Don't you hate it when your tail grows back?

Chapter1: Can you please not scream, I'm trying to work

Disclaimer: What exactly is a disclaimer for any way? Can someone please tell me because all I know is that I'm meant to say that I don't own Dragonball Z which I obviously don't.unless I was a man.eeeew!


It was another beautiful day at the Son Residents. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and if you listened hard enough you could hear the whisper of the wind scream "AAAAAGGHHH!!! I'm late for school again!".wait, that's not right?

"Get off me Goten, I'm gonna be LATE!" Gohan quickly kicked a desperate Goten off his leg to replace it with a leg of his orange pants.

"But Gohan I don't want you to leave" whimpered Goten "Mum's gonna make me.clean. Can't I go to school with you?" Goten did his puppy-dog eye routine.

"Ha! You don't wanna go to school with me squirt" Goten didn't look very convinced "oh, come on, it's not like she's asking you to battle an army of Freeza's." "Wow cool! Can I do that" Goten smiled

"Maybe one day squirt but right now I gotta go, see ya" and with that Gohan flew off activating his Saiyaman suit.

***** Finally it was lunch period at Orange Star High and Gohan was absolutely starving, he had realized he had forgotten breakfast on his morning flight to school and even though he was already late he was going to quickly stop off at the local diner to get some but just as he was about to land Videl had found him and began chasing him all over the city in her helicopter the WHOLE morning. Gohan was surprised to find he made it out of that round alive. But, he still didn't understand why was she trying so hard to find out who Saiyaman was.

Gohan tried to shove that thought to the back of his head and started chowing down he was hungry, and to a sayia-jin at a moment like this that all that mattered.

"So Gohan," Videl began to speak "Sharpner told me you were late for school this morning.why is that?" "wef I wood'nf hav bee ate ifff ou wret tiyin oo ill meee" Gohan said with his mouth full (translation: "Well I wouldn't have been late if you weren't trying to kill me") "agh your eating like a pig Gohan, I can't hear a word you said. Can you please swallow BEFORE you speak?"

Gohan swallowed "What I said was I got here late because I slept in a little" Gohan covered up what he said before hoping Videl didn't notice "Well I still find it a little weird that your late, you guys probably don't know it yet but this morning I was chasing saiyaman around the city and-" "oh, come on Videl" Sharpner cut her off "you don't actually think that nerd boy here is pathetic"

"I guess your right" Videl agreed

"You know I always am"

"No your not" Erasa said

"Yes I am, are you questioning me!?"

"Well what about that time Mr Harms our history teacher asked how the pyramids were built and you answered 'some aliens came from Mars and began to build them because they liked triangles' hmmm?

"Well it's pretty obvious isn't it!? I mean don't you like triangles?".the conversation lasted the rest of lunch.

***** "And that's why we never ware slippers outside" Sharpner finished as the four teens took their usual places in the classroom.

It was now math's, the last lesson of the day.

Gohan was surprised he survived last lesson from all the constant staring Videl was giving him. He felt like he was in Big brother or something.

The teacher came in and hushed the class down to begin the lesson.

"Hay Videl?" Erasa tried to get Videl's attention but Videl continued staring at Gohan.

Videl.hhhhhhheeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllloooooooo" Erasa began clicking her waving her hand in front of Videl's eyes but was failing miserably. How was she going to get Videl's attention.then it hit her.

"Hay Videl, I didn't know you were in love with Gohan"

Videl stood up and screamed out to the class "WHAT!? I'M NOT IN LOVE WITH GOHAN"

Everyone instantly turned and stared. Gohan pretended he was working but was actually blushing like crazy.

"uummm Miss Videl, is there something you want to share with the class?" the math teacher asked.

" sir..sorry" Videl quickly sat down and hid behind her math textbook.

"That's quite all right Miss Videl just make sure it DOESN'T happen again" Mr Mutty continued the lesson "Now as you can see if A equals 9 divided by the square root of 22 you get."he went on

"Erasa, why the HELL did you just ask me that" Videl whispered loudly.

"Well I was trying to get you attention but don't I'm okay now" Erasa laughed

"You're NOT forgiven"

Gohan continued working on with the boring math problems. He was working so hard that he didn't seem to hear the rip of material at the back of his pants, or the new brown saiya-jin tail that had grown back or even the loud gasp that Erasa made when she noticed.


Well there's my first FanFic in human history.did you like?

If you did please don't hesitate to review

If you didn't please don't hesitate to review

If you need some cold hard cash please don't hesitate to review.unless you were expecting some.

Gohan: I was expecting some money

Angle Wings: You were.well sorry you're getting none what so ever! So there! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Gohan: It's not that funny.

Angel wings: Yes it is don't ruin my moment HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.HA!

*Gohan backs away very slowly

Gohan: (get me out of here, get me out of here.)

Angel wings: Hay Gohan.are you leaving me!? Because if you are I'm gonna write another chapter whether you like it or not!

Gohan: Yipe!