NO this is not the traditional Prince-switches-with-conveniently-identical-citizen Prince and the Pauper. THIS is ROMANCE, and honestly I thought the title fit. This is my first AU (REALLY wanted to do an AU, and I need to do SOMETHING to get the creative juices flowing again. Tumblr Trolls WILL NOT COOPERATE AND LET ME WRITE IT!). Well, your just going to have to see if you like this little AU for yourself! So, my little shit flipping aside, ENJOY! LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION!


Prince Jack: Jack Frost
Queen Tooth: Toothianna
King North: Nickolas St. North

E. Aster Bunnymund (Farmer's son, member of Militia): Bunny
Pippa Bunnymund (Farmer's wife): Pippa (Age bent. Aster's Mom in the fic)
Jamie Bunnymund (Farmer): Jaime Bennett (Age bent. Aster's Dad in the fic)
Sophie Bunnymund (Nurse maid to Prince Jack): Sophie Bennett (Age bent. Aster's aunt)

Sanderson Gold (Merchant of exotic goods): Sandy
Pitch Black (Evil Wizard): Pitch Black
Seer (Magic advisor to the Royal Family): Baby Tooth


It was a day of celebration in the Kingdom of Santoff Claussen, despite the ice and snow blanketing the kingdom in late January. Yet, people from all over gathered in the cities capitol to the shimmering Tooth Palace for the presentation of the first, and more than likely ONLY, heir.

"Daddy, why do we have to come?" asked a gray haired six year old, clinging to his Father's hand and his Mother's skirt. "Cupcake had a baby. Why is this one so special?"

"Because this baby will one day be your King…or Queen, Aster." Said Jamie, ruffling his son's hair affectionately. "Nobody knows what the baby will be named."

"But Auntie Sophie said it's a boy." Said Aster. "He's a Prince, right?"

"It's a bit more complicated than that…" said Pippa, smiling at her son. "He could become King or Queen. It depends on what the Seer foretells. We find that out today." The small family made their way into the huge courtyard, which thankfully was a bit warmer. The citizens of the city and surrounding Country gossiped among themselves, until a soldier announced the King and Queen, the Seer coming behind them. Aster knew the Queen was pretty, but he hadn't expected the young looking (He knew she was actually fairly old), rainbow smothered woman. She looked kind, and happy with something white poking out of a blue blanket in her arms. King North was known to be eccentric and caring, but the shocking white beard made him look ancient, which he was, compared to Aster anyway. The Seer, her blue and gold hair tied into a bun, gently took the blue and white thing, and removed the blanket. The thing was a sleeping baby with snow white hair and not much darker skin.

"In the name of MiM…" began the Seer. "I present to you your crown prince, and future Queen, Prince Jack Frost." Applause echoed through the crowd, and soon all were ushered inside the immaculate palace for a celebration. Queen Tooth was just placing the new prince in a comfortable crib between his and her husband's throne when the villagers arrived. Aster felt his Father nudge him forward.

"Well, go say hello." He said. He passed a small silver necklace to his son, the tribute of their family to the newborn. The pendant was a simple snowflake, hung on a silver chain. "And be gentle. The Prince is only a few days old." Aster nodded. Why did they have to give a stupid baby an expensive piece of jewellery? But , he kept his mouth shut. Queen Tooth zeroed in on him the second he got close.

"Why, hello there." She said, smiling and crouching down. "Awe, your so cute and-oh! Your teeth are so WHITE and CLEAN!" Aster blinked.

"My teeth?"

"Keep good care of them." She said, nodding. "Ladies love a pretty smile." Aster was relieved as the Queen was again distracted, talking and moving like a humming bird on a sugar high. Aster stepped up on a provided stool and looked into the crib. Big blue eyes looked back at him, pale skin almost the same shade as his hair. He was dressed in tiny blue finery and covered with a blue blanket embroidered with silver snowflakes. The baby prince looked back up at him and cooed, hands up, trying to touch him. Aster had to admit, the little weirdo was cute. He dangled the necklace above him, and watched the baby's eyes go wide. He gurgled a bit, showing toothless gums and batted at the snowflake. As it swayed he laughed, making Aster smile. He dropped the pendant in and the baby waved it around. He had no idea how long he'd been watching the baby, but soon his Father came and led him away.

"I think he likes it." said Aster, the small family leaving. There was too much to be done preparing for the next plant for any farmer to stay long.

"Daddy, why did they call him the future Queen?" asked Aster as they passed the gates. "Why can't he be King?" Jamie chuckled and ruffled Aster's hair.

"I'll tell you when you're older."


The palace was dark, the only light coming from the candles carried by the staff as they went about their nightly duties and the moon. The Royal Family was fast asleep, the patio door unlocked to allow a tiny breeze into the hot room.

"What an adorable little snowflake." Black sand seeped into the crib, slowly curling around the sleeping infant. "Daddy North's pride and joy. And the future Queen to boot? You have a bright future ahead of you, don't you?" Grey, sharp teeth glowed menacingly alongside golden eyes in the dark.

