Aria couldn't sleep. It was two in the morning and her friends were all sound asleep by now in Spencer's room. Mona included. But Aria couldn't get her brain to turn off after everything that had happened in the last few days.

Spencer had joined the A Team and had basically kidnapped Malcolm so that the girls would figure out that she was part of the A Team. Toby wasn't dead. Ali was Red Coat. Jason was still missing after the elevator incident. She, along with Hanna, Emily, and Mona had almost died in a burning building tonight. They would have if Ali hadn't dragged them all out. Shana was working with Jenna and Melissa. Wilden was probably part of it. Mona was on their side now. And to top it all off, they had found Cece's lifeless body stuffed in the trunk of Wilden's car.

That, of course, had led to another trip to the police station. Before they had called the police though, they had put the video on Spencer's phone and erased it from the car. No one had mentioned the fact that she and Hanna had pushed the car into the lake. No one had mentioned that Cece may have been in the trunk when they did it. No one mentioned that she might have still been alive at the time.

Aria sat in Spencer's living room with a cup of tea while all these thoughts raced through her head. The room was dark and the house was silent. She heard a creak on the stairs and jumped, waiting to see who it was.

"Aria?" Mona whispered. "Are you down here?"

Aria let out the breath she had been holding. "Yeah. I couldn't sleep."

"Me either." Mona walked over and sat across from Aria on the couch. "Is there anymore tea?"

"Yeah. I'll make you some." Aria got up and walked into the kitchen, thinking that it should be weird that Mona was here. But it wasn't. She wondered if anything would ever surprise her again after all of this was over. If it ever ended.

There was a rustling noise outside and she told herself it was only the wind until the knob on the back door turned. She froze and then slowly reached for a knife.

"Aria?" Mona called, sensing something was wrong.

Aria shushed her and tried to see who was on the other side of the door, but it was too dark. Her heart was in her throat as the door slowly opened and someone came in. Someone wearing a black hoodie.

"Who are you?" Aria demanded, speaking the first words that came into her head.

Toby stepped out of the shadows with his hands up. "It's just me Aria. Put the knife down."

She breathed another sigh of relief and laid the knife on the counter. "Toby, you scared me half to death."

"Sorry." He apologized.

"What are you doing here?" Mona asked, coming to stand beside Aria.

Toby pushed the hood off his head, revealing his face. "I came to make sure you girls are all okay. Where is everyone?"

"They're upstairs asleep." Mona said.

"We're fine." Aria assured him. "As fine as we can be anyway. Of course, I'm going to have a heart attack if you people don't stop sneaking up on me like that."

They heard someone coming down the stairs and Toby quickly and quietly snuck back out the door. The light came on and Aria and Mona found themselves facing Spencer's mom.

"Girls?" Veronica said. "What are you doing down here? I thought you were all asleep?"

"We couldn't sleep." Aria said. "We came down for some tea."

"I heard someone down here and I thought somebody had broken in." Veronica said, her face showing her relief at finding only Aria and Mona in the kitchen. Though, unlike Aria and the rest of the girls, she found it a little odd that Mona was here after everything she had put them through.

"We didn't mean to scare you Mrs. Hastings." Mona said.

"You girls try and get some sleep." Veronica said. "I'm going back to bed."

As soon as Veronica was out of sight, Mona opened the back door to see if Toby was still there but there was no sign of him.

Aria put the knife back where it belonged and went back to fixing Mona a cup of tea.

"Look Aria," Mona said. "I know you may not believe this, but I am really sorry for everything I did to you."

Aria only looked at her, not sure how to respond.

It made Mona uncomfortable. "I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry. Really. After tonight I don't know what's going on anymore."

"None of us do." Aria said. "We're all confused, Mona."

"I thought I knew what was going on. Other than not knowing who Red Coat was, I pretty much knew all of it." Mona said. "Now I don't know who to trust."

Aria handed her the cup and sat back down on the chaise lounge. "After tonight I don't think you have much choice but to trust us."

"I do." Mona sipped her tea. "I guess I get to see what it feels like to be A's toy now."

"It's not fun." Aria said. "You tortured us, but I think it actually made us stronger."

Mona nodded. "It did. I could tell over time that you were figuring things out. I had to work harder to get to you."

"Who else is part of the A Team?" Aria asked.

"As far as I know it was just Toby and I. And Spencer." Mona said. "And Alison. But there could be more. Like I said, I don't know everything. I thought I did."

Both girls were silent for a while, Aria playing with the ends of her hair, and Mona sipping her tea. It occurred to Aria that it would have been easy to slip a little poison into the cup and very few people would have blamed her for it.

"You should call him." Mona said suddenly.

Aria looked at her. "What?"

"Ezra." Mona clarified. "I know why you broke up with him."

"No, you don't." Aria said.

"I understand that you did it to keep Malcolm safe. I would have too." Mona said. "But he was never in any real danger. Spencer had him."

Aria licked her lips. "Mona, we're all in real danger every second of every day. You know what A is capable of. You know what you did to us. And now we don't even know if it's really A messing with us. Ali is Red Coat. I broke up with Ezra because I love him too much to put him in danger, or his son, or even Maggie."

Mona leaned forward, her face completely serious. "Do you really think that just because you broke up with him he'll be safe now? Who ever is behind all of this knows that you still love him and he still loves you. They know that hurting him will still hurt you. Why do you think breaking up with him will stop that?"

Aria realized that Mona was right. Breaking up with Ezra wasn't keeping anyone safe. She didn't respond because she wasn't sure what to say.

"The only way to keep anyone safe is to figure out who is pulling the strings and stop them." Mona continued. "When you cut the head off, the body dies."

Aria suddenly had an odd feeling that maybe they shouldn't trust Mona. She wasn't sure if it was something she had said or the fact that she had done so much to them, but something had her on guard. She no longer felt comfortable sitting here, alone, with Mona. She wasn't so sure about Toby's little visit either.

Why had he disappeared when Mrs. Hastings had come down? All he would have had to do is explain that he was concerned about the girls and had come by to make sure they were all okay. There was nothing suspicious about that.

Why had Mona brought up Ezra? Aria hadn't said anything about him. She may be right about him not being safe, but why was she pointing that out? Had something happened to him? To Malcolm? Maggie?

Or was she just being paranoid? Maybe there was absolutely no reason to suspect that Toby and Mona were up to no good. A had targeted Mona tonight too.

On the other hand, Mona had made them believe that A was after her once before.

She suddenly wanted to get out of the room, away from Mona. She wanted to go back upstairs where she might feel semi-safe with the girls she knew she could trust with her life and her darkest secrets. But was it a smart idea to leave Mona by herself?

She wanted to get away from Mona.

She wanted her friends.

She wanted Ezra.