A lone figure streaked through the dense pine forest, swerving around hefty trunks and dodging the boughs heavily laden in needles. Its crimson gaze was unfazed, moonlight flickering on its shadowy pelt through the straining swathes of branches. Red streaks like blood lined the top-half of its spiked hair. A feminine scent wafted through the forest in a path, entwined with another male scent, obviously her mate. His unsatible hunger for blood drove him forward, pushed him on towards his next kill.

A violet she-cat laid neatly on the soft, cushiony grass of Silvera Park, stars twinkling overhead. Her tail-tip flicked arond lazily, landing gently on an albino hedgehog's chest that laid beside her, eyes closed. Her amber eyes reflected the full ivory moon that hung in the midnight sky. The reddish gem on her forehead shone in the moonlight as well.

Today had been perfect to Blaze. Her boyfriend, Silver, had picked her up in his newly bought Mustang (appropriatly a silvery color) and had took her to a romantic restaurant, the mall, to the movies, and now to spend some time alone at the park that was conveinantly open 24/7. She sighed as she felt the golden chain on her neck, an athymest pendent hanging off it. Yes, it had been truly wonderful.

Blaze's ears twitched, catching the slight sound of something storming towards...them? She double-checked. Yes, towards them. But why?

"Silver? Silver?" she whispered gently towards him. No responce.

"Silver. Silver. Silver. Silver, stop it, I know your awake." Still no responce.

Sighing, Blaze shifted her position to face him. A weakly-hid grin was plastered on his face. "Silver!" Still no responce. She resorted to slapping him across the face, which thankfully worked.

"Blaze, don't slap me! I heard you, I heard you!"

"Finally. Now tell me I'm not crazy."

"I've known you for 3 years, Blaze, but I still don't know the answer."

Silver toppled over laughing at the expression on Blaze's face to his comment. "Seriously, I keep hearing something running towards us." she said. Even now, the steady pounding of feet on earth still drove into her ears, getting steadily faster. "We gotta go. Now." He detected the fear in her voice and rose from his spot. Alright, lets head out.

As they began to walk away, Blaze froze. "Whats wrong?" The pounding had increased. "We're too late," she whispered.

The crashing of underbrush and the vicious snarl brought their attention to the woods that framed the southern part of the park. A wolfish shadowy figure was streaking towards them, red highlights on its spiked hair flowing behind it. Its ivory fangs were bared in a snarl. "Run Blaze, run!" screamed Silver, pushing his love behind him. "No! I won't let you!"

Silver stared at her, eyes pleading. "Please, run. Don't look back." Without another word, he launched himself at the beast, hands glowing with psychic power. The creature simply slashed at him with outstreched claws, raking across his stomach as it lunged at his neck. With a sickening crunch, the beast thudded to the ground on all fours, Silver's limp body in its jaws.

Blaze fled, her legs carrying her as fast as possible. The beast abandoned its kill and took chase to the feline, jaws snapping right behind her before finally latching on to her tail. With a screech, Blaze was pulled toward the beast. She was flung into the air, landing right into the monster's maw. With bone-crushing force, it snapped nearly every bone in her body. Warm blood flooded its senses, making it see red. With razor claws, it tore into her stomach, staining the grass and its muzzle red. With a blood-curdiling howl, it fled into the night, leaving the grosteque bodies of the young couple alone on the bloody turf.

For all Silvaze lovers reading this, do not kill me! I started to randomly hate Silver cause he didn't die immeadiatly in a fanfic called Amy's Curse (read it. so good.) so I decided to change that. And honestly, I love Blaze, but she & Silver are a couple, so they die. :) I know its short, but I'll try to make it longer. R&R and tell me what u think! P.S., i thinking about starting a fanfic called Ask the Sonic Crew with mah OCs, so also an opinion on that too. Byzees!
