Do not own Jackie Chan adventures

When jade used the dragon talisman on Shendu at the end of the first season his siblings decided to not allow their brother to return to posses Valmont and try to release them and instead proceed to torture him allowing for the talisman animals arc to happen faster and at the end jade once again uses the dragon talisman to destroy Shendu's Sealed form.

Just a little info on how this timeline turned out

One last thing before I start the story that's been bugging me when ever Shendu Is in his true form he always wears some kind of skirt thing can someone tell me what that is?

The San Francisco zoo was host to a unique scene as the agents of Section 13 were wearing white wizard Robes marching to the beat of drums towards the Fire demon Shendu lead by the old chi wizard known as Uncle Chan who all were chanting "Yu Mo Gui Gwui Fai Di Zao"

The fire demon's eyes widened as he remembered the last time he had seen this scene play out over 903 years ago in china when the talismans were stolen from him by Lo Pei "NO! NOOO! NOT AGAIN!" the dragon demon Screamed as the chi Wizard proceeded to place two glowing pieces of paper with Chinese writing on them in the air in front of him and generating a ball of green energy between his hands

The fire demon dropped Jackie and Jade Chan to the ground and unleashed a stream of fire at the group only for a shield of good chi to stop it allowing for the archeologist to use the demons leg to jump up with enough force to deliver a punch to the demon to knock him to the ground giving uncle the time he needed to finish his spell

"Yu Mo Gui Gwui Fai Di Zao" the agents, Torhu and uncle continued to chant as the green energy had grown to look like uncle was holding a small green star. The green light fired a blast of energy that flew towards the downed dragon demon hitting him dead on covering him with a green aura.

"The Extraction spell is working." Uncle Said "so the powers are going back into the animals?" Jade asked still on the ground from where the demon had dropped her "wait and see." Was uncles clam reaction as Shendu groaned in pain trying in vain to fight the spell "NOOO!" he yelled his body seemed to begin to twist in on its self turning the fire demon back into a stone statue and launching the new talismans out of his body landing around the young Chan.

"Uncle was that?" Jackie asked his uncle in awe as the agents behind him celebrated "yes it was the same spell which turned Shendu to stone many years ago." Uncle said looking at Jackie "Courtesy of Daolong Wong" Jackie and Uncle shared a smile which quickly turned into total shock when they heard Tohru shout "Jade! NO!"

The two men looked to see their ward holding the dragon talisman pointed towards Shendu and before shouting "AND THIS TIME STAY GONE!" the Dragon Talisman released a blast of fire towards the demon statue resulting in an explosion destroying the demon

"You have got to be kidding me" Jackie face palmed. This was a repeat of last Chinese New Year's.

"Aiiee-yaaaahh!" uncle yelled as he ran towards the young Jade "I did not say to kill demon! Why you kill demon!?"

"He hurt Scruffy!" Jade said Right before said Dog jumped on to her and started licking her face causing the young girl to laugh before Uncle pulled the Dog off her and said

"With Shendu revived the balance between good and evil would have been restored! Did you not learn from last time!?" the young girl looked bored at this as she responded

"So what? You said that last time and the only thing that happened was Daolong Wong got into section 13 and Jackie destroyed the talismans. So what's the worst that can happen?" she asked When A dark Voice filled with inhuman hated Echoed through the Zoo stopping the celebrating agents

"CHAN!" the voice of Shendu called Jade quickly turned around towards where the demon had lain her face pale from terror as the smoke rising from the demons remains had gathered into a cloud which was now changing to a dark golden red color and was sporting two glowing red eyes "if I must die again then so shall you child" with that the ghost charged towards the young girl

Uncle showing more speed and strength than you would expect from a man of his age picked jade up and tossed her to Jackie who caught her and lost balance and fell over "JACKIE!SHENDU IS AFTRER JADE GET HER OUT OF HERE! TOHRU HELP ME RESTRAIN SHENDUS SPIRIT!" Uncle yelled as he pulled out his dried puffer fish and began his chant "yes Sensei!" the large apprentice said as he ran to help Uncle with his spell

"This is a very bad day!" Jackie said as he got up off the ground and picked up his niece ignoring the "Hey!" from the young girl as he started running towards the Zoo's exit. The agents attempted to try and help cover the retreat of Jackie and Shendu's target only to quickly learn that the robes they were wearing were near impossible to run in and only managing to trip over each other.

One of the agents happened to have the keys to the handcuffs of the enforcers which fell out near the open door allowing Finn, Ratso and Chow to open their cuffs and make a break for it leaving Hak Foo and Daolong Wong still in cuffs and taking the keys with them only pausing to send a quick "see ya suckers".

Torhu got to uncle the old man sent finished chanting and sent another beam of energy towards the demon Stopping the sprit and causing it to glow "we must hold Shendu for as long as we can and hope Jackie has gotten away. Spell will allow you to hold Shendu" Tohru nodded as he charged the demon sprit

Shendu's Spirit charged them only to be stopped by Tohru who grabbed the demon and tossed him away from where Jackie was taking Jade uncle followed up by launching several chi blasts to where the spirit landed

"YRRRRAHHH!" the demon spirit roared as it pulled itself from the crater it had created only for Torhu to grab Shendu and pin him to the ground

"If you want to get Jade you will have to go through me first Shendu!" the former criminal said struggling to keep the writhing demon pinned to the ground "GLADLY HUMAN!" The demon responded tossing Tohru's Massive body off him and resuming his charge

Torhu got up and assumed a sumo stance preparing to halt the demon in its tracks when out of the corner of his eye he saw Uncle fall to his knees panting with sweat falling off his body "SENSEI!" Tohru called out distracting him from Shendu long enough that demon using some of its remaining power to send out shockwave like roar he received the full brunt of the attack unprepared and got launched into a zoo exhibit cage leaving a large dent in the metal bars.

Shendu let out a roar as he sped away from the wizard and apprentice and towards his prey Tohru laid where he was thrown for a minute before getting up with a groan with the help of a few section 13 agents and too tired to complain. Making his way towards Uncle who was being held up by two agents he bowed and said "I apologize sensei I got distracted and allowed Shendu to pass"

"Uncle wouldn't have been able to keep the spell up much longer anyways." Uncle said with a sigh "Let us hope Jackie git far enough away that Shendu's remaining power will deplete and he will depart this world" as uncle finished his sentence they heard Jackie's voice scream a single word that brought hopeless dread to their faces "JAAAAADDEEE!"

"BRING UNCLE DOG AND HORSE TALISMANS NOW!" the elderly man demanded

(A minute earlier (I was tempted to leave it here but I won't ^_^)

Jackie was running with his niece tucked in his arm "stop struggling Jade we need to get you out of here before Shendu can get here" he told his niece

"But Shendu will never get past Uncle and besides he's a ghost what could he do?" Jade asked still trying to get out of her uncle's grasp. Jackie gave up and placed the young girl on the ground holding her in place with his hands on her shoulders

"Listen to me jade" he said kneeling down to look her in the eyes "even if he is a ghost Shendu is still a demon and has powers that we don't understand so for just this once please listen just this once" Jackie pleaded to the young girl

"Fine" jade said looking at the ground Jackie let out a sigh of relief and was about to say something but was cut off by "CHAAAN!" both Chans looked to where the voice had come from to see Shendu's spirit flying towards them with a green glow

"Run Jade!" Jackie told the girl as on pure reflex let loose with a roundhouse kick which managed to connect with the dragons face knocking it away

Jade not waiting to try and figure out how Jackie had kicked a ghost jade turned and ran leaving her uncle to deal with the demon

Jackie ran towards the demon and attempted a jump kick only for the green aura around it to vanish allowing Jackie to pass right through him Shendu once again began his hunt for the young Chan only now nothing could stall him while Jackie could only utter "ohh no" as he watched the demon chase after his niece.

Jade ran towards the exit only to find a fatal flaw in the escape plan the zoo was closed and a locked iron gate was standing in her way she noticed a wall close enough that she could use it as a booster to jump the wall and without missing a beat she altered her course to collide with her vantage point.

Only it was now that the shoes she was wearing the very ones that she had gotten before she was sent to live with Jackie and uncle and had worn throughout all their adventures and battles decided that now was the time to quit as half of the sole of her shoe separated from the rest when she put her foot down the sole bent throwing her off balance causing her to trip and fall.

She cried in pain as she landed when she rolled over and saw her leg with a piece of metal jetting out from it she reached down to try and pull it out only for a stab of pain to shoot through her. She decided to leave it in for now as she stood up forcing herself to ignore the pain she kicked off her now useless shoes. It was then she heard a laugh that made her eyes widen in shock as she looked back the way she came she saw Shendu charging towards her

"HAHAHA! YOUR MINE NOW CHAN!" The demon laughed. Jade turned and continued to run along her previous course ignoring her leg screaming at her to stop and the tears welling in her eyes blurring her view.

She quickly arrived at the wall and jumped unfortunately her injured leg was the one she had to use for the rebound thus making it so that she couldn't put her full force behind her jump and resulting in her falling short and having to grab hold of the edge of the wall and struggle to pull herself up "Time to die child" her head turned around and came face to face with Shendu grinning face.

She only had time to say "Jackie save me" before Shendu opened his fanged mouth and everything turned to darkness.

When Jackie arrived at the gate he was shocked at what he saw jade was suspended in the air by a red energy sphere that seemed to be forcing itself into her eyes and gaping mouth. "Jade?" was all the archeologist could say as he stood dumbfounded at the site.

It took the red energy a full minute to fully enter jade and once it had fully dissipated she dropped from the sky with a sickening squelch and crack as her shoulder hit the edge of the wall and followed by a thud as she hit the concrete ground awakening Jackie from his stupor.

Jackie ran towards his niece and took her small form into his arms and was horrified at what he saw and screamed "JAAAAADDEEE!" she wasn't breathing.

And that is the end of chapter 1 ^_^

So what do you think will happen to jade now and what has Shendu done well you'll have to find out LOL!

First chapter and things are already getting serious please leave advice if you think I need it and no flames also remember the question at the top please it's really bugging me.