A/N: So yeah... I've been out of commission for a while. College has been hard as balls, so I couldn't update much. But I have been writing! So look forward to more updates, because I'm gonna start a massive dump of updates and new stories.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

"Hey"- Human speech

'Hey'- Human thought

"Hey"- Jutsu/Demon speech

'Hey'- Demon thought

Let's begin.

"Hmm... they seem busy. They won't mind me dropping in, now would they?" Naruto asked seemingly no one, standing on a hill overlooking Kirigakure no Sato.

It had been a few months since he left Konoha with the three doujutsu in his possession; he had trained in the three doujutsu as much as he could in that time, and he always mentally sneered at the Byakugan and how limited its Juuken was. The Sharingan was an oddity; after he killed his siblings, some inner part of him that still loved them drowned in despair, so the eyes evolved into the Mangekyou Sharingan, and gave him a slew of new abilities, like the black flames of Amaterasu, the unbeatable genjutsu of Tsukuyomi, and the final form of the Sharingan, the ethereal warrior, Susanoo. He had also discovered the Rinnegan gave him incredibly diverse powers, known as the Six Paths. Deva, the Path of God, gravity manipulation; Human, the Path of Man, mind-reading, soul-stealing, and extreme taijutsu prowess; Animal, the Path of Beasts, summoning any animal to aid one in battle; Naraka, the Path of Hell, summoning the King of Hell for interrogation, or to devour their soul; Preta, the Path of the Hungry Ghost, absorb all forms of chakra; and Asura, the Path of Machines, turning his body into a cyborg filled to the brim with deadly weapons, most having to do with machines. He had managed to switch between the paths to a minimum of five seconds; he would have to work on that, especially for the next battle. Thanks to Kurama, he wouldn't have to worry about his eyesight deteriorating from using the Sharingan, but it still hurt to use it too much, especially Amaterasu. The Byakugan... sat in the corner thinking about what it's done for being so limited. He also trained in Kurama's youki and managed to get up to four tails before he would lose himself to the madness and instincts.

"I don't think they will. And if they do, you have enough power to handle them." a demonic voice answered him. After absorbing his siblings, Naruto had brought the Kyuubi's consciousness into a whole being, and it was actually a lot friendlier than the tales spun it to be. The Kyuubi had a true name: Kurama, which he gave to Naruto in immediate respect for both bringing his parts together and his own gratitude for killing his siblings. Apparently, the small parts of his being that was sealed in them were subject to their extremely grating personalities, and he, and the world, were better off without them. "Wait..." Kurama interrupted before Naruto could comment. He sniffed the air through his connection with Naruto. "I smell Isobu." He said, growling lowly.

"The Sanbi?" Naruto questioned with a raised brow. "I did hear that the Mizukage was his jinchuriki." He commented.

"Well whoever it is, the Sanbi is definitely here. Kill the jinchuriki and absorb that turtle-teme. And thanks to this Kimera no Jutsu, I can sense Kekkei Genkai, and I can sense Shikotsumyaku, Yoton, and Futton. Curiously, the last two are in one body." Kurama commented.

"Ah yes, Terumi Mei, leader of the Kiri rebellion. I hear she's quite attractive; but the size or shape doesn't matter, just the blood." Naruto responded, smirking evilly, showing his shark-like teeth that seemed to form just for his intimidating smile.

"...You're a sadistic little fuck, aren't you?" Kurama asked.

"Yes, I thought it was obvious." Naruto responded as he walked/slid down the hill towards Kiri. "But do you really think I'm strong enough to fight the Sanbi?" He asked, actually worried.

"With the Sharingan's Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, and especially that Susanoo, some of the Byakugan's techniques despite how you hate on it, and the Rinnegan's Six Paths, as well as the four tails of my youkai you managed to master, I believe you can handle anything Kiri could throw at you." Kurama uncharacteristically reassured him.

"Thanks, fuzz-butt." Naruto thanked in his own way, smirking at the growling he got in response.

"Fucking gaki..." Kurama grumbled as he cut their connection to get some sleep.

Naruto snickered as he decided to handle the bigger threat and take out Yagura first, sneaking into the village, bringing his chakra-output to civilian levels, sticking to the shadows, as he approached the Mizukage Tower. By some insane coincedence, he made it into the Mizukage Tower and was on the second to top floor. Unfortunately, he ran into some trouble, in the form of someone with a Kekkei Genkai, oddly enough. Probably some poor bastard Yagura brainwashed to make him kill his own family for the Eradication Corps. While his 'Kekkei Genkai senses' could sense he had a single one, he couldn't tell what it was, and the gear and mask hid any defining features. Until white spikes grew out of his arms.

"Fuck. A Kaguya." Naruto cursed under his breath.

"I understand you intend to confront Mizukage-sama. I cannot allow that." The Kaguya said monotonously. He charged right at Naruto, intent on killing him, as instructed by the Mizukage.

He was shot away by an explosion of gravity, Naruto's Rinnegan blazing to life. He jumped after the Kaguya through the hole in the wall his impromptu flight created, landing in the streets below. During his fall from the high tower, he brought his hands together in the Tora seal and breathed a large fireball down at the Kaguya, who retaliated by slamming his spike-ridden hands into the ground a shell of spikes made of bone clamping over him, blocking the flames. "Dance of the Venus Flytrap." The Kaguya announced blandly.

"You Kaguya's and your plants." Naruto complained within the Kaguya's guard in the Juuken stance, thrusting both his palms into his stomach, only for the Kaguya's armor of bone just under the skin to react, spikes sprouting once foreign chakra tried to cause damage to the user, cutting Naruto's hands and causing him to back off. He growled, feeling his back collide with the shell of bone the Kaguya formed. "Fine then; Kaiten!" He yelled, chakra pouring from all his tenketsu as he spun rapidly on one heel, forming a dome of chakra that threw the Kaguya away, destroying the shell of bone as well, giving Naruto room.

The brainwashed bone-user flipped midair and landed on his feet, skidding back. "A Hyuga, but that technique before... not of the Juuken or Byakugan. What are you?" He asked monotonously, tilting his head quizzically.

"Hungry." Naruto answered, his Byakugan changing to the Sharingan, the left bleeding already. "Amaterasu!" He yelled, the black flames of the sun goddess bursting forth towards him, only for his senses to allow him to dodge. As the Kaguya dodged, he readied himself to use Tsukuyomi, focusing on the eyeholes of the Kaguya. When the Kaguya finally looked at him when the flames stopped, he smirked. "Tsukuyomi." He said calmly, smirking as the Kaguya went rigid, and they entered his distorted world of red and black.

Within one second, the Kaguya's mind was shattered, and his body locked up, giving Naruto ample time to just saunter over to him and begin the process of assimilating his Kekkei Genkai into his body, once again thanking Kurama for getting rid of the need for five bodies for one sacrifice to work. He grunted once it was done, and smirked as he channeled chakra to his body and bones popped out all over in spikes as well as the knowledge of multiple techniques for the Kekkei Genkai flooding his mind, only for him to grimace and suddenly yell at the top of his lungs and run around, bitching about the extreme pain of his own bones ripping through his skin. Once they retracted, he stopped his temper tantrum and panted. "Fuck that hurt." He commented, frowning at the laughter he heard inside his mind. 'Fuck you too, Kurama.' He said to the Kyuubi.

Using chakra, he jumped back onto the floor below the Mizukage's office, and took the stairs like none of that happened.

Once he got to the double doors, seeing there was no secretary, he knocked politely. After a few seconds, there was no answer, so he knocked a little more firmly. No answer; he banged on the door. Still none. "Okay, you turtle-fucker, I'm coming in!" Naruto ranted, bringing his boot up and kicking the door in, seeing the Mizukage in his robes just sitting at his desk, waiting patiently. "You knew I was coming." Naruto stated like it was fact.

The Mizukage blinked.

"And you knew I'd beat your ANBU." He said.


"And you sat there, just wanting to piss me off."


Naruto just threw a shoe at him, which he didn't bother to dodge. It merely bounced off his Mizukage hat. In retaliation, a tail of crimson chakra in the shape of a shrimps tail shot through the Mizukage's desk and slapped Naruto out of the Tower.

"...Ow." Naruto said after he stopped skipping across the ground like a stone on a body of water, landing in some rubble. "You could have mentioned he could control all of its youki." Naruto complained to Kurama aloud.

"How the fuck was I supposed to know?" He snapped back.

"Whatever. I got shit to do." He said, quickly using gravity manipulaion to form a shield in front of him to block the concentrated jet of water coming his way. He jumped out of his pile of rubble when a rotating blade of water came his way once the shield went down, slicing up the large chunks of debris.

"Isobu mentioned I shouldn't take you lightly, so I won't." Yagura announced as his cloak of crimson chakra grew a second and third tail, and he went up in an explosion of malicious power, appearing from the kicked up dust cloud as the Sanbi himself.

"Oh, this is fucked!" Naruto complained, staring at the giant turtle with a crab-like shell and three shrimp tails as it glared at him with its one open eye. He sighed, rubbing his face in exasperation, but decided it would be best to fight back. "It seems we have reached an impasse. I wish to absorb you, and you are being difficult. Very well then, if you wish to take this fight up a level, I shall happily oblige." Naruto announced as ethereal flames formed around him, a phantom skeleton matching the size of the Sanbi surrounding Naruto. This was his incomplete Susanoo, but instead of the burning eyes in the empty eye sockets, they were stark white, its clawed hands set in a familiar stance, Naruto controlling its movements. "Susanno combined with the Juuken... let's see if such a bullshit theory works." He mused to himself, channeling chakra through the extension of his soul, closing his stark white, tomoe-bearing eyes, the chakra constructs hands glowing more than the rest of its body, preparing to attack the giant demons tenketsu.

Isobu merely reared its head back, channeling youki to its mouth, and spat out three giant water bullets, a shockwave of chakra showing their speed broke the sound barrier, as well as a sonic boom.

"Okay, time for another theory!" Naruto panicked and overloaded the chakra he channeled to Susanoo, more arms forming from its shoulders, a total of ten arms now adorning the giant spiritual warrior, as Naruto spun on his heel, pouring out the chakra from Susanoo's palms, as it had no tenketsu, so he had to make more outlets of chakra possible, thus more arms. "Kaiten!" He yelled, Susanoo spinning with him, creating a massive dome of chakra to shield him from the water bullets, also flattening the area around them.

(Rebellion Battlefield)

Terumi Mei was currently fighting alongside her warriors, fighting off the Kekkei Genkai Eradication Corps. She had melted three ANBU using her Yoton, when she suddenly heard a deafening roar in the distance, followed by the crash of multiple buildings being crushed. Looking towards Kiri, she saw something that made her heart sink: the Mizukage had transformed into the Sanbi and was on the rampage. Just when she was about to order her men to retreat, she saw a blood-red flaming figure form in the way of his water bullets, a skeletal phantom with ten arms, and spin in place, using a Hyuuga technique she remembered Ao use with his singular Byakugan, the Kaiten, deflecting the bullets and flattening the area around them. Was the giant, flaming figure another power of the Byakugan, or was this the power of the specific person who had the brass balls to fight the Mizukage? Whoever it was, she was indebted to them if they actually won.

(Fight near Mizukage Tower)

Once he slowed down, Naruto panted heavily, significantly drained from the overload of chakra he poured out for that technique. "Okay... that technique... is a last resort..." He pointed out to himself between pants. He cut some of the chakra off, Susano's arms shrinking to only two, but just in case the Sanbi would send another volley of water bullets, he brought up his Susanoo to its complete form, which thankfully was strong enough to be its own shield. As the ethereal flames intensified, Naruto's white eyes turned blood red, as he deactivated his Byakugan, and concentric rings formed in his red-grey eyes, deciding to use the Rinnegan with Susanoo.

The Sanbi roared at him and jumped slightly, curling into a giant ball adorned with its spiked carapace, slightly making a sound that sounded like a whale call, and barreled towards Naruto, intent on squishing him. As it neared him, two clawed, armored arms shot out and attempted to stop him, four more arms progressively joining them. Hefting up the ball-shaped bijuu, Naruto threw the Sanbi to the other side of Kiri, panting heavily as Kurama's chakra made his features more feral, and thus his mind more violent. His completed Susanoo wore a lion-like helmet, two massive fangs framing the black abyss of its face, a massive mane of spiky hair sticking out the back, as the phantom warrior wore armor that looked like a bare chest, but had odd designs carved throughout it, lines framing the musculature of a human body, but other lines branching from them, like the circuitry detail of his Asura Path of the Rinnegan. On its shoulders - including the shoulders of the extra arms - were large horns, a jet-like spout on either side of the bases of them that expelled flames made of chakra. On the forearms were massive gauntlets covered in demonic faces with glowing eyes that covered the top of the equally large fists.

Naruto's Susanoo was different from any others of the past; it had no weapons, no means of defense, just all-out brute strength. But the real beauty of it...

"No rest!" Naruto roared as he jumped with his Susanoo, slamming all of its right fists into the carapace of the bijuu, rocketing it across the village again.

It was fast.

"Not done with you yet!" As the Sanbi flew, Naruto appeared in its path with a massive jet of flames bursting from the spouts in its shouulder, acting as a mass of thrusters, Susanoo's arms pointing towards it. "Shinra Tensei!" He yelled and Isobu was rocketed in the other direction, roaring in pain once he finally stopped.

Really fast.

After it righted itself, the Sanbi sneered at Naruto. "What are you?!" It questioned, actually terrified for its life.

Holding an open palm to Isobu as his hair and clothes ruffled in the raging storm of Susanoo's interior, he answered. "I am Uzumaki Uchiha Naruto. I am twelve years old, an orphan, both of fate and my own hand, and I will become the new Juubi and hold all Kekkei Genkai. You will submit your power and I shall make the process as painless as possible, or you shall suffer more than you needed to." He informed Isobu, eyes burning with evil determination.

The Sanbi's single eye widened at his proclamation. "You killed your siblings? You plan to become the new Juubi?! I cannot allow this; I will not be lost to the consciousness I was separated from! I will not die and become another piece of something! I WILL KILL YOU!" Isobu raged as he charged up a Bijuudama.

Naruto sighed. "Ugh, these demons and their individualism. Can't they see this is something much greater than them? Don't they want to contribute to the destruction of the world? Tsk tsk, selfish." He mused to himself as he readied himself to use a much stronger technique than Kaiten.

With a sonic boom, the foul chakra beam fired, and at the same time, Naruto struck. "Shugohakke Rokujuuyon Shou!" He yelled as Susanoo followed his movements, creating a large dome of flexible blades of chakra, continuously replacing and reinforcing them as the Bijuudama neared. He could only hope this technique could hold up against something of that caliber.

An unstoppable force met a theoretical immovable object, but which would win? An explosion of sound and light obscured the results, but as the dust fell and light dimmed, a disenheartening absence showed itself; Susanoo was gone.


But something much stronger and more terrifying took its place.

Eyes gaping, perfect circles of white light, a toothy maw of the same illumination, a head of spikes mimicking hair, two large fox ears sweeping back, clawed hands and feet, four tails swaying behind the crouched figure, Naruto was reformed.

Isobu's single eyes widened again to almost impossible proportions as he spied the miniature Kyuubi before him, a whole tail stronger than him. Despite the miniscule amount, a single tail held quite a vast amount of power; thus why even the Ichibi was dangerous. Deciding that acting fast would be the greatest chance for survival, Isobu raised his claw and immediately slammed it down on the transformed Naruto.

Big mistake. The second he made contact, he already felt the burning touch of the mini-Kyuubi's claws as it caught him by a finger and lifted him into the air and threw him to the other side of the village, quickly jumping into the air to follow him. Knitting his claws together, Naruto spun midair, letting his raw chakra manipulation both elongate his arms and enlarge his fists, until they were about half the size of the Sanbi, a massive wrecking ball as it slammed onto Isobu's shell, cracking it and slamming him down into the village.

The rebels and Yagura's men stopped fighting, in awe at the spectacle they were witnessing; a fully-fledged bijuu was getting trounced by a comparably miniscule... something. It had four tails, but was much too small to be the Yonbi. So what was it?

Well, whoever or whatever it was, it was defeating the Mizukage, and they just might win/lose this war.

Landing next to the Sanbi, Naruto, in full control of his actions, slammed his claws into the ground, various spots around the overturned Isobu shattering open on the ground and multiples of his arms shot up into the air, grabbing it by the rim of its shell and lifting it up, slowly spinning it above Naruto, and throwing it as hard as they could into the sky. Detaching his arms from the extras, letting them burn away, Naruto fell to all fours as the chakra that covered his body started to form something around him. Soon a demonized Susanoo formed from the chakra covering Naruto, its six arms clutching the ground the same way Naruto did, as he, and it, snapped their heads up to face the Sanbi, and shot off the ground, quickly meeting Isobu in the air, and began pummeling the defenseless demon turtle. Soon throwing the Sanbi to the ground, Naruto landed on its stomach gently, as his blank eyes started to change. Various circles formed in the balls of light, creating the ripple pattern of the Rinnegan on his face in two spots. Rearing his head up, he screamed a deafening roar powered by a giant Shinra Tensei, causing the Sanbi to flail uncontrollably as he was struck with the sphere of destructive gravity, nowhere to go but deeper in the ground, the field following him due to the epicenter of his enemy. After a full minute of being battered and dug into the earth, the field finally stopped, and the Sanbi had given up on fighting its opponent, finally seeing the difference in strength.

Roaring in triumph, Naruto slammed his palms onto the stomach of the Sanbi, and began the process of assimilating his youki into his body, his third tail bristling and growing spikes to mimic the shrimp tail of Isobu. With the influx of youki came a burst of the demon energy, a shockwave that sent all near and far flying a couple of feet from their original places. Once the foul chakra receded, a noticeably pink Naruto stood in the crater he created, the skin discoloration the result of a layer or two of skin being burnt off from the youki. After a few seconds of poking his sensitive skin and going 'Ow' like an idiot, Naruto passed out.

This was how Terumi Mei and her rebels found him, Yagura's men surrendering after witnessing the utter destruction of their leader. Seeing the hero of the Kiri Civil War was in need of shelter from the elements, she picked up the admittedly cute kid and ordered her men to ready a bed for him in her new abode: the Mizukage Tower. She would take up the mantle Yagura tainted with his corruption and bring Kiri back to an age of glory.

Oh how wrong she was.

(Next morning)

Naruto awoke to the mental congratulations of Kurama absorbing the Sanbi's youki, stating that one of his tails turned into Isobu's, and told him his next target, Terumi Mei, had taken him in to thank him for helping her and her men. They both shared a cynical laugh that she made finding her that much easier, now just wearing her down to assimilate her would be a chore. The influx of youki shot his control to hell, so techniques would cost him more chakra; thankfully, he had infinitely more now that he absorbed the Sanbi, so that wasn't much of an issue. Short term. In the long run, it will be quite a handicap, so he'd have to train in chakra control, again. Thank god for Kage Bunshin, though.

Sitting up from the bed and testing his motor skills, seeing they didn't suffer from the transformation, and he got out of bed and did a few stretches to work out any kinks. He suppressed a feral grin when his target walked right in, smiling at him sincerely that he seemed up and raring to go. "Who are you?" She asked, leaning against the frame that kept the tent entrance open.

Naruto just stretched his arms up, trying to ignore his diminutive height. "Oh... just the stuff of legends." He whispered to her, grinning foxily to wear down her guard. And it worked, as she just giggled at him and shook her head disbelievingly, even though she saw it for herself. This boy single-handedly defeated Yagura and won the war for them. He looked only twelve or thirteen. She just couldn't believe it.

"But really, what should I call my hero?" She asked, sauntering over to him.

"Oh, I'm no hero." Naruto responded, speaking the truth but knowing she would see it as modesty.

"Oh, don't be like that. Do you even understand the gravity of the situation? You just killed the Mizukage!" She reminded him, as well as herself.

Naruto simply waved it off. "Bah, he was small-time stuff. I have bigger targets than him." He 'informed' her.

She nodded in apparent understanding. "Ah yes, the Akatsuki you mean?" She asked.

"The who?" Naruto asked, his interest piqued.

"A group of S-rank missing nin working in a mercenary group. They apparently have interest in bijuu and are very strong so we, uh..." She trailed off, suddenly smiling nervously and rubbing the back of her head like his damnable brother used to do. "We hired one of them. I believe his name is Deidara. He's on his way right-" She started, before being interrupted by an intruding messenger. "Is there any reason why you have interrupted me?" She asked the man sternly, turning her glare on him.

The man stiffened under her gaze and gulped audibly. "T-Terumi-sama, a message has come for you. It is stamped with a red cloud in white outline." He answered fearfully.

Her eyes widened and she held her hand out for it. Giving her the letter and beating a hasty retreat, the messenger sighed in relief when he left that tent with his testicles intact, non-melted.

After quickly reading over the letter, she sighed. "It would appear the Akatsuki member they were going to send us isn't coming. They have prior engagements to attend to, and..." Her eyes widened in disbelief at the next few lines. "...congratulated us on winning the civil war." She finished.

Naruto's eyes widened at this impossibility. It had only been a few hours since the defeat of Yagura and the takeover of Kiri, so how did this Akatsuki already know?!

Outside the village, a man held in venus flytrap smirked as he sunk into a nearby tree.

"P-perhaps word has simply spread quickly. Maybe one of my men ran out to the nearest neighboring town and told of our victory. Word travels fast in the shinobi world." Mei tried to reason with herself. A look from Naruto told her he didn't believe it, and knew she didn't, either. She sighed in defeat. "Well, however it happened, it doesn't matter. This will help spread the word that Kiri is in a state of peace and will rise up to be one of the Great Five again." She reassured herself determinedly.

Naruto chuckled, somewhat ominously, at her bravado. "Very well, Terumi-san." He commented.

Mei turned a flirtatious gaze on him. "Now now, shinobi-san, no need to be so formal. Just call me Mei... or Mei-chan, if you prefer." She responded.

Naruto smirked back up at her. "My name's Naruto. Uzumaki Uchiha Naruto." He answered her early inquiry of his name.

Her eyes widened. "The son of the Yondaime Hokage?! And the jinchuriki to the Kyuubi no Kitsune? My, you have quite a lot to live up to, Naruto-kun." She commented.

Naruto chuckled. "Indeed. Now, since you seem to adamant to repay me for helping you, may I ask you for a light spar?" He asked, beginning his plan. He would wear her down with a spar and strike, assimilating her Kekkei Genkai, none of her men the wiser. He didn't need more trouble than necessary.

He mentally cursed when she raised her hands. "Oh, I don't think I could match up. After all, you just killed the Mizukage and woke up from a surely shocking experience like it was another night of sleep." She reasoned with him.

"Oh, come on, Mei-chan, just a light spar. I promise I'll go easy on you." He whined.

"Oh, fine, but just to show you that while I may not be able to measure up to what you can do, I am not weak, so don't 'go easy' on me. At least take me as a challenge." She asked of him.

"Of course. Lead the way." Naruto gestured for her to lead them to an open field for their fight.

Leading Naruto through the village, he was waved at and praised by the citizens for his heroism in liberating Kiri. He waved back at them and smiled, not showing his contempt for all of them.

Once they made it the field, Naruto decided that a bit of incentive would be needed to keep her from running once he showed his true intentions. Channeling chakra to his hands, he slammed them on the ground and the earth rumbled around the field. Slowly, large spires of bone rose from the earth and created a treacherous ring around them.

"Naruto-kun, what is the meaning of this?" Mei questioned.

"Oh, shut up! You and your flirting; it's infuriating! The things I have to do to get these abilities! Listen, I didn't come to Kiri to help you and your petty rebellion!" Naruto finally showed his true nature.

"What?!" Mei was deeply disturbed and hurt. This kid was using her for his own intentions. She would have none of that.

"I came for the Sanbi and Kekkei Genkai. As you can see, I took Shikotsumyaku, and assimilated the Sanbi's youki when I defeated him. Now, I have the power of both bijuu! And I know you have two Kekkei Genkai, so I'm here to collect!" He explained his purpose here.

Mei was horrified; this brat was harvesting bloodlines and bijuu like they were trinkets! And she was next on the list! Well, no way in hell was she going down without a fight. "Well then, guess that means our spar is a fight to the death." She said while stringing hand signs together. "Futton: Koumu no Jutsu!" She yelled, spewing out a cloud of corrosive mist that melted the ground as it barreled towards Naruto, who simply used a Shinra Tensei to disperse the mist, shooting forward to appear within her guard, burying his elbow in his stomach then following up with the same elbow shooting up into her chin, snapping her head back as he grabbed her shoulders and threw her over his shoulder towards some trees while quickly forming his own technique. "Fuuton: Daitoppa!" He thrust his hands forward and a great gust of wind slammed into Mei and sent her slamming into a tree. Holding a hand out to her, his Rinnegan blazing, the grey-purple now pure white. "Bansho Ten'in!" He yelled, and Mei was flying towards him against her own will, Naruto set in a stance she was familiar with due to Ao. "Kaiten!" He continued, spinning in place as Mei was grinded against the sphere of chakra for twenty seconds, throwing her off by the end. Sliding to face her, Naruto agreed with himself that this fight would have to be decided with just his jutsu; no youki or secondary techniques of the Sharingan. So, elemental techniques and doujutsu techniques were his arsenal for now until he could train in his youkai again. Deciding to put the Byakugan to use, the concentric circles of his eyes faded as he fell into a stance. Once Mei stood up, he struck. "Hakke Rokujuyounsho!" He yelled, lunging at her and jabbing her twice, four times, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, then sixty-four. The final strike was a double-palm hit to her abdomen, sending her tumbling away.

Coughing a bit of blood from the assault, Mei got back up and smirked defiantly. "You think... I wouldn't have some way to fight against the Juuken with a subordinate with a Byakugan? Stupid kids... always jumping forward, never thinking." She clapped her hands together and flared her chakra, flooding her system and opening all her tenketsu. It had the negative effect of hurting her a bit more and sending a wave of numbness through her body for a bit. But it passed, and she had full control of her chakra again. Stringing her hands together, she called out. "Yoton: Yokai no jutsu!" She spat out a large, thin sheet of lava in an arc, causing Naruto to jump back to escape. The copious smoke generated afterwards let her use a follow-up attack. "Suiton: Suiryudan no jutsu!" She yelled, using water from a nearby pond to send the projectile towards Naruto through the smoke, hitting him dead-center, slamming him against a tree. "Yoton: Yogan Katamari no Jutsu!" She yelled, spitting out several large globs of lava towards the prone Naruto, drowning him in liquid fire. She smirked at her apparent triumph and turned away to return to her camp, only for her to feel cold steel against her neck and some sort of barrel against her stomach. Looking down, she saw Naruto - alive and uninjured - with a segmented blade sticking out of the palm of his hand and his right arm transformed into a cannon, the nozzle glowing with chakra. "I win." He said, slitting her throat and blasting her through the stomach.

But instead of blood spilling, water flowed from the wounds. Growling, Naruto stepped back as the water clone fell to the ground, shifting his arms back to normal from using the Asura Path. He held his hand up as he concentrated chakra into a sphere above it. 'Guess my idiot siblings were good for something. Jiraiya's favoritism paid off. The technique of my damn father is useful.' He mused to himself as he formed the infamous Rasengan his father used to defeat 200 Iwa shinobi single-handedly. Taking advantage of Mei's shock at the technique, he charged her and slammed the sphere into her stomach. "Rasengan!" He yelled, letting the whirlpool in a sphere send her flying into a tree.

Terumi Mei was defeated, laying at the feet of her opponent, a child. Coughing up blood and glaring up at him defiantly even to the end, she scorned him. "You were our hero... you liberated Kirigakure. Why are you doing this?" She asked painfully.

Naruto kneeled down to her and looked her in the eyes. "If I cannot be loved in my home, I will be feared in the world." He answered and slammed his palm into her stomach, assimilating her Kekkei Genkai. He winced at the influx of information; so many techniques. Suiton, Yoton, Futton, taijutsu, battle strategies. And information... apparently the rebellion was seeking aid from the Rokubi jinchuriki, a missing-nin by the name of Utakata. He smirked as Mei's memories gave him the location of his next target. He sauntered away from the field, Mei's subordinates none the wiser until it would be far too late and he'd be long gone.

(Several hours later)

Making his way to an isolated piece of land hidden under a genjutsu and protected by... fucking bubbles, Naruto came upon the haven for Utakata. This haven would be his tomb.

'So Kurama, what can you tell me about the Rokubi?' Naruto asked his transformed tenant.

'From what I remember, Saiken can utilize a special Water Release revolving around bubbles and corrosive properties; I might even say an "Acid Release." And as a warning, despite him being hot-headed, Saiken would most likely befriend his jinchuriki, so it's possible this Utakata has control over his youki.' Kurama informed Naruto.

'Well shit. I guess that would explain the bubbles that actually went after me. Thank Kami I had clones train my control along the way. And all those techniques Terumi and the Kaguya had were quite versatile.' Naruto mentally mused. He frowned when he remembered his clones couldn't help him train his pain tolerance for the Shikotsumyaku; he'd have to do that himself. Joy. So until then, he would have to settle for Lava and Boil Release techniques added to his arsenal and minor Shikotsumyaku techniques.

As he traversed the island towards the center, as that was most likely where the Rokubi jinchuriki was, Naruto allowed a feral grin to spread across his face.

End Ch. 2

Like I said, I'm definitely gonna start updating stuff, so this is just a small part of the dump. But of course, just 'cause there's a lot of content, doesn't mean the quality is lower. Part of the reason why I haven't updated recently was because I tried to make the chapters good instead of just throwing them out to appease you guys. I'm sorry if that annoys you, as I know it has, because I've recently received 'reviews' in some stories saying its actually disappointing because I haven't updated in a while. I hope to fix that.

Ja ne!