A.N: I'm back! I've noticed I've kind of detoured from the main story about Kyoko's debut but that will come back into play later in the story, it has not been forgotten! Anyway, in this chapter Sho makes an appearance and meets a very angry Teeah, oh Sho you should be very worried for your sanity hehe.


The next day Kyoko wakes with a brilliant smile across her face because her first job for the day was at Box R and she loved playing Natsu since she wished she was more confident like her character and this was the only way she could. She got ready quickly, had breakfast with the couple that take care of her before heading outside to meet Teeah waiting in her car.

"Good morning Teeah~" Kyoko calls smiling brightly.

"Morning Kyoko. Are you feeling ok today?" Teeah asked, she was still trying to work out what had happened last night.

"Yes…why?" Kyoko stared confused.

"No reason, just making sure you're not getting sick is all" Teeah lied, she would just observe her sister for now. She swears she saw a change in her last night.

The two drove in silence to the Box R shoot, Kyoko ran off to get ready and Teeah stood to the side going through the days jobs waiting for the shoot to be over, Teeah decided to make a phone call to Jeremy to see if Ren and Sho had accepted the modelling job and after a quick phone call she was very pleased that her plan was working according to plan since both had agreed to be in the shoot. Teeah walks back inside to wait for Kyoko when she stops in her tracks hearing a very familiar voice and stares at the stage where they were shooting, Kyoko's attitude was exactly like last night, she sounded and acted just like well Teeah. Teeah started to mentally freak out, how was this possible for Kyoko to be acting exactly like her? She didn't know Teeah before this manager position so why? She would have to talk with Kyoko about this "character" after the shoot, she needed to get answers and as soon as possible.

Half an hour later the shoot was over, and Kyoko was back to being Kyoko, she had changed and ran over to Teeah smiling. "What's the next job? Where are we going next?"

Teeah stares at Kyoko before shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she could ask her on the way to the next job. "We are going to a meeting for the Little mermaid shoot you accepted, let's go. We need to be there in 20 minutes"

Teeah turns and heads out not waiting for Kyoko because she knew she wouldn't be too far behind her; they get into the car and head off and after a few minutes of silence Teeah asks. "Who is that character you play for Box R?"

"That's Natsu, she's a bully character. I used to hate her at the beginning because I didn't want to do another bully character but now, I enjoy playing her" Kyoko says thinking back to when she first accepted the job.

"Why do you like her now?" Teeah asks.

"She's confident and she's how I wish I could be, not the bully side but the side of her that stands up for herself and has the confidence to command respect from others" Kyoko says a small sad smile on her face.

"How did you come up with that character?" Teeah needed to learn all she could, she was still uneasy about the character.

"Well actually, I didn't know how to come up with Natsu to begin with. I kept being told I was too proper and I didn't stand like the other girls my age…each time I tried to stand like the other girls I felt and looked awkward so I asked for help from the one person I knew who could help me" Kyoko says smiling.

"Who was that?" Teeah felt sorry for her sister but she was learning a few things.

"Tsuruga sempai, he helped me. I knew I needed to be more relaxed and a bit model like for the character so I asked him to teach me how to model, he was surprised when I asked because he said he was male not female and each gender have different was to model but I wouldn't take no for an answer so in the end he agreed and taught me all he could to model like a girl. By the end I had my character Natsu and haven't had any issues since." Kyoko says laughing a little as she remembered the modelling practice.

Teeah was surprised so this is a character Kyoko had come up with that character all on her own, they were a lot similar than she originally thought but she was happy it wasn't because she knew Teeah's real personality. The rest of the ride was in silence until they reached the meeting, they go inside and sit down with the others who will be also in the shoot, the meeting wasn't too long and said they will be starting in a month and to read the scrips they have been given in preparation for the shoot. Teeah and Kyoko went through all her other jobs for the day and dropped Kyoko home.

"You did good work today Kyoko, keep it up we have another full day tomorrow. Good night" Teeah says through the open car window.

"Thank you and you too Teeah, good night see you tomorrow" Kyoko replies waving to her manager as she drives away.

Kyoko heads inside, has dinner, showers and heads to bed. She was exhausted and happy, she was glad she had a sister and a manager and that made her truly happy as she slowly fell into unconsciousness slumber with a smile plastered on her face.