
I do not own Star Wars and I don't earn any money with this piece of fiction. I write it for entertainment purpose only.

Fives led his General's secretaries, Christina in a blue skirt, Elisabeth in wide cut trousers, through the uniform grey corridors of the GAR headquarters on Coruscant.

"Since you are going to be traveling in a republic cruiser the General instructed me to introduce you to the most important rules for living in close quarters."

The two young women nodded, listening intently to their guide and friend.

"I realize that you have already made yourself comfortable with the official rules, but please feel free to ask about anything that is still unclear. Also, I was told to put special emphasis on anything that is not in the rules but still common ship-board procedures. In the GAR, on a republic cruiser there is an unwritten rule about questions. There are two questions you must never ask."

Fives fixed Elisabeth and Christina with a single look.

"I am serious; you do not ask these if you have any intention of keeping your sanity.

These questions are 'Why' and 'How'."

Elisabeth chuckled, Fives scoffed at the black haired woman.

"You are laughing now, but trust me. You do not want to ask these two questions."

"But, what if we have to ask them? I mean, sometimes you have to know, right?"

Christina smiled, trying to will the awkwardness of the rule away. She reached about to Five's shoulder, so she had to tilt her head up a little in order to look him in the eye.

Fives nodded, "That's right. If and I am stressing this, if you ever find yourself in a situation that requires these questions, you better ask 'Do I want to know?' first."

Elisabeth was close to downright laughing; only biting it back to greet the General Skywalker and Captain Rex, as they turned into the corridor, scaling the stairs to the upper floor.

The captain was about to reply with a courteous nod, as something hot pink and glittering hurled itself across the top corridor and down the stairs, tackling Fives with a gleeful shout.

General Skywalker grabbed Elisabeth's arm and dragged her out of harm's way as the two clones, one in white, one in hot pink tumbled down the stairs. At the end of their rough fall Fives squirmed his way out of Echo's vice-like grip and jumped to his feet.

Christina had thrown herself against the railing to avoid the two fighting men pulling her with them.

Fives could only shout out a quick "Sir, if you would please continue the tour," before Echo, dark in anger, clambered to his feet and took another launch at his brother.

"Get back here you dirty little Shabuir!" The clone roared as he raced after Fives, who in turn, took to his heels.

Really, any clone of Jango Fett in full anger was quiet a scary sight.

Usually, just a default glare was enough to make Christina bow her head and get out of his way, but here she couldn't suppress a giggle.

Echo's hot pink armor had a beautiful shine to it, although the rainbow sparkles in the paint might have something to do with the way it reflected the light.

Fives had really outdone himself this time. Not that it helped him much as he raced into the next corridor on the lower floor, his brother hot in pursue and closing in.

Skywalker, still on the stairs, looked after them, "Fives missed the lining on Echo's shoulder bell."

He turned to his captain. "I have a meeting this afternoon, Rex please schedule someone to pick up where Fives left off. Where was that?"

The last question was directed towards Christina, who still gripped the stair's railing in fright.

"He just informed us of the unwritten rules about questions Master Jedi." She forced out, slowly forcing her hands to let go of the durasteel.

They heard a shout and the sound of something heavy hitting the ground. There was a short scuffle, and laughter by the men in the next corridor.

A few moment of silence later Echo returned, now clad in white, holding the newly colored armor under his arm. His face had returned to his usual pleasant look, but some color still remained in his cheeks.

He crossed the hall and stopped in front of his general, giving him a textbook salute.

"Sir, I apologize for the commotion."

"Accepted, now 'do I want to know?'"

"Sir, no Sir!"

The general nodded. "Alright, return to your duties."

"Sir, yes Sir!"

Echo snapped another salute and walked up the stairs.

Just as he turned around the corner in the upper floor, Fives appeared at the foot of the stairs.

He tried his best to appear casual, but was failing miserably. No wonder. His brothers were snickering as he crossed their way in his black jumpsuit.

He too, performed a textbook salute in front of his General and CO, but somehow the movement seemed lost as he performed it in basically his underwear.

General Skywalker stared down at him, scrutinizing the clone wearing an unreadable look.

"Well," he started, stopped and shook his head.

Fives shifted, suddenly cold with fear, had he gone too far, this time?

His body felt heavy, his head light, at the same time.

He didn't dare say anything.

Skywalker continued. "Well, Fives, you missed a spot. The lining on Echo's right shoulder bell was still white."

With that, he gave the trooper a nod and continued his way.


Christina and Elisabeth are two OCs from my story Revelations, I hope putting them in here didn`t make things confusing. I just needed two people the rule could be explained to.

Since my main story is giving me trouble, here a little something that developed out of a conversation with my beta-reader.

We were talking about Warhammer, Space Marines and that different Chapters have differently colored armor when she dropped the gem of Space Marines in hot pink, glittering armor.

Of course my brain did have to go ahead and send me a picture of an angry space marine in pink armor with rainbow colored glitter.

Over the process of refining the idea the Space Marine turned into a clone trooper and the Chapter colors into a good, old fashioned prank.

Oh, and no, Fives didn't have to finish the tour in his jumpsuit, Hardcase took over for him.

Although Fives had to clean Echo' s armor before he got his own back.