A lone figure swayed drunkenly in his saddle as he rode along, singing as he went while playing very badly on a mandola.

"The great big king and the wobbly dragon…" He sang as he drank some more ale.

Little did he know that from the trees on the side of the road he was being watched by four pairs of eyes.

"Look at him." One of the men said, clearly the boss of the group. "He's probably got a nice fat purse on him." The others chuckled darkly.

"So when do we jump 'im boss?" a scrawny man fingering a knife asked.

"Now!" the boss yelled as he ran forward

He didn't even make it a meter before an arrow appeared in his neck as it did for another two. The fourth one seeing the fate of his companions turned around and ran back to the woods. He didn't make it far before an arrow appeared in his back.

Will pulled back his hood, all pretense of being drunk gone. He looked down at the bodies and regretted not taking one alive. However his work was done and he had to get back to headquarters.

"Hey, I've been thinking." Will said as he set down two cups of coffee

"Always a dangerous past time." said Halt

Will continued on ignoring Halt's remark. "You know that ship Gundar had?"

"The one with the bird sail." Halt replied

"Yeah, that one." Will said. "I was thinking that the ship plan could improve our current ships."

Halt looked at him. "That could work; of course you'd have to go to Skandia to copy the design."

"I know and I was also thinking of bringing Horace." Will said.

"Horace, why Horace?" Halt asked.

"Because from the letters he's sent me; it sounds like he's extremely bored of castle life." Will replied.

"And you think Skandians can cheer him up?" Halt asked.

Will just stared at him.

"Alright that was a stupid question." Halt said. "I'll talk to Crowley about it."