Author's note: I decided to make a more serious Clingyshipping fanfic than Kinks. I can take only so many lemons. First person view.


A bright sunny day. Bird Pokémon chattered in the trees. In front of me was the Pokémon research lab. I messed with my scarf and glanced around in boredom.

Where is he?

Barry told me to meet him here, said he had an idea for what we could do today. He probably decided to run all the way here. I preferred flying on a Pokémon; so much faster. Plus the wind flowing past my face felt great. The only downside was that I had to occasionally grab for my beret, the wind having knocked it off. I walked over to a nearby tree and sat down underneath it's branches to wait.

I didn't have to wait too much longer. In the distance I saw a familiar blonde head of hair. Barry was running full force towards me. I lazily waved. He grinned and waved back. Barry tried to come to a stop, but his foot slid on some gravel. His momentum kept him coming straight towards me. With a thump he fell on top of me. I let out a little oomph of surprise as his face landed on my lap.

"Gah... dammit, Barry."

Barry got off of me. He sat on his knees facing me and grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry Luke."

"You know I don't like being called Luke."

"I know. That's why I do it."

I rolled my eyes. He was so cute when he acted like that. Suddenly I realized that I just called him cute.

He's not cute, I thought to myself. He's a guy!

"So what was it you wanted?" I asked him, trying to push what I just thought aside.

"Oh, right."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple slips of paper.

"Dad got me these tickets for the park. Want to go?"

By park he meant the amusement park. It was a huge place filled with a bunch of rides. It was rather new, opened a couple months ago near Jubilife. Me and Barry practically drooled at the sight of the roller coaster towering over the entire complex. It was called the Volt Tackle. According to the park's website it was the fastest roller coaster in the region.

"Hell yeah!" I said excitedly.

"Thought so. We should head there soon. When the crowds start pouring in the lines will be huge."

"Flying or walking?"

"I'd rather walk."

"OK, let me get some stuff first."

"Let's meet up here before we leave."


I pulled out a Poke ball and released my Chatot. It flew up and swooped down, grabbing my outstretched arm. Barry turned into a blur as I was pulled into the sky. I felt the wind flow past my face once again. Suddenly everything came into focus and I was lowered to the ground. In front of me stood my house. I re-captured Chatot and went in.

My mom wasn't home, so I scribbled a note saying where I'll be. I pulled out a water bottle and filled at the sink. Since I didn't have money to spend I packed a lunch. On a hunch I packed Barry one to. He probably would have forgotten. Plus the blonde didn't have any money either, or at least that's the impression he gave. My thoughts drifted towards him. I felt warm inside when I remembered his grin. I hoped to see more of it on our date.

Wait, date?

I mentally slapped myself. What was with me recently? Calling him cute, and now this? I pushed these thoughts aside and left my house. I threw out Chatot and it carried me back in front of the lab. Barry was still there, and perked up when he saw me.

"Took you long enough," he said, faking anger.

I pulled his lunch.

"Figured you would have forgotten one," I said.

He blushed, embarrassed. I tossed it towards him.

"Thanks," he said with a grin.

"Mhm. So we going now?"

"Yep. Race you there," he said cockily.

"You're on."

I lost by a landslide. I collapsed on the ground in front of the park entrance, huffing and panting. Maybe Barry was right; I had been using Fly to much. He stood above me, wearing a gloating smile. Even if it was taunting, it made me feel weird inside.

"Need help up?" Barry asked, dropping the smile.

"Yeah," I wheezed out. "I think... I do."

I grabbed his offered arm and he pulled me up. His skin was softer than I would have thought, and I suddenly didn't want to stop feeling it. