FIRSTLY, I am so awfully sorry that this update took so so so long. My computer was in the shop for over a month getting its keyboard replaced, so I couldn't write to you or update. SECONDLY, I have no intention of stopping this story; in fact, I see it going quite far. Thank you, thank you to those who are reading this.

"So tell me, baby sister. How was Aspen?" Klaus made light conversation as he lounged on one of the armchairs in the biggest sitting room.

Rebekah was wandering around the space, touching things here and there, examining the house with a sharp eye. "Oh, you know. It was positively glacial, yet somehow still exciting."

Caroline smirked from where she was mixing drinks for the pair behind the bar that lay in the corner of the room. It, like all of the rest of the fridges in the house, was fully stocked with alcohol.

"Heavy on the vodka for your White Russian, Ms. Mikaelson?" Caroline asked, as soon as Klaus was done putting his two cents in about Aspen and its various excitements.

"Please, my mother is Ms. Mikaelson. Call me Rebekah, seeing as you have no qualms against calling my brother Klaus." The blonde replied smartly, taking a seat on the couch. "And Caroline?"

"Yes Ms. Mik- Rebekah?" Caroline corrected herself.

The younger sibling smirked while Klaus looked on. "Always, always heavy on the vodka."

Caroline finished mixing Rebekah's drink and then poured some Scottish whiskey for Klaus. She came around to the front of the bar, handing them to the pair.

"Now sister," Klaus was saying. "Don't tell me you've developed my atrocious drinking habits." His gaze was one of the slightly joking, morbidly curious elder brother.

The blonde scoffed into her drink. "I'm afraid they're familial, Nik." The girl sighed, sipping from her glass. "Either that or Damon's been rubbing off on me. He drinks almost as much as you do!"

"Fruity cocktails, no doubt." Klaus grumbled into his scotch.

Rebekah shot Klaus a condescending look. "If you must know, the two of you drink, speak, and act almost exactly the same. You're both condescending assholes when you want to be."

"Rebekah!" Klaus protested in disbelief as Caroline tried to squash the smirk that had formed on her face.

"It doesn't mean I don't love you, Nik!" Rebekah acquitted, "It just means that you need to lighten up a bit." The blonde sister rose her glass in a mocking toast. "And speaking of lightening up, what is with you, Caroline?"

Caroline coughed, spitting out the soda water she'd been drinking. "Excuse me?"

Rebekah raised an eyebrow. "I can tell that that's only tonic from here. Pour yourself a drink after you freshen mine; any of the pointless chores Niklaus has assigned you can surely wait 'til morning."

Caroline moved to do as she said, filling Rebekah's glass once again.

"It would hardly be appropriate, Ms…Rebekah." Caroline stuttered. Sure, she wouldn't mind a drink, but what good could it do her if Klaus was angered because of it?"

Rebekah shot an angry glance at her brother, who'd been sipping his whiskey thoughtfully. "See what you've done, Nik? I told you, you're a hard-ass."

Caroline moved to speak; Rebekah had it wrong, Klaus was actually a fantastic boss. Over the days they'd developed a system of working in polite tandem that Caroline had no problems with.

"Really, it's no trouble…." She started.

"No. Sometimes, unfortunately my sister is right." Klaus said, holding up a hand to stop her. "You haven't had any ounce of fun or even peace since you've been here. Pour yourself a drink, Caroline."

Her boss's genuine eyes met hers, and Caroline let out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "You're sure?" She didn't want to neglect her work needlessly. Caroline hated people who wasted time.

His lips, God, they were gorgeous, even from this far, curved into a soft smirk. "I'm sure."

Breaking from his gaze Caroline turned to fix herself a drink, though the tingling sensation she swore she felt between her shoulder blades that was his gaze lingered for moments longer.

"Come and join us when you're done," Rebekah stated with a smirk. "I'd love to grill the person who's been living with dear Nikky. I'm sure he has such peculiar habits." The younger Mikaelson stuck her tongue out at her brother, who simply rolled his eyes and finished off his drink.

Klaus stood, taking his glass to the bar where Caroline was finishing shaking the martini she was making for herself. Maneuvering in the small space behind the bar, he put his glass in the sink, unthinkingly coming closer to Caroline as he did so.

Klaus realized his folly not an instant later when Caroline stumbled back and the pair collided gently. Klaus brought his hands up underneath her elbows to steady her, trying to ignore the way she'd come to rest against him, her back pressed into multiple spots along his chest.

"I'm so sorry," the blonde muttered embarrassedly. "I didn't know you were right there."

Klaus tutted. "No, the fault is mine, love. I should have warned you, made more noise or something." Klaus tried to keep his voice light and normal, anything but affected. But gods, Caroline felt good. She was warm, sweet-smelling, and… blushing? He smirked; glad he wasn't the only one reacting.

He gave her a gentle push, helping the blonde stand back where she had been, and walked back out to where Rebekah was furiously typing a message on her cell.

Caroline lingered behind the bar for a few more moments, only coming out from behind it after a pointed look from Rebekah.

The blonde took one of the barstools to sit on; the two siblings lounged on comfortable sofas. Caroline was hyper-aware of her status with the two Mikaelsons in that moment.

"So Caroline," Rebekah was asking. "What's Nik like to live with? I assume he's a bore, if a whole childhood is anything to go off of."

Caroline hid her giggle in her drink as Klaus rolled his eyes at Rebekah.

"I…uh," the blonde stammered, unsure of how to answer the question.

Rebekah noticed her struggling. "Don't feel bashful because he's sitting right there, Caroline. He's used to it, Elijah and Kol made sure of that."

"Perhaps she doesn't wish to put herself in the uncomfortable position of judging her employer, Bekah." Klaus cut in. "Give the girl some slack."

Caroline nodded in agreement.

"Fine." Rebekah began to sulk. "Let's play another game, then."

Klaus ran a tired hand through his hair. "Rebekah…" Klaus's world-weary gaze caught Caroline's. "When we were younger Bekah was the troublemaker, and the angel. She'd cause sixty sorts of trouble and blame the rest of us for starting them."

"Your poor nanny." Caroline supplied, trying to wrap her head around the thought of a young Rebekah, and more so, a young Klaus.

The sister smirked coyly. "I was the model child, Nik. You can't honestly say that you wouldn't have done the same, given the chance."

As Klaus shook his head, Caroline spoke. "How many siblings do you have?"

"Four too many." Klaus scoffed, the same time as Rebekah supplied "five."

"Five children?" Caroline's eyes widened of their own accords. "That's outrageous! I can't even imagine."

"Only child?" Rebekah asked Caroline.

"Yes," the blonde responded. "And happy to be as such. I can't think of having one more sibling, let alone four."

"Four, and all just as irritating as the rest." Klaus added. "Your childhood must've been so peaceful."

"I guess," Caroline nodded, finishing off her drink. "I really should be heading to bed, early morning and all."

"Ah right. The interviews!" Klaus exclaimed, remembering. "You're putting the ads out first thing tomorrow morning?"

As Caroline nodded, the younger Mikaelson piped in. "What ads?"

"Caroline has a desire to return this monstrous estate to its former glory," Klaus flung his hands out, explaining. "And to do that," he continued, "it'll take a bit more than the effort the two of us can put it. Hence, interviews. "

Rebekah clapped her hands together gleefully. "See, this is the type of thing you need, Niklaus. I'll be damned if I allow you to act as a hermit for the scant remainder of your golden years. Brava, Caroline."

Rebekah narrowly ducked the pillow that Klaus launched at her head, moving out of the way with a laugh.

"I'm not a hermit," he defended himself. "I prefer a quiet life, is that really so hard to fathom?" But now it was too late, and Rebekah had retrieved the first pillow and began an assault of her own.

Caroline set her glass in the sink, not wanting to interrupt the two siblings. She doubted they got much time to bond. She left the room to the pair, shutting the door behind her and walking into the hall, the intoxicating sound of Klaus's laughter permeating her ears.


A/N My god, I am so incredibly sorry. This is short, but I needed to get something out to you to ensure the lot of you that I am not dead. I plan to continue this story, and the next chapter will be longer. I have not given it up. If I've lost you in the wait, you have my regret. If I still have you, thank you.
