/ So... First fic! Woo! Constructive criticism is welcomed. I may up the rating in later chapters, but, I have no idea! SO. The characters my seem a bit weird, but I tried to write them as if they were a mix of the MusicalVerse and BookVerse. I had a friend who isn't on here as my Beta Reader, so... Hopefully the billion times we read it through, we didn't miss anything. ;-; The fic itself is a lot of Glinda trying to find Elphaba. The italics are memories, and the normal print is... Normal... Print. And there's Boq/Fiyero. Because I ship that. The fic is mostly Gelphie, so if you don't like that, I'm sorry, but it happens to be my fictional OTP. ^-^ Well, enough ramblings from a madwoman. Read on, my new friends!

"Hold out if you can, my sweet."

'Why did that strike such a chord in me?' Glinda Upland thought to herself as the carriage pulled away from the Emerald City. She had just said goodbye to her dearest friend, Elphaba... Her Elphie had left. Run away so that the guards didn't hurt her. Glinda was terrified. She just wanted Elphaba to come home safe, or, at least, back to Shiz, despite her knowing that Elphaba wouldn't be able to come back, she couldn't come back. Her Elphie was a fugitive. Glinda knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to pack up and walk right out of Shiz. She wanted to find Elphaba, and tell her how she felt...but she couldn't. She didn't know where the green woman had gone, nor did she think she'd just find her if she looked. Even with skin as green as the Emerald City, Elphaba knew how to hide. Glinda stared out the window of the carriage, a flashback of when the two were together.

Galinda Upland laughed as she started to run barefoot across Shiz campus. She had, somehow, persuaded Elphaba Thropp to play a game of tag with her. To her delight, the green woman seemed to be a little enthusiastic about the idea. Elphaba's only request was that she was "it". The younger, blonde woman didn't care. She was just excited to play with her new friend. Yes, the idea sounded a bit young, but she didn't care. Today was their day off from schoolwork, and they were going to play.

Galinda continued her running, smirking as the idea to run into the small timber on campus dawned on her. The blonde woman took a turn and ran in-between the trees. She stopped after a while and turned around, satisfied when there was no green bean in sight. She grinned and turned back around. The sight in front of her made her scream in surprise. There was Elphaba, hanging upside-down from a tree branch by her knees. "ELPHABA THROPP!" Galinda screamed, face turning red. Elphaba laughed and let herself down from the tree.

"Yes, Galinda Upland?" She asked calmly, not able to hide the larger-than-life smirk on her hawk-like features. Galinda herself couldn't stop a smile from appearing on her rosy lips, seeing the green girl climb out of the tree. She laughed and threw her arms around the other girl's neck, hugging her tight. She was surprised when the green woman wrapped her arms around the petite waist and hugged her back. For some reason, however, neither girl wanted it to stop. She didn't let go of Elphaba, but instead nuzzled her porcelain face into the green girl's neck. Elphaba smiled a little and held the other closer, more protectively. This was the moment when Elphaba Thropp and Galinda Upland realized they had feelings for each other, and the feelings weren't entirely unwelcome.

Glinda's eyes snapped open as the carriage went over a bump. She felt tears trickle down her cheeks as the memory ended. She didn't want it to end, however. Glinda knew what she had to do. She pounded on the wall of the carriage, signaling for the driver to pull over. When he did, Glinda grabbed her bag and hopped out. She paid the man up front. "Don't tell anyone you saw me. Got it?" She asked, offering another hundred. The man took the money and nodded. He didn't care about the stranger. With a flick of his wrist, the reigns snapped and the horses started moving. Glinda watched the carriage go and she turned around, heading back to the Emerald City.