Bonnie goes to explain her dream to Sam, when the telltale sound of wings flapping alerts them to the others' arrival. She freezes when her eyes land on Dean. He has a similar reaction, standing there with his mouth agape. She doesn't know who moves first, but she's suddenly off of Damon's bed and into his arms. He puts her in a tight grip and she does her best to return it. She doesn't realize the tears that have formed in her eyes until she blinks.

Happy, she realizes, these are definitely happy tears. Dean's hand moves to her hair. Simultaneously, he guides her head and moves his lips to her forehead. He places a lingering, wet kiss to her the area while squeezing her tight. In turn she presses her lips to his neck before settling her head on his shoulder. A throat clears in the room and Dean only loosens his grip on her. Bonnie lifts her head and turns in his grip, careful not to break it completely. Elena smiles wide at her before saying, "I'm sorry, Dean, but I really need to hug my best friend now."

The witch laughs in response. She rubs her hand over the arm Dean has slung over her in reassurance that she'll be back. Her and the brunette vampire crash into each other in a hug. "Don't do that again," Elena demands while squeezing her tighter.

Her grip is tighter than Dean's because of her vampire strengths. Bonnie chokes out, "Elena," to make her realize her strength. She backs off with an apology on her lips, but Bonnie waves it off.

Stefan stands to the side. When she looks to him he gives her a small smile. "Welcome back, Bonnie."

And finally she turns to the angel, who's watching her with sad eyes. "Cas, I'm okay." She walks over and throws her arms around him in a hug.

"You died twice, and I couldn't do anything to help." He confesses to her, slowly responding to the hug.

"I'm still standing here. So, it doesn't matter." She says to him softly before pulling away.

Sam walks over to join the group, reluctance clear on his face. "I hate myself for this, but we need to talk about Silas. Bonnie knows how we can stop him."

All eyes turn in Bonnie's direction after Sam speaks. The realization causes her to physically jolt. "Right," she says, nodding to Sam in gratitude. "There always has to be some kind of a balance to this world when it comes to magic."

"Yeah…" Dean prompts, voice trailing off.

"Well, if I can find a spell to trade Silas' life for someone already in purgatory. We can lock him up there for good."

"An exchange? So, we would get someone from purgatory?" Stefan wonders to Bonnie.

She gives a slight nod to the vampire, then to the whole room. "Yes, but-"

Her sentence was interrupted by Sam. "But what if we get something worse than Silas? I mean he's bad but there are millions of things that could crawl out."

"I know, but that's why I have one particular person in mind." She stops to bite her lip. She knew no one was going to jump on this idea.

Her silence carries on for a moment. She feels Dean nudge her shoulder. "Don't keep us in suspense, Bon."

She sighs before speaking. "I had a dream about Kol." She sees Stefan and Elena tense at her words.

From the corner of her eye she sees Castiel make his usual confused face. "One of the Original vampires?"

"One of the Original vampires that tried to kill us." Elena cuts in. Her brown eyes look to Bonnie unsurely. "Isn't there someone else?"

Bonnie doesn't need to ask who she means. She contemplated it too. She yearned to bring back: Grams, Jeremy, Alaric, Jenna, Vicki, and all the others they had lost, but she knew that wasn't the balance nature sought. "Kol's the best option. It'll be an immortal for an immortal. His soul is strong enough to bare the spell."

"And you got all this from a dream." Dean asks, eyebrows furrowing. She could tell that he was holding back what everyone was thinking. No one was fond of this plan.

"Yes - no," she protests, "I don't even think it was really a dream. I think Kol found a way to contact me."

"Are you sure it wasn't Silas messing with you again?" Stefan asks as if he's approaching a sore topic, which he sort of is.

"I can't describe it, but I know this is the way." She gives another general glance around the room. "But if anyone has another idea, I'm all ears." She raises an eyebrow in challenge.

She hears a snicker from the younger Winchester. She turns to Sam and meets his supporting gaze. They give each other similar smiles before he speaks. "I'm in," he says with a quick raise of his hand.

"Me too," Castiel adds, giving a nod to her. "However, I think you should know your plan is reckless and if gone wrong could potentially throw the world into chaos."

She smiles at the so-Castiel-statement. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

Bonnie looks over at Dean hopefully. His face twists in deep thought before he nods over at her. "Do you even have to ask?" She appreciated Sam and Castiel's approval, but having Dean's made her feel like her 'reckless, world destroying' plan would definitely work. Suddenly desperate for more contact, Bonnie slides her hand over to the green-eyed hunter. She brushes her fingers against his for permission, and he answers be interlacing their fingers.

"Thank you," she whispers his way. And she's not only talking about this moment. She means everything he's done since he's arrived in Mystic Falls. Bonnie turns her eyes to Stefan and Elena, the only two in the room who haven't replied.

"What about Damon?" Elena asks suddenly. "Shouldn't he get input on this?"

Bonnie sees Stefan tense at the mention of his brother. And as much as she hates to admit it, she does too. She quickly tries to evade the small, teasing feeling of jealousy that rises up inside her. Damn, she thinks, she guesses she couldn't blame all her confusing feelings toward Damon on her vampirism. She knows she has no right or claim to Damon, but that didn't stop her from sending a small glare in Elena's direction. "Damon always goes along with Bonnie's plans." Stefan speaks up. "I doubt he'll turn down the best plan we've got. Caroline too," he adds after a moment.

"Okay," Bonnie sends a grateful nod in the younger Salvatore's direction. She reluctantly breaks away from Dean. If Damon and Caroline agreed to her plan, she would need a spell. Her biggest problem was she didn't know any spells that would exchange one being's life for another. "If they agree, we'll need a solid spell for me to do, and probably something of Kol's."

"Bonnie, it's still Kol. Are you sure we can trust him?" Elena asks after hesitating. "Jeremy and I killed him. He's not just gonna let that go."

"I know," the witch agrees. "Which is why I'm going to try to communicate with him again. I'm betting that a chance to live again beats out killing you."

Her best friend nods slowly with hesitance, but also trust. Dean shifts beside her. "So, we talkin' Ouija board? Or some other kind of witchy mojo?"

"Some other kind of witchy mojo," she confirms confidently. "And your dad's book, think there's something in there that'll help?"

Sam and Dean look to each other before sharing a shrug. "Purgatory exchange program? Not likely, Bonnie." Dean says, looking as if he's mentally running through his father's journal.

"Do you mind double checking?" The witch asks hopefully.

He sends her a smirk before replying. "Aye, Captain."

She matches his smirk for a moment before turning to look at Cas. "Any great advice from the multi-dimensional wave of celestial intent?"

Castiel tilts his head pensively. "Not really," he answers vaguely. "Though, there are some other angels that I can speak with that are still…accepting of me." Bonnie could hear the reluctance in his voice that matched the tone of his voice. With a sigh, his expression disappears into a more confident one. "I suppose a few questions could be useful."

"Thanks, Cas," she sends him a smile. "But don't go alone. No one should be alone with Silas and Crowley still out there."

"I'll go too," Sam volunteers, nodding toward the group.

The witch looks over to Stefan and Elena. "I need you to fill Caroline in on the plan." They give her confirming nods. "And I was thinking since Klaus has a soft spot for her, you three can snag something of Kol's from him."

"Like what?" Stefan asks, tilting his head.

Bonnie gives a quick shrug. "Anything, I guess. It just needs to be his." She stops to take a breath, getting ready to answer the question most likely on everyone's mind. "There's another person that might be able to help me find a spell." She sighs in reluctance, cluing in her best friend.

"Your mom," Elena finishes for her.

"Abby," She corrects briefly. "She helped us put Klaus down. And since I killed the only witches nearby, she's our only option." Bonnie sends a look in Dean's direction when she sees him about to defend her. He matches her glare, but doesn't say anything. "I'll give Jaime a call." She speaks absently.

"Who's Jaime?" Dean asks, looking to her.

Her face heats up against her will. She sneaks a glance over to her two vampire friends, who both look amused at Dean's question.

They both turn to look at her expectantly, not offering any help or distractions. Her eyes narrow at her 'friends'. She mutters in Dean's direction, "No one," before going for the exit. As she leaves out the door she knows the others are following.

She spots her cell on a nearby table. She freezes at the notifications that she has six voice-mail messages from her dad. She hurries to unlock her voice-mail and presses her phone to her ear. Bonnie notices everyone's attention is on her again. She holds up an index finger and mouths that she'll be fast. Her dad's voice sounds unsure and foggy as he speaks into the phone. "Bonnie, it''s me. I just want to check on you. Call me back." The message ends with a click and Bonnie waits for his voice again. "You still haven't called back. I know you told me not to worry about you, but how can I not when you're around those things all day." A second click sounds and guilt builds up in Bonnie. It gets much worse as she listens on. "Bonnie, I know this sounds crazy, but I had a dream...I think it was a dream." His voice cracks as grief and confusion fill his voice. "You were a vampire. It felt so real, but it couldn't be. You just couldn't..." His words break off in a sob, causing tears to well in the witch's eyes. She hears him take a deep breath before hanging up once more.

Her hand flies to her forehead in distress. She did this to him. She was the reason he was nearly losing his mind right now. "I have to get home. I'll call Abby from there."

"We'll drive you." Dean announces before coming over to her. She doesn't protest as she gathers the few things she had with her. Without many more parting words to her friends, she follows Sam and Dean to the Impala. It's a relatively quiet ride to her home, which she's thankful for. In between worrying about her dad, defeating Silas, and the occasional annoying Damon thoughts she doesn't feel like talking.

She gives Dean a quick kiss before climbing out of the car. It's also as if she can hear his thoughts when she turns back. "I'll call if I need anything," she confirms with a smile.

"Am I really that predictable?" Dean asks, almost offended.

"A tad bit," she jokes before turning back away. She feels a huge pit materialize in her center as she steps into her home. She explores the house, looking for any sign of her dad. Her heart breaks when she finally finds him.

He was seated at the kitchen table, head resting on his propped up arms. He sat unmoving, even when she hesitantly entered the room. She opens her mouth to call out to him before he interrupts. "You're here," he states, a mix of emotions flowing through those two words.

"I'm here," she confirmed, "I'm safe."

"You're a vampire."

"No," she denies quickly. She bites her lip and decides maybe honesty might not be the best solution, but it's what her father deserves. "Not anymore," she says softly.

He finally looks up at her, surprise covering his face. "I don't understand."

"It's a long story, but I'm…me again; I'm human." She looks down in shame for the things she did and said. "I'm sorry."

He shoots up from his place and embraces her. She only allows herself a moment of shock before she hugs him back. "I'm so sorry," he apologizes back.

"No, it was me. I wasn't in my right mind."

"No," he cuts her off. "I should've taken you away from this years ago; protected you."

She let go of him. She had to make sure he understood. She thinks she finally does. "There's no out for me, dad." She stops his interruption by holding up a hand. "Whether I'm in Mystic Falls, or half way across the world. I'm a Bennett. It always falls on me."

"It doesn't have to." She stays silent for a moment. He gives her a strange look. "What are you not telling me?"

"This isn't over. I still have something to do, and it's big."

"No," he snaps before immediately lowering his volume. "I won't lose you again."

She shakes her head in protest. "You'll lose me if I don't. Dad, what's going on right now, it's my fault. I've…done terrible things. I need to fix it before the rest of the world pays."

"I don't care about the rest of the world. I care about my child." He insists strongly. "You've – For God's sakes, Bonnie, you just died."

Quietness fills the air again between them. "I died because I tried to do things alone. I'm not alone anymore."

"The vampires?" he asks with clear distaste. "The hunters?"

"My friends," she corrects him. "I'm not changing my mind. This is bigger than us." He sighs and turns away from her. Bonnie could see the tiredness showing all over his body. She hates that she was the cause of it all. "Sorry," she apologizes again before leaving the room.

She stumps up to her room and shuts the door. She leans against it for a second, waiting for everything to catch up to her. "Rough day?" a voice asks her from behind.

Bonnie honestly doesn't know whether to hug him or hit him. She slowly turns around to face Damon. Her nose crinkles at him as he sits on her bed. She could smell the bourbon from across the room. Despite having an urge to freeze him out, a smile cuts across her face. "Asshole," she mumbles before sprinting over to him. She buries her head into his chest after a slight moment.

"Heard your raw-raw speech down there."

"And there goes the three seconds where I didn't want to kill you." She pulls back to him smirking down at her.

"That's our thing, Bon. We try to kill each other; we might even fight. We both know it'll end with us making out."

Perhaps, she took the moments without Damon for granted, she muses. "Where have you been?"

"Around," he answers vaguely. She gives him a look that told him she wanted more explanation. "Places," he finishes defiantly.

"Well, if you had been around you would know that I might have figured out a way to get rid of Silas."

"Let me guess," he pretends to think. "Swap one psycho for another."

"I – " she stops, looking at him in disbelief. "You were there. Listening in on us like some creep."

"It's my house." He looks her up and down before raising a brow. "Would it have mattered?"

"Yes," she tells him with barely any hesitation. "I could've used you there."

He starts to invade her space in a Damon-like way. "Why?"

"Because we need all hands on deck if we ever –"

He makes a humming sound, cutting her off. "Why, Bonnie?"

She stares back at him for a while, silent. She hated when he did things like this. He had heartbreaks and so did she. Still, he had to understand that not everyone could clearly define their feelings on the spot, especially when they're in love with someone else. "I need you." It was the best that she could give him in the moment. It was vague, but honest and it seemed to satisfy him for the moment.

He lifts a hand toward her face that froze the moment her door swung open. "Well, isn't this a surprise." Damon responds first while Bonnie felt paralyzed.

She watches the person in both confusion and shock. It takes a while before she actually forms the word, "Mom?"

A/N: Okay, I know I suck for the wait. But I do have a great desire to finish this story. Since my last update I have been working on an original creation. If you're still sticking with this fic, thank you so much and I will try my hardest to give it the end it deserves.