
The young boy pumped his fist towards the sky, the wind stinging his face. Son Goku smiled, glancing up at his back where Uub clung on grinning.

"That's the spirit!" Goku said and returned his attention to the skyline. "We should be at your village soon. Then we can begin training!"

"Great!" Uub replied. "I can't wait! And I'm sure my family will be delighted to meet you as well."

"I don't know; I eat a lot."

Uub laughed.

"So… uh… Mr… Son… Mr Goku…"

"Just Goku is fine."

"Okay! So… Goku, do you mind if I ask… well… how come you're so powerful? I mean you can fly and stuff and I've never seen, or heard, of anyone who could do that."

"Well, it's a little weird. I'm actually an alien, from a species called the Saiyans. We're almost extinct now me and Vegeta, the sort of angry looking guy with spiky hair at the tournament, are the only pure blood Saiyans left - although we both have children. Flying isn't purely a Saiyan thing though, any human with sufficient ki could control it."

"Oh right… Not entirely sure I understand but…" Uub furrowed his brows for a moment. He licked his lips. "So… how come you knew about me? And you said I had the potential to be as strong as you… but how do you know that?"

Goku opened his mouth and then hesitated. Should he tell him? Was the time right to say where he really came from, what he really was?

"Well… uh… it's…" He shut his eyes and drew a deep breath. "I don't know why you're so strong Uub. I guess there must be a reason, some mutation maybe, my friend Bulma or Gohan could probably explain all the brainy stuff for you, but the reason I was able to know about you and sense your potential was because of ki. All things have ki, it's a sort of detectable aura that can be sensed if you can tune yourself too it and that would allow you to gauge the power and potential power of anyone who you directed it towards."

"Awesome!" Uub exclaimed. "And would I be able to learn this?"

"Of course," Goku said. "And it's one of the first things that I'm going to teach you. After all, with ki control, you'll be able to do even more things - including energy blasts!"


Goku accelerated and the two fighters, master and student, shot into the horizon.

Act One

Fifteen Years Later…

Part One

Cargo fell to the ground. Slowly he looked up, squinting against the light of the sun. The figures above him were shadows. Around him the other Nameks were being forced out of their homes and thrown to the floor.

The scene brought back nightmares.

"We've found the elder!" one of the figures called.

Cargo clambered to his feet and looked closer. The figures, men and women of different species, all wore some form of armour. Some wore armour that Cargo was very familiar with, the armour of them. Golden shoulder pads extending from a white or black chest plate. The one feature common to all species was they had a calligraphic M tattooed on some part of their body.

Moori, the elder, was shoved to the front of the group. He was heavily wrinkled and had to use his staff to walk properly.

A creature walked up to Moori. He was tall, about seven feet, and wore a long blue cloak that covered his entire body, down to his feet. An M symbol was in a clasp around his neck holding the cloak together. His face was a pale green, his cranium extended at the back and he had small, fierce eyes. Two antennae, or whiskers or something, dropped from beneath his nose over his mouth.

"What is your name?" the creature asked. His voice had a raspy quality, as though he had trouble breathing.

"Moori…" the elder Namek said.

"Elder Moori, I wish for you to summon the dragon."

Cargo peered over and only then saw for the first time that the seven Dragon Balls were assembled.

Moori stared at the Dragon Balls and then shook his head. "…No…"

The creature spun on the spot and pointed his finger at Cargo. There was a flash of light and Cargo shut his eyes tight. He heard the sound of flames and a scream behind him. He looked over his shoulder and saw a Namek standing behind him slowly melt under intense flames, his skin boiling away until his skeletal frame crumbled to the ground and turned to ash and the flames went out. He had not felt any heat from them.

Cargo's knees buckled and he fell to the ground and vomited. One of the soldiers kicked him in the chest and he toppled onto his side. The soldier laughed.

"I am perfectly content," he heard the creature say, "to kill all the remaining villagers each time you refuse and then, once I have killed them, to torture the children individually." The creature paused. "I need only you alive.

There was a long pregnant silence.

"Porunga, I summon you! Come forth!" Cargo heard Moori's voice echo across the land.

Shaking, he struggled to his feet as the Dragon Balls shone. The sky darkened, the sun becoming a small speck of gleaming light surrounded by the blackness. An aura gathered around the Balls before the light shot into the sky. From the light the shape of the Great Porunga emerged. He had a long tail, reptilian skin and large arms. His eyes were a dark red and his snout held large sharp teeth. He stared down at the people beneath him.

"You have summoned the eternal dragon," his voice boomed. "Speak your wishes, I shall grant any three you desire."

The creature stepped forward. "I have only one wish: revive the being known as Majin Buu!"

A murmur ran through the Nameks. Cargo's eyes widened. He couldn't possibly mean…

"This I cannot do," the dragon responded. "Majin Buu lives. I cannot revive those who are already alive."

"Impossible…" the creature said.

"I do not lie," the dragon said, a note of anger in his voice.

"Then where is Majin Buu located now?"

"Is this your second wish?"

"If it has to be…"

"The being known as Majin Buu is to be found on the Planet Earth."

"And where is Earth? What are its coordinates?"

"This is your third and final wish. The coordinates are: Y 179, 56, 39.4; X 0, 2, 46.2."

"Thank you. You have been most helpful."

"Your wishes have been granted. Farewell."

The creature suddenly spun around and struck Moori behind the head. With only a short gasp Moori collapsed face first to the ground. Porunga suddenly disappeared and the Dragon Balls turned to stone. The darkness faded and light returned.

The Nameks shouted and jostled, outraged at the death of their elder. Cargo broke through the group of soldiers and ran to Moori's side. He shook the elder on the shoulder, but he knew it was hopeless. If the Dragon Balls had turned to stone, that meant Moori had to have died. Tears fell down Cargo's cheeks as more and more Namek's formed a circle around their fallen elder.

Cargo suddenly looked up, angry. The creature was still there, his eyes closed. Then they opened and stared down into Cargo's. An overwhelming sensation of fear ran through Cargo's body and he collapsed down onto his knees. He had never felt anything like it. Not even from him.

"We'll be going now," the creature said, matter-of-factly, almost as if he was commenting on the weather. "Move out."

The soldiers pulled back and made for the ship that was located at the edge of the village. It was large and spherical, with a small dome like structure extending off of the top.

The creature turned and followed the soldiers trooping over to the ship and up the ramp. Suddenly, for reasons he did not know, Cargo was gripped by an urge to say something to the creature, something to hit back at him, somehow. He stood up and ran after the creature, who had begun to ascend the ramp.

"Hey!" he shouted, not realising until after that he had spoken.

The creature stopped and turned around, staring at him.

"You're going to Earth?" Cargo asked.


Cargo smiled. "That's good to hear. Because we have friends there. Powerful friends who'll destroy you and your band of warriors!"

The creature's lips peeled back in a smile. As if struck by a bolt Cargo froze and stared forward. He watched as the creature tuned and walked up the ramp. He watched as the door closed. He watched as the ship slowly lifted upwards, before blasting into the sky and through to space.

At no point did he move.

The ship passed through the atmosphere and then came to rest, orbiting the planet.

The creature emerged from the side of the ship and planted himself on top of it. Another creature emerged with him. This one was tall and thin, with long arms stretching down to his feet. He wore a cowl around his head, covering the lower portion of his face, and a cloth over his legs that dropped to his feet. The thin creature kneeled on the ship and placed his hands on it.

The other creature stared at the sun. Concentrating he raised his arms and held his hands either side of the sun. Then he compressed his hands and, as he did so, the sun began to shrink. It shrunk smaller and smaller until it had disappeared almost entirely. The creature paused for a moment then he threw open his hands. In the distance the sun exploded, its energy radiating outwards.

The creature looked to his compatriot and nodded. The thin creature concentrated; and then the ship vanished.

Eight minutes later the supernova ripped through Namek's atmosphere, boiling away all life on the planet, turning it into a brief, spectacular, fireball that burned itself out seconds later and then became a silent husk of rock.

Hello everyone and welcome to Dragon Ball XV! I hope you enjoy this version of the continuing adventures of Son Goku and friends.

A brief note: This was originally two separate chapters (a prologue and chapter one). Thinking over a review from SuperVegetarott, though, I decided that it was maybe better to combine the two into one - that way the story begins properly sooner.

Thank you all for reading and reviewing!