Here's the chapter! Hope you like it!


Hermione's POV

Morning came pretty soon, and I was exhausted. I had slept so late. The clock was already two in afternoon. Bella would be here soon too, she had promised to help me with clearing this house. Who knows what I find here, when I look into closets and drawers. Hopefully there are no hidden skeletons here.

She ate her breakfast/lunch and started clearing the attic. It was dark there and lots of dust and old boxes. She had gone trough all the boxes by the time of four, when Bella came to help her, she and Bella took boxes out. She had put the things she wanted to keep in different boxes, there were old photographs of her parents and her grandparents.

"Attics cleared now, let's go to clean master bedroom. There must be the important things" I said to Bella.

"Okay, I was wondering if you want go see Billy and Jacob some day this week?" Bella asked.

"Yes of course, I haven't seen them in ages. I'd love to come" I said thrilled. I hadn't seen them in years. Billy and Sarah had been my parents friends and we used to visit lots of times there. I had played with Rebecca and Rachel. Jacob had spent his time playing with his own toys and sometimes came to play with us.

"Good, now Edward can't say anything if you are coming with me. He and Jacob don't get along very well." Bella told. We started to clean second floor bedrooms, there were my parents (master), my bedroom, my fathers study and few guest bedrooms. We started at my parents room, there were some of their spare clothes and papers. I decided to keep papers since there would be something important.

Later I found more papers in my fathers study room. I gathered all papers to folder and left it there. It was evening, we decided to continue cleaning tomorrow. Bella left home once we had eaten something.

Other day we got rest of the rooms finished and Bella drove us to town's grill. We ordered food and went sit down table. Some boys came there to greet Bella. They introduced them shelves to me as Bella's school friends.

"Nice to meet you guys, but Bella and I have something important to speak. So would you kindly let us be" I said to them, they were only there to got my attention.

"It was nice of meeting you to, see you in school Bella" The blonde one said and they left.

"So about the wedding, I finally have time to plan them with you" I said excited.

"Oh you don't really have to, I really don't need a big fancy wedding"

"Of course you do, everyone has to have beautiful weddings"

"Okay I guess that there's no point to try you out of plan the wedding"

"Nope" I spent most of our time to chatting about Edwards family and they had invited me to tea and look for wedding theme and other things, tomorrow at 12 o'clock and I would be going to meet house full of vampires all by myself. When I arrived home, there was owl waiting for me at the door. She was holding letter from Draco.

Hello darling!
How is the USA? You still haven't wrote me a single letter and you have been away already three days. What is this cousin of yours like? Is her fiancé awful? Write me soon Potters have been visiting me and Harry told you haven't wrote even him. WE ARE WORRIED ABOUT YOU! So please write soon, what have you been doing there.
All love Draco

I stared at the letter, I had been working so hard to clean the house I hadn't have time to write at all. I went to get paper and quill and replied him, the owl took my letter and left.

I started to do paperwork, so I could send them in ministry by tomorrow. It was late, when I finished. I walked straight to bed.
Next morning I woke up at ten. I had two hours before I would leave to Cullen's. I showered and ate breakfast. I was finished in 11.30. So I waited Alice Cullen, I haven't bought a car yet. Bella had told me that Alice was the one who was going to pick me up. Since Edward was still school with her.

I was reading a book, when I heard someone at my door. I stood up and went for door. I opened the door and in front of me was short woman with short, dark hair. She looked like pixie.

"Hello! You must be Hermione. I'm Alice." Pixie looking girl said to me.

"Nice to meet you Alice! I go get my bag so we can leave" I said and went for my bag. I walked to her car which was yellow Porsche. I sat in front seat and we left.

"So Hermione, have you got any ideas for wedding? I want to know since I have lots of ideas and know what would suit for their wedding and etc."

"Well .. I was thinking about colors should be like champagne or something like that and some shades of brown."

"I have too something along natural colors for wedding theme, but the dress have to be white" She said.
We talked the whole way about the colors and what would suit the wedding. We arrived in their house, first I met Jasper Alice's mate. He greeted me with he southern accent. Then I met Esme and Carlisle who were very lovely. And last I met Emmet and Rosalie.

"Are you really witch like Edward told us?" Emmet asked grinning.

"Do you want that I prove it to you?" I asked with smirk that could rival to Draco's.

"Of course, how else Im going to believe you"I took my wand and turned his hair pink, something George had taught me. I didn't say anything and he looked me with a bit disbelieve.

"And you really did do something now" He asked. Others were trying not to laugh, but when Rosalie came to room. She laughed pretty hard, which caused the others breakdown.

"I fades away in few hours, you should look in mirror" I said laughing with others. He went and saw what I had done to him.

"Oh no my hair! You sneaky little witch"

"Oh I guess we should start planning the wedding, before Emmet gets some ideas for revenge" I said laughing.

I got along with these vampires very well. Alice and I started to look wedding magazines, there were lots of them. We also planned shopping trip to New York, where we were going to get our dress and other things. I also considered of buying car, since I would definitely need one. When Bella came and we told her our plans and things we had thought she said " You both know that I hate shopping so why cant we just order the things and be here?"

"Well its easier to know what suits you and it also lot more than shopping trip." Alice said excited.

"Yes Bells its going to be lots of fun" I told her trying to convince her.

"Okay lets have it your way, I guess there's no way out of this trip"

"No there isn't" I told her." Do you have any computer in this house?"