School starts at 8:30 am, ends at 3:00 pm.

Tuition starts at 4:00 pm, ends at 6:30 pm.

Night class starts at 8:30 pm, ends at 10:00 pm.

And that simple schedule up there is my ghetto circle of life.

Screw it.

Now, let's see. What was the formula for counting the perimeter of an arc again? And over here I will need the…Pythagorean Theorem, I can't remember the formula. Let's see, let's see, ah yes, axa+bxb=cxc, which will make this 97x97+46x46, which makes the hypotenuse 583.1123390…by 3 decimal point will make it 583.112.

Oh, god…my head hurts.

"Rin," a girl from behind called my name.

"Yes, Miku?" I asked her.

"I'm really sorry about your boyfriend." She said sadly, "You two were so happy together, I just can't imagine…you know…"

"Thanks for caring," I said.

"Why…why aren't you sad?" She asked, suddenly confused at my expression, "your boyfriend died yesterday, it's like you don't even care."

"Move on with my life and forget the past…I guess." I replied her, still trying to solve the question.

Miku looked over me and stared at my homework, "You have got to be kidding me, you're doing math at a time like this? What is more important, Len's life of homework?"

I stared at her, not knowing what to say. She was always an emotional girl who can't stand other people's death/absences/disappearances; I'll just assume she's watched to many Korean dramas.

"You know what?" Miku stood up from her seat and walked away, glaring at my sorry and pathetic ass for a while. "Good luck with your tests."

Yeah, we have an English test three classes later, and then we have another physics test to worry about.

Len is…probably happy to escape the test now, isn't he? He loathed anything that involved formulas and sciences. Yet it was so funny how his mother wanted him to be a doctor, like he's going to give a fuck.

The stress has been tearing him apart, I guess. Died by suicide, hanged himself in his bedroom.

I got a few messages from him two days ago.

I got 66 in my physics, and my mom actually told me to break up with you because you were interfering with my study time. She is such a bitch. Can you believe it?

Worrying that he was going to break up with me, I sent: So…are you going to?

With relief, I got this: Of course I'm not, I love you.

I smiled at the message.

But after knowing he wasn't going to break up with me, his mother went crazy and started calling my mother to talk about this "problem" of hers. Then my mother started talking to me about the future, about education being more important than love.

Of course I know that, of course Len knew that. Everyone knows education is always important. Without education, you can't go to college, you can't get a job, you won't get money, you won't get shit.

So last night he texted me.

I'm sorry, Rin. But I've had enough, I'm sick and tired…of being sick and tired. I hope you'll understand. Maybe I'll come visit you in ghost form, just don't freak out when I do.

I love you Rin, I really do.

He was still trying to be funny even though he was going to die.

I got worried, so I texted him, again and again, hoping to get a response, nothing.

Next thing I knew it, he died.

I cried for… half an hour, I guess. Then my mom came in and told me to do my homework.

And I did.

I looked at the next question; it requires me to count tangent and sine.

I actually like math and science, unlike Len, so I taught him some of the formulas just so he could past the exams. But I hated learning those Chinese words, Kanji; I'm totally useless at those things. And so Len had to teach me those.

They say both is required to pass our grade, and I've always worried about not passing the exams.

Failing in exams isn't wrong, a lot of people failed at these. But it was us who made them wrong.

What is wrong with me?

The teacher came in.

"Class, today we're going to write an essay. I want you to write about yourself. This isn't just a simple introduction about yourself, but I want you to think who are you, your personality, what you want your life to be, anything that could represent you."

Easy, I heard someone said the word from behind.

Yeah, of course it's easy, writing about yourself? That's an essay I wrote when I was 7 years old, man, this has got to be easy.

Now, my personality, my personality is…

The hell, I don't know.

Fuck this shit.