"H-how much?"

"Eh~? How about five thousand yen?"

"Five thousand? Are you insane?"

"It is the only copy! He somehow found my phone and wiped everything off when I'd only gotten one copy printed. I guess if you don't want it that's okay too… We can always have a bidding war to raise money for the council."

Suzaku buried his face in one hand, exasperated. "Five thousand yen, huh?"

Of course Lelouch had erased the evidence. Luckily—or had she already known what would happen?—Milly had one picture printed of Lelouch dressed as a girl. And, for some reason or another, she was now offering it to Suzaku. He'd wanted to refuse point blank but when she'd shown it to him… How could he resist a picture of Lelouch in a dress wearing that sassy, sarcastic smile?

He dug around in his pocket and pulled out the only money he had for food that week. Of course, Lelouch would always help him out if he was in trouble financially... if Lelouch didn't know what he'd spent it on, obviously. If he did know… The thought made Suzaku shudder.

"I have four thousand." He muttered in exasperation, face heating at how pathetic it was. But it would be great blackmail someday! Yeah, right. Blackmail for sure.

Milly arched an eyebrow before snatching the money from his hand with a triumphant grin. "Fine. Four thousand. But because you couldn't afford the extra one thousand, I'm forced to give you a penalty."

"Which is?" Suzaku growled as he carefully took the photo from and slid it up his sleeve to conceal it; if anyone found out he would be chased to the ends of the earth.

Milly gave a demonic grin and marched over to the school announcing system, snatching up the microphone with a flourish.

"Hello everyone! This is your student council president speaking. I just wanted to let you all know that I have one copy of a picture of Lelouch decked out in his finest cross-dressing wear."

Suzaku's eyes widened in horror as the squeals of girls close to council room echoed down the hall. He could practically hear them bolting to the door to get to Milly so they could find out what they had to do to get this picture. "W-wha—Why the hell did you do that?"

Milly turned a smirk on him and spoke directly into the microphone slowly and deliberately. "And I also want you all to know… Suzaku Kururugi just bought it off of me."

Suzaku's eyes widened further and he felt as if the world was spinning in his embarrassment, horror and all around fear. The sounds of hundreds footsteps pounding on the floors and thousands of high pitched screams seemed to come from everywhere.

Milly nodded happily to herself and uttered one word that Suzaku had never scrambled so fast to obey in his life; "Run."

Lelouch bolted as fast as he could to the student council room after hearing what Milly had said on the announcements. He had thought he'd gotten rid of all of the pictures! But apparently there was one left and Suzaku had bought it because obviously he wanted to be reminded of Euphie. Or to blackmail Lelouch, though Lelouch would do pretty much anything for the guy anyway.

He threw open the door and rushed in to find Milly spinning in a chair and cackling evilly. Of course. She'd probably planned the whole thing and was enjoying watching Suzaku run around. She really did have a mean streak to her.

"Alright. Where is he?" Lelouch tried to breathe normally but it was hard; he really wasn't used to running. And man, was he ever thirsty.

"Oh Lelouch. You're just in time! Hehe. I have something for you. Hehehe."

Milly offered him a bottle of what looked to be water. She opened her mouth as if prepared to launch into a speech about where she'd gotten it and how amazing it was but he was so thirsty he didn't give a crap. He snatched it from her hand and started gulping it down greedily. It tasted a little funny but he didn't care. She'd shut right up and was staring at him with huge eyes as he dropped the bottle and wiped his mouth.

"Refreshing. Now then… you obviously won't be much help because Suzaku isn't here so I'm going to chase him down. See ya!" He took off running again, desperate to find Suzaku and get a hold of the picture. Maybe burn it or something.

Milly stared after him, hands shaking and eyes wide in shock as he turned the hall corner and disappeared. "B-b-but Lelouch… t-that wasn't w-water…"

She covered her mouth and stared down at the bottle, pale at the fact he'd just downed the whole thing. "T-that w-was aphrodisiac!"

It didn't take Lelouch long to figure out where Suzaku was—the screaming girls were a huge help—but by the time he had almost made it to the third floor library, he was beginning to feel a weird prickle on his skin and his head felt warm and dizzy. He stopped to lean against a closet door, panting and rubbing the bridge of his nose in an effort to dispel the weird feeling in his head. This definitely wasn't good. Not good at all.

He reached into his pocket and withdrew his cellphone, flipping it open and making a quick decision before punching in the numbers he knew by heart.

"Lelouch," came C.C.'s amused voice on the other end. She always seemed so smug whenever he called her about anything.

"Yes. Listen…" He clutched his chest, sucking in air and wondering if all of the running had given him a fever. "I'm feeling weird. I think it's because I was running or something but… I don't know."

There was a pause on the other end and then a small sigh. "Did you… eat or drink anything lately?"

He blinked. "Only the water that Milly…" He suddenly stood straighter, suspicion and a sense of things suddenly coming together whispering at the back of his mind. "C.C., you wouldn't have put Milly up to anything, right? You wouldn't have given her drugged water to drug me?"

He heard the smallest of giggles on the other end and then the sounds of something being eaten. He didn't need to be there to know it was pizza. "Lelouch, it wasn't for you. It was for you to give to Suzaku! I figured if I came right out and said that, your pride wouldn't allow you to use it. If I gave it to you, you'd obviously figure it out. But because it was Milly… if she gave it to you jokingly I thought you might actually use it or something."

Lelouch's hand clenched tighter around his phone. "What was it?"

Suddenly, he felt his second phone—his 'Zero' phone—go off in his other pocket. He hesitated a second before taking it out with a grumbled, "Just a second" to C.C.


"Z-Zero? It's me, Kallen! We've just gotten news that the Brittanian forces have somehow figured out where our base is! We must have a rat… But there's no time to figure out who it is because they've supposedly planned a surprise attack. For tomorrow night at exactly seven o' clock. Well, that's our guess anyway. Our rat risked his life and their trust to get us this info and there's a possibility they've discovered him. Though it's highly unlikely because they've shown no signs of movement. What would you like us to do?"

Lelouch was stunned at this horrific turn of events. He could barely think straight enough to pay attention to what Kallen was saying, let alone come up with some sort of strategy. Was it Suzaku who had told them? It couldn't be… so who was the rat? And what was in his system? And…

"How do you know Milly?" He had switched back to the phone C.C. had patiently been waiting on in order to try to gain some semblance of understanding of what was going on. With his head so messed up, he had decided to go with the most normal question.

"Hm… I told Nunnally and Milly I'm a friend of yours from outside school. They didn't ask too many questions but we've formed the 'Suzalulu' club. We all support your love! And I support the fact that you're getting a new credit card soon because I've almost maxed this one out on pizza…"

Lelouch buried his head in his hand and hung up on C.C. without bothering to utter a goodbye. Next, he did his best to get into the Zero state of mind and put his Zero cellphone back up to his ear.

"…ero! What are your orders?"

Kallen certainly sounded frantic. Lelouch concentrated the best he could through the haze of warmth and desire for something spreading through his body. "Get everyone to… the backup base… I'll be there as soon as I can… In a while…" His thoughts were sluggish and he hung up without waiting for a response, the most he could manage in the state he was in.

The sound of footsteps pounding down stairs made him sigh and he opened the closet, slipping in and shutting the door quietly behind him. A slow pulse had started throbbing through him and he was somehow turned on without even thinking about Suzaku… Suzaku's blushing face… Suzaku on top of him… Suzaku squirming beneath him… Moaning, licking, kissing, sucking…

He groaned and leaned his head on some boxes, his hand halfway into his pants without him even noticing. Damn. Why had he drunk that stuff? And, even worse, why had he drunk the whole thing? There was no way he could touch himself in some cramped storage closet with hardly enough room for two, especially with all of the girls running around. But he also couldn't leave the closet with a hard on and let everyone see him. Besides, walking all the way back to his sleeping quarters the way he was sounded like pure torture.

He groaned again. Was this some stupid metaphor fate had come up with? He couldn't come out of the closet for fear of being humiliated but staying in the closet wasn't an option. To make things worse, if he didn't leave the closet his army would be most likely be destroyed. Playing a horny student and a straight laced battle commander at the same time was hard… No, it was difficult. Using the word hard only served to draw him back to his predicament. It was rather painful but if someone walked in he could probably hide his erection better with his pants on. Of course, at that moment someone did burst in.

Suzaku realized the moment he stepped into the closet that it was Lelouch in there—the scent was unmistakable—but he didn't even stop to think before slamming the door shut and pressing himself against Lelouch, holding his hand over the other boy's mouth to keep him quiet. He watched the flittering of hundreds of shadows pass under the crack of the closet door with wide eyes. If he was found in here, he was done. There would be nowhere left to run. Luckily, they all kept chasing the girls in front of them and not a one stopped to check the closet. When they had all finally gone by, he let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding and dropped his hand away from Lelouch's mouth.

It was only then that he started to wonder what Lelouch was doing in a dusty closet. He would've leaned back to ask him but there wasn't enough space so they both had to stay pressed together. Of course, that didn't stop him from trying. But when he moved, Lelouch let out a strangled noise. It startled Suzaku so much he forgot they were hiding.

"Hey Lelouch, are you okay?"

He wished there was more light so he could see Lelouch's face. In a sudden realization, he reached up to grab the string to turn on the light bulb.

"Nng... D-don't!" But it was too late; he had already turned the light on to Lelouch's fully flushed, hot, sweaty face. Fever? He leaned close to put his forehead to Lelouch's to check and Lelouch let out another strangled sound, clasping his hand over his mouth to stifle whatever the sound would've been.

"D-don't… m-move…" Lelouch's pleading eyes were enough to make Suzaku freeze in mid motion and really assess the situation. Of his leg between Lelouch's thighs and the fact that what he'd thought had been a broom handle poking his leg really wasn't a broom handle. Beyond that, he tried really hard not to think because that would lead to two things that seemed like broom handles in the dark.

"L-Lelouch. W-were you…?"

Lelouch clenched his jaw and shook his head, face scrunched up in pain. "I… t-took… something… accident…" He bit down hard on his lower lip as Suzaku shifted a tiny bit and a small gasp managed to make its way through his lips. Suzaku's embarrassment was suddenly overcome by another, stronger feeling—protectiveness. He hated seeing the one he loved in pain. He set his jaw determinedly.

"How long have you been like this?"

Lelouch grimaced again, the colour of his face deepening as if in shame. "Five… maybe ten minutes… C-can't remember w-when it started e-exactly…"

Suzaku felt pity and a slight anger welling up within him. Lelouch was someone who didn't have a lot of physical endurance so this was probably more painful than he was letting on. Plus, there was the whole… thing… that had happened between Lelouch and Zero that probably made him uncomfortable when he thought about sex. The designated tight school pants definitely didn't help the situation either.

"You have to take care of that right now."

Lelouch's head turned mechanically from side to side and he offered Suzaku a shaky smile. "I'll be fine. I'm sure it'll calm down."

"Yeah?" Suzaku demanded. "So how much of this stuff did you take?"

Judging from the way Lelouch's eyes shifted off to the side as he shrugged, a lot. But he still made no move to do anything about it.

"I'll be fine." Another tight lipped smile and Suzaku had enough. He leaned forward and slid his leg up a couple inches, pressing a little on Lelouch. Lelouch bit down on his lip so hard that blood began trickling down his chin. There were even tiny droplets of moistness gathering in the corner of his eyes. This was definitely not the cocky, proud person Suzaku knew. Whatever he had taken must've been really potent.

"Pants. Off."

Lelouch opened his mouth to protest and Suzaku narrowed his eyes, instantly shutting him up.


Lelouch nodded and slowly started unzipping his pants, averting his eyes from Suzaku's face. Suzaku softened, guilt clawing at him. And an unnerving arousal that was frighteningly hard to control. All he could do was bring up images of Euphie's death to stop himself from doing anything to Lelouch. And think about how he would use her killer to deal with this arousal later.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything. You can trust me. I won't hurt you."

Lelouch simply kept his eyes averted and freed himself with a sigh of pleasure.

"Now you can… um… you know what to do. I'd leave but…"

The sound of rushing footsteps, believe it or not, had been ever present outside the door. And, though Suzaku could've slipped out, he'd decided not to because it was obvious Lelouch would get nothing done and would continue to suffer if he left. It was cruel to leave a friend in need, of course.

The word friend seemed to drift farther and farther away as Lelouch started relieving himself, stifled grunts and moans dancing seductively in Suzaku's ears. Then they stopped and Suzaku turned his face halfway to catch Lelouch staring at him. He blinked rapidly and looked away, the image of Lelouch turned on forever etched into his mind.

"Suzaku…" He almost jumped out of his skin at his own name but he slowly turned and fixed a gaze on Lelouch's face. Which seemed even more flushed than before. And now he was breathing heavily and his eyelids were flickering. Judging from the dreamy expression on his face, he wasn't all there.

"W-what?" Please, please don't say anything that will turn me on more. I may have a lot of self-restraint but I'm only human.

"I want you."

That phrase coming out of Lelouch's mouth was so unbearably exciting that Suzaku just about started tearing clothes. But it was the drug talking! Or was the drug making Lelouch express his inner desires? Or…

"It hurts. I need you. I can't do it myself… I want you. You know I love you, right? I only want you. Help me. I love you."

Each statement was a blow to Suzaku's mental health. And his heart was just about ready to die from pumping so fast. He nodded numbly and turned to Lelouch, watching detachedly as Lelouch took his hand and placed it on his stomach, trailing lower and lower. He closed his eyes when his hand finally rested on Lelouch's member, and he began doing things he'd never imagined he'd do to his childhood friend. After this, the friendship between them would be forced to undergo changes… it seemed his only options were to lose it altogether or… lose it all together. For better or for worse.

Lelouch head tilted back as Suzaku rubbed him. He seemed so lost to everything but what Suzaku was doing to him. He swiveled his hips and drew out a long gasp. Of course, Suzaku's self-restraint had pretty much disappeared by then and his other hand was suddenly joining the first. Before he even knew it, one of his hands had trailed down between Lelouch's legs. In a moment of weakness, he slipped one of his fingers into Lelouch, making the other boy hiss. It was hotter than he'd ever imagined. And tight. He wondered what it would be like to…

Lelouch suddenly went rigid for a particularly long time and came all over Suzaku's uniform. Suzaku suddenly snapped out of whatever he'd been into and tried to move back, horrified that he'd almost actually ended up… He was as bad as Zero! Taking advantage of a drugged friend who trusted him. Of course Lelouch loved him, but not that way! Not in the way he loved Lelouch… Lelouch saw him as a friend!

"W-what the…"

Both Lelouch and Suzaku stared down in confusion. Lelouch had come but…

"It's still… up…"

Lelouch had never been athletic; as a matter of fact, he was athletically weaker than even most of the girls at the school. He had no physical endurance! And yet!

Suzaku shook his head in amazement at the potency of whatever Lelouch had taken and proceeded to help Lelouch yet again. But not using his traitorous hands. He simply slid his knee up against Lelouch and began grinding it up and down. Lelouch clutched his arms, nails digging in and suddenly bit down on Suzaku's shoulder to stifle a whimper. Suzaku wrapped his arms around Lelouch, both holding him up and pulling him closer as he finished him. This time, he was done. So done that he collapsed weakly into Suzaku's arms and was unconscious immediately.

Suzaku sank to the floor, clutching Lelouch in his arms and gently covering him as he wondered how to clean up this mess. He buried his face in Lelouch's soft, dark hair, closing his eyes at the sound of Lelouch's breathing.

"Jeez, this situation is so messed up. What the hell am I going to do with you, Lelouch?"

Bonus: The Suzalulu Club

"And so I hereby dub this the Suzalulu club! Yay!" Milly clapped as C.C. smiled serenely and Nunnally nodded happily.

"Yeah! I would be so happy if Suzaku became my other big brother. But how do we get Suzaku to love Lelouch?"

C.C. rolled her eyes, hugging a pillow she'd picked up and leaning forward with an evil gleam in her eyes. "Suzaku already does love Lelouch, And since they both love each other but are too dense to see it, we have to force them together in a sexual situation that will make them see just how much they care for one another."

Milly laughed, clapping her hands and nodding happily. "Yes! Lelouch may possibly do something Suzaku suggests but Suzaku is so… proper! We should give him something to relax him. And maybe even turn him on."

C.C. leapt up with an excited grin. "Aphrodisiac! And maybe mix it with a little bit of something else… Like painkillers."

Milly stared in nervous admiration. "Great idea but won't heavy duty painkillers mess with his mind?"

"Yes but that's what we want,"

Milly contemplated before nodding and leaping up. "Okay! It's decided!" She marched out of the room happily and C.C. sprinted to catch up, the two chatting happily. Nunnally sat there sadly, listening to their footsteps retreat. When they were almost gone, she finally worked up the nerve to speak.

"But shouldn't we get them together using real feelings? If it's just sex then it isn't real love. It should go true love and then pure, gentle sex. Maybe if we put Lelouch in fake danger and Suzaku had to rescue… Hey! Hey! Guys? C.C.? Milly? Oh well. I guess we'll have to wait and see."

Yay posted! ^^ I got some free time! For some reason it seems I don't have much to do at 12:00 am. ;) Anyway, hope you enjoyed it!

missjasmin: Haha thanks! :D I loved writing screwed up situations... Perhaps I'm actually sort of sadistic when it comes to making my characters suffer... Ah! Delving too much into my own psychology is bad for me. ;)

Yasvi: Thank you, it means a lot! As for Nunnally... How she knew is actually going to come into the story a little while later. It's just not many people are paying attention to how she figured it out right now because they're pretty into their own problems. But don't worry... Lulu is certainly going to notice something bizarre about his sister soon! Aha, no problem with being familiar; I love to hear your thoughts! Yes, Suzaku will certainly be surprised when the plan goes into play. ;) Hope you like the length of this chapter as a whole! ^^ It ended up being the longest I've written yet to make up for the long pause.

Jade: Oh my I do too! I agree with her so much it actually sort of scares me... 3

Jason: Yep! Seems like he's prepared for many things but that wasn't one of them. But no need to worry. He'll definitely be prepared next time. ;3

BabeBlkBear: Teehee glad you like it! 3 And yes, Lelouch is a brilliant man but he's a little dense when it comes to his own love affairs... Shirley can attest to that.

Soooo not sure when next update will be but hopefully soon. Actually I've planned out the ending... Still not sure how many chapters it'll be but probably at least three or four more not including the epilogue. And the surprise. Oh the surprise. Okay it probably won't be that surprising but I hope you'll stick around and thanks for following/favouriting/reviewing!