And the Sky is Deeper than a Dream

There is always a tragedy happening. Sometimes you're bullied in school because you're different. Sometimes a loved one dies. Sometimes you're an addict or you're lost in your imaginary world. People victims of a tragedy would wish that the bad things were all dreams, even the ones who dream in a dream. I do too. Maybe you imagine up a family, a bright sunny home with a playful dog named Spot and a cute cat named fluffy, and the classic parents still madly in love. I imagine that sometimes too. But to tell you, my life is-

I awoke to yelling, crashing of cheap plates, the harsh sound of fists contacting skin and doors slamming. My aunt was fighting with this week's boyfriend and it's barely ten p.m. It's way too early for them to be fighting. Curiously I wandered out of bed to listen to what would happen next. Suddenly my bed room door burst opened causing the picture frames on my wall to clatter. It was frightening to see that man stagger into my room; the stench of alcohol reeked from this man; his eyes blood shot and filled with angered, I needed to get away from him, because I knew what he was about to do. Too much in shock I couldn't move from where I stood then I screamed when the man grabbed me and took me to the floor, then dragged me to my bed. I started kicking but my tired limbs gave up. The man was very greedy. I could feel the man's hands groping every inch of skin as my pajamas were ripped to pieces. The stench of alcohol and cigarette made my stomach churn; I had no strength to push this man, three times my size, off me.

My body was tired. I don't remember the last time I ate. My energy diminished. I looked over at my wall where the picture frames hung crooked. Just pictures of two blond children with smiles, just pictures of a family of four, a crack hid the facial features of the two adults. My throat burned from screaming and I let myself go numb. After I heard the man's buckle, I heard the front door slam; I thought it would be my aunt here to make up with this drunken man above me.

I may have not been born the luckiest girl, but I felt lucky when Alfred my twin came home from work early. Alfred moved in a blur, he swung a baseball bat to the man's head. It was a loud 'thwunk' and I saw the man's body fall from my bed in slow motion. I wrapped my arms around my nude frame and though my throat burned I screamed at no one. It was traumatizing, but I really did want that man to be battered to death. It wouldn't be the first time I saw a corpse in front of me, prior of it breathing seconds earlier.

The police came and questioned everything. My body was still numb but I could feel hot tears down my cheeks as I spat out everything that happened. I went to the hospital for a shattered wrist and was told by the intimidating female officer that Alfred would not be arrested for manslaughter or battery, he was innocent. Maybe innocent for what he did for me though.

The hospital was massive, I saw many people there for common sickness like the flu or common injuries like broken limbs. I wandered for a bit, thinking that taking a walk would ease my shaking knees, but no. I got up to the up levels of the hospital. I heard women screaming while giving birth, the cries of the newborns, I saw the nurses smiling at terminally ill children, and a doctor covering a man's face with a white sheet. I knew the hospital was a place of life and death, where the sickness can or cannot be cured, where people can or cannot be saved from life threating injuries, this place is a heaven and hell. I should wait in the waiting room, Alfred should be here soon.

School was in the morning, and I had no desire to go. I'd be better off staying in my brother's room crying. The effects of last night was finally kicking in, I went into full panic mode, alone.

There wasn't much of a cure to this sudden panic attack, I paced back and forth in Alfred's messy room hyperventilating. I felt like was going crazy or in other words dying, but I couldn't escape. The only one I could talk to was the girl in my diary, me. Without anyone to comfort me I wrote in my diary nonstop. It helped a bit.

-My arms no longer sting from my slashes. But sometimes when I look outside, I see that the sky Is; Deep. It looks really deep. Like a large body of water calling me. Is it possible to fall into the sky? If so, then The sky is deeper than a dream.- Sincerely yours Madeline Williams ^-^

I signed my name with swirls and a happy face. Sighing I lay back down on my twin's messy mattress falling asleep.

"You can go back tomorrow or the day after, okay?"

"*sniffles* okay"

After a few days, I was able to gather the courage to go. Putting my hair in low pigtails with red ribbons, I stared at my reflection. I looked like crap. My eyes are puffy from crying and dark from the lack of sleep, and I'm a lot paler than usual. At least my invisibility and rarity of friends will help a lot. Moving on to the dressing part, I didn't want to look in the mirror again, I was afraid to look at the rest of myself. I knew that I could see my ribs, I knew that I was starving, and I knew that my slashes won't help my image any further. Carefully I slipped on my school uniform. It was just a blue knee high skirt and a white button long sleeve dress shirt, and I struggled with the tying the tie.

"Here, let me." Alfred entered the small bathroom to brush his teeth. "Are you gonna be alright? You can stay home again. I can let the principle kno-"

"No, its fine Alfie." I gave him a weak smile. "Everything, will be okay, I'm sure of it."

"Maddie! Get in here!" I winced at her aunt's voice. She was furious.

Taking baby steps to the kitchen where I knew my aunt started to grow impatient, I could hear her foot tapping rapidly. I could only do my usual whispered "Y-yes?"

"You little brat, You got me put in jail. You got my boyfriend killed. You damn brat, I don't want you here anymore." My aunt shoved her maroon nail in my face. I couldn't hold back tears. "Get out!"

My aunt has yelled at me before, beaten me, kicked me out many times, but this time, it was too much. I couldn't handle her awful voice, her bad habits. I don't want to be like her. Immediately I ran to my room and threw whatever I owned into a pale blue duffle bag. I guess it is best if I just leave. Where will I go? I picked up my stuffed polar bear. "Oh Kuma, what do I do?"

"Maddie, please don't listen to her. She's just an idiot. You don't have to leave."

"I can't stand living here anymore Alfred. I just can't!" I shook my head violently until I fell to my knees and started crying. For many reasons I felt that I could easily just go into the kitchen and take my aunt's gun from her bra, then shoot myself right before her eyes. She will be happy I bet but I don't want to please that woman. "I can't. Please. I can't."

"Maddie. We-we'll go somewhere. I don't know where, but we'll go." I felt Alfred grip my shoulders, it didn't hurt. My brother is so gentle with me.

I wiped my eyes with my cotton sleeve. "O-o-okay."

Alfred went into his room and packed all his things. At least we didn't own a lot of things, only the basics; clothes, tooth brush and CDs.

"Okay, um we can call the lady who signed us over to crazy" Alfred was talking about the stern woman from the social service place. I thought people from a different company where supposed to take care of our whereabouts, but I guess not.

"S-s-sounds g-great." I couldn't help but stutter.

Two weeks later, Alfred and I found ourselves in front of a huge school. It was an academy. Hetalia Academy.

This feels like a dream. Will I wake up and return to my nightmare?

And there is the rewrite! Its edited and more was added... How do you feel about this?

PM or review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.