kyu: So I finally got my laptop working again, and then I had writer's block. I just couldn't get this last chapter to work the way I wanted it to. But here's what I've got, and if I change it, I change it!

Disclaimer: Not mine. At all… Dammit.


Sam pulled his shirt off and stepped back up to Dean. He put his hands on Dean's hips and rucked his shirt up with his thumbs, rubbing against the lines of his hips. Dean gasped and felt goosebumps break out across his stomach. Sam watched Dean's eyes fly open and heard his breath hitch.


Sam nuzzled at Dean's chin and nipped, "What?"

"Please don't do this if you're just going to back out later. I can't- Sammy, I can't-" Dean's words faltered, but Sam understood. And he had no intention of letting Dean go again. He finally had his big brother, and he was going to make sure he never left him again.

"Gonna love you, Dean. Just like I've always wanted to." Dean whimpered at the words and Sam's hands gliding up his chest. "Gonna love you so well you'll never be able to mistake a dream for me again."

Dean physically felt his resolve snap and crushed his lips to Sam's. Sam jerked, not expecting that fierce a reaction. He eased back into Dean and wrapped him up in his long arms. They shuffled back and forth a bit, before making it to the bed Dean had vaulted from earlier. With a bit of maneuvering, Sam managed to pull Dean's shirt off, and he leaned back to view his prize.

Dean keened and tried to follow, but Sam pushed him back. "Hush. Just let me look a second."

Dean blushed to the tips of his ears. "Sammy, you've seen me. Lots."

"Yeah, but it's always been stoically or secretive. Lemme get my fill."

Dean licked his lips and decided it was time to go all in or bail out. "You can look all you want. Any time you want. But right now I need you, baby boy." He sat up and nuzzled up to Sam's jaw line, nipping gently between words. "Need you to lick and nip and suck. Need you to strip me down and fill me up."

He felt Sam shudder and pulled back to look in those eyes he'd grown up loving. "Need you to love me. Like only you can and only you ever will."

"Deeeeaann…" Sam moaned as Dean rolled his hips up into Sam, brushing against some very tender spots.

After that, it was all either could do to catch their breath. Sam lunged back down and took Dean's mouth, thrusting his tongue in and nibbling at his bottom lip. He pulled away only when his lungs were screaming and immediately began a trail down. He sucked on one nipple while roughly pinching the other, making Dean hiss and arch. Sam made a note on how sensitive his nipples were and filed it away along with the moans accompanying the treatment. He abandoned the nipples after they were pleasantly darkened and trailed lower, rubbing his nose through the thin patch of hair below Dean's belly button.

"Dean?" Sam asked, his lips still on skin, causing it to vibrate. "Can I?"

"Nnngh… Baby boy, at this point, I'd say yes to anything." Dean was panting, putting all his focus into NOT bucking up against his brother, no matter how much he wanted the friction. Dean felt Sam smile against his abs and huffed out a laugh. The next thing he knew, his shorts and boxers were gone, and his cock was slapping against his stomach, making him arch his back. "Ah! Sammy!"

"'m right here, Dean. I'm right here." Sam inched his way up Dean's thigh, rasping his teeth here and there. He ran his nose up Dean's length, taking in the pure musky smell. He licked his lips, accidentally flicking his tongue along the side, causing Dean to jump.

"S-Sammy. Please. I-I need you." Sam looked up from between his brother's knees at Dean's flushed cheeks. The older's chest was heaving, his nipples still pointed.

"What a sight you make." Sam said before swallowing Dean down. Dean nearly screamed, his back arching. He'd have choked Sam, but he'd thankfully had the foresight to pin his hips.

Dean's mind flashed white, and then all he could register was wet and warm. Sam was doing his best and hoped it was okay. Judging by the noises he was getting, he'd done something right. He swirled his tongue and scratched with his teeth just a bit. Dean keened again, and god did Sam like that. He did it again just to see if it would repeat, and it did.

"Sammy, I'm not- I can't-" Dean started pushing at Sam's shoulders, but Sam just batted his hands away and sucked again. He laved at the tip and bit down every so slightly, and-

Dean broke. He shattered. Absolutely no way he was coming back from that. Everything was white, and sound was blurred, and all he could feel was pure bliss. Then he slowly faded back to Sam nuzzling at his neck, his warmth a comfortable weight against him. He brought his arms up around his brother, proud to see he was only slightly shaking.

"Sammy, I can't believe you just-" He trailed off, knowing Sam would fill in the blanks.

"Yeah. I've never, but I really wanted to. You okay?" Sam left Dean's neck to look up into shining green eyes.

"God no." Sam frowned as Dean pushed him down and rolled over him. "But I will be."