"Lets fix that, shall we?" A dull blue glow formed at the end of the shadow's dark fingers, intensifying the cold chill. The King and Queen stirred, but the shadow wasn't done.

"You will be cold as ice." It said darkly. "Untouchable by EVERYONE save your Mother and Father. Frost will form where you walk, your skin numb with cold. You will NEVER feel warmth, nothing but pressure. No texture, no heat, nothing. Those that touch you will burn from the cold, save your Mother and Father. You will be forever alone." The blue glow connected to the infant's body and the child immediately woke and screamed. King North and Queen Tooth shot up in bed, eyes widening at the gold eyed shadow.

"Pitch!" Growled King North, grabbing his sabres and jumping out of bed. The shadow cackled as he dodged the blow, slipping out the open window.

"Tut tut, you have more pressing matters than I." laughed Pitch, gold eyes glowing with malice. "Like, perchance, a ruined heir." North rushed forward as the shadow dispersed.

"Coward!" yelled King North. "Come back here and fight me like a man!" Only the Queen's horrified gasp turned his attention. King North gasped, eyes widening as he looked at his crying son. No tears cam from his eyes, only chunks of ice. Frost had spread from his skin to the blankets and mattress. The air was cold around him, like the dead of winter. The Queen carefully took him into her arms, shivering slightly at the cold, but unharmed by it. The baby was immediately calmed by his Mother's familiar heartbeat, and gripped the shaking hand of his Father.

"He's so cold…" whispered Queen Tooth. "Like a piece of ice in the middle of winter…" King North took a minute to take in the sight of frost curling onto his son's blanket from mere contact to his skin before going to action. He pulled open the door, startling the sentries outside.

"Bring me the Seer." He demanded. "NOW." Saluting, the sentries raced off, the King shutting the door and lighting candles while the Queen examined her son with horror.

"What did he do?!" she demanded as the Seer burst in, still wearing a long night gown, hair loose and a bag of supplies ready.

"Pitch was here, standing over Jack's crib." Said King North. "He did…something to him. He's cold as ice! Frost spreads under his skin! Can anything be done?" The Seer took Jack and laid him down on the large canopy bed of the King and Queen, pulling away the blanket. Frost made the blanket a bit stiff, the baby's sleeper covered in the cold ferns as well. She could feel the dark energy radiating from him like a beacon.

"He's been cursed." She said quietly, checking all over for any sign indicating she could remove it now. She touched the baby's skin and hissed. He was so cold he burned her flesh. "I can't take it away. He rooted it at the Prince's heart. If I even TRY I'll kill him. Even if it wouldn't, I can't touch him. I don't think anyone but you could touch his un-covered skin."

"My poor baby!" cried Queen Tooth, breaking down in her husband's arms. The Seer thought for a moment.

"It's not all bad." Said the Seer, carefully wrapping up the baby. "It's not affecting his health. In fact, I doubt he knows he's this cold. And all curses have a way to be broken. There is always a way to lift it, even if magic cannot. We only need to find that remedy."

"What is the cure?" demanded King North. "I don't care if it takes the rest of my natural life, I will find it."

"You can't find it." said the Seer, shaking her head. "This curse was born from malice. Only the opposite can break it, and the person who can give it has already been found."

"So bring them in!" said the Queen.

"The Prince and the cure are too young now. That is all MiM will tell me. I know nothing about the cure besides it's a boy, he is a child, he lives in this country, and this necklace will one day lead them together." A little silver pendant hung on the side of the crib shimmered in the light. "The cure gave it to him."

"So one of the people who came to his presentation." Said the Queen. "So many children came! What if we never find him?!"

"Don't worry, my Queen." Said the Seer, handing the blanketed infant back to her. "MiM works in mysterious ways. He will not abandon Jack. He can and will be saved. Have faith, and I promise that faith will eventually be rewarded. The curse will be lifted. The prince and our mystery child were MADE for each other. What else do we need to know? Things will work out in the end, and Pitch will lose. The darkness can never truly win as long as one person will stand up to it. MiM knows what he's doing, and will not leave the Prince to suffer this fate. When the time is right, all will fall into place." The Seer took a bow and left, the King and Queen distraught with worry about the now sleeping ice child.

"What if she's wrong?" asked Queen Tooth worriedly. King North stroked his beard.

"Your baby sister has never led us astray before." Said North. "I fear for him too, but if Baby says that MiM will act, I believe MiM will act. For now, we just have to keep him from too much interaction with the people. We do not need frostbitten citizens from touching the Prince. Besides, we can still hold and hug him. I have the utmost faith in Baby and MiM." Queen Tooth nodded and adjusted Jack, holding him against her chest protectively.

"And if Pitch comes back?" she asked. King North picked up his swords.

"He'll taste his own blood on my blade." He growled. "I will send him back into that dark, damp pit from hence he came, and burry his dead body deeper than the deepest depths of Hell. He will NEVER touch our son, our People or threaten our peace again, or die trying." Queen Tooth shivered, but not from the cold.

"Then I'll give him another opponent to fight." She said. "He will rue the day he crawled out of his vile pit."

The Crown Prince slept on in his Mother's arms; unaware of the pain this night would cause him for years to come.