing the area as quickly as they could. At times the people in the crowd nearly trampled one another in their haste to leave before they began firing. Ichigo and Shiro quickly darted into an alleyway as the man said, "One," and the firing began. Bullets sprayed across the area pelting those who hadn't gotten out of there in time. Ichigo closed his eyes to the horrific scene of innocent people being shot down for no reason, before following Shiro away from there.

The two had raced along the edge of chain link fence that had separated the infected from the uninfected, but now had no purpose seeing as the infected were no longer there. Stopping to catch their breath, Ichigo looked around them to find the area deserted. His amber eyes quickly found a part of the fence that had separated them from the zombies had ripped open. Sauntering over to it, Ichigo did a quick check before ducking through it.

On the other side, Ichigo looked at his twin impatiently and said, "Come on. We're going to find another way to get to dad, Karin, and Yuzu."

Shiro grinned manically, before hurrying after his twin through the chain link fence. Once they were both on the other side, they both jogged off in search of another way out of the city. As they ran down the streets they came across a few infected, which they were able to avoid without too much hassle. Shiro being the maniac that he is happily attacked the infected punching and kicking them with fervor. Ichigo was more reluctant to do so, but having no choice helped Shiro out when he had to. As they fought the infected they found it was hard to keep them down, only when Shiro cracked one of their necks did they find a way to keep them down for good.

The sky slowly began to get dark as night began to fall, and as night fell more and more infected began to appear. Unable to fight all of them, they had no choice but to try and find some place to stay for the night. Shiro had found a gun store and was more than eager to go there, which Ichigo couldn't tell his brother no when he knew that they'd need the weapons. Opening the door to the shop, a bell rang above their heads, making Ichigo cringe at the sound. As Ichigo wandered silently around the shop, Shiro gleefully went from case to case taking in the sight of every weapon in them.

Keen amber eyes gazed out the shop window as the infected walked past them obliviously. It was a wonder that they didn't find them in here, too. What in the world did the virus do to those infected with it, Ichigo wondered as he turned away from the window. It was getting hard to see in the shop the darker it became and Ichigo wasn't willing to turn on any lights in case it caught the attention of the infected. Walking around the counter with the cash register on it, Ichigo searched for a flashlight. His hand came across the cold metal of a flashlight before he could even see it. Pulling out the flashlight, he pushed the soft button on its side turning it on. Light illuminated the wall before him, temporarily blinding him for a moment. Once he was able to see again, he saw that the flashlight had actually been illuminating a door. Grabbing the door knob and twisting, he expected it to be locked but it opened easily, surprising him.

"I'm going to go look in here," Ichigo said to Shiro, peering up the stairs on the other side of door.

Making his way up the stairs, he cautiously looked for any infected that could have been locked up here. Lucky there were none, but there was a fully furnished apartment up there. Ichigo's stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten for a while and neither had Shiro. Setting off in search of food, Ichigo rummaged through the kitchen that was surprisingly fully stocked. Pulling out some food, Ichigo made a simple meal for him and his twin, before he called Shiro up from the shop to come eat. As he was munching on his food, Shiro finally appeared with a couple different kinds of food and having locked the door to the upstairs behind him. Sitting down beside Ichigo, Shiro picked up his food and began eating. The say in silence for a while as they ate before Ichigo finally broke it.

"I think one of us should keep watch, while the other sleeps," he says, taking another bite.

"Sounds like a good idea," Shiro agreed. "Who should take first watch?"

"I'll do it," Ichigo replied automatically.

"Are you sure," his twin asked, getting up from his spot on the floor.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Ichigo said, also getting up from the floor.

"Okay then," Shiro said, heading towards the bedroom, "Night."

"Night," Ichigo said in response, before meandering over to a window in the living room that over looked the street outside.

Sitting in front of it, Ichigo gazed at the infected that walked aimlessly down the street. They were a gruesome sight to behold that would more than likely haunt his dreams. As he watched them he knew this was going to be a long night.

A/N: This is a story I've been working on for a while now, I was just inspired by the game Resident Evil 6 to really get writing. I'll be using things from Resident Evil, like the T-virus, because I'm not creative enough to think of names for everything myself. Tell me what you all think so far. Reviews and all that good stuff greatly appreciated.

Ichigo: Yes! I can't get pregnant in this one. =D
Author: Be good, or else I'll find a way to make you pregnant.
Ichigo: *Throws a bar of soap and knocks out Author.*