Dean immediately launched into a series of attacks on Sam's neck and chest. Nipped here, sucked there, drawing out gasps and moans from his brother he'd been missing like crazy. He slowly mapped out the subtle differences in Sams. Real Sam liked it a bit harder than Dream Sam. And Real Sam's weak spot was the soft skin beneath his ear, while Dream Sam had preferred his nipples.

Dean drew his tongue down Sam's chest, reveling in the lines between his abs. He then sat straight up, his mind obviously made up. He leaned over and rummaged through the motel drawer and finally pulled out a tube of lube, thankfully unopened. Sam came down from his little cloud of lust just in time to hear the tube crack open and see Dean coating his fingers.

Sam propped himself up on his elbows when he saw the little smirk Dean gave him. He started to ask what Dean's plan was, but cut off on a moan as his brother stretched back and ran a finger across his own hole, spreading the lube over it. Dean circled it a few times before dipping one digit in, his breath catching a bit as he hadn't done this to himself in quite some time. He could feel his cock already filling again. God, what Sam could do to him.

"S-Sammy, I… I want it so bad. Want you." Dean gasped as he managed a second and then a third finger before the sight and his words threw Sam into a frenzy.

"You've got me, Big Brother, now get on with it!" Sam was pleased to see Dean was quick to comply, gathering more lube and smoothing it down Sam's length a few times. Dean then crawled a little further up the bed, positioning himself above. Sam gasped as Dean wrapped a hand around him, then bit his lip to stop a moan as he felt his head brush against Dean's hole.

Dean fought to go slow and not just slam himself down. But though he'd been active in the dream, he'd not been with a man for quite some time. They were few and far between for him as he could never find one that matched up to Sam.


He'd found another difference. Real Sam was definitely better. Cuz he was real.


Sam threw his head back, eyes slammed closed and lip caught between his teeth. Dean was so fucking tight. He could barely breathe he was lost in so much pleasure. He moaned out his brother's name as Dean's head dropped to his shoulder. Dean's fingers clenched around Sam's shoulders, both of them groaning and shaking a bit.

"M-Move. Please De-" Sam was cut off at a moan as Dean moved his hips a bit, slowly at first but building a rhythm. Sam reveled in the feel of his brother on top and slowly peeled his eyes open, only to almost close them again in an effort to stave off his orgasm.

Dean was a sight, all tan limbs and sweat-slicked abs, bouncing on his lap like it was his fucking job. Sam gripped Dean's thighs and began meeting him thrust for thrust. Dean let out a high moan he'd deny later and sped up. Sam began muttering something about not lasting much longer, and Dean knew he was right there with him.

With a burst of strength and agility Dean hadn't known his moose of a brother possessed, Sam surged up and rolled them, wrapping Dean's legs around his waist. Before Dean could ask what the hell had just happened, Sam resumed his thrusting, his grip on Dean's ass making the angle a good one if Dean's screams were anything to go by.

"Close… So fucking close!" Dean was mindless, not even caring that he was screaming in pleasure. 'Fuck' and 'Shit' seemed to replace all coherent thought.

And then everything went white.


When Dean came to, he was clean and dry. And he was alone. He had a brief flash of panic before Sam came out of the bathroom, his hand midway through his hair. Sam just stopped in the doorway and took in his brother, naked as the day he was born and sprawled out across the bed, leaning up on his elbows.

"Hey." A smile crooked its way onto his face as he watched realization spread across Dean's face.

"He-" Dean's voiced cracked. He rubbed at his throat as Sam went to the kitchenette and grabbed a bottle of water. He gulped half of it down and tried again. "Hey."

"So, I think we should leave all the talking for later." Sam said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Dean's eyes went huge, his tone falsely disbelieving. "What? You want to put off talking about our feelings?!"

Sam grabbed a pillow and smacked Dean with it. "Shut up! I just figure there's not really a whole lot more to say. I want you, and you want me, and there's nothing in the way of that! And we both need some sleep!"

Sam crossed his arms and looked anywhere but his brother. Which was his second mistake. His first had been stepping so close to the bed. Dean launched himself up and wrapped his arms around Sam's waist to pull him back down with him. Sam squawked and landed with him in a pile of long limbs.

Dean rolled them so they were side by side and nuzzled his nose against Sam's. "I think it's a great idea to put off everything. I vote we just lay here, with me holding you, until we fall asleep. And when we wake up, we can repeat all of that discovering we just did."

Sam chuckled and tucked himself into the hollow at Dean's neck, laying a kiss there. "Sounds like a dream come true."

"Dude! Chick flick!"


Kyu: And they all lived happily after for all of three days before another hunt went wrong and someone they loved DIED. (I'm not bitter at all!)

Please read and review! I love the feedback. Also, if you have an idea you want to see come to fruition, drop me a line, and I'll try my best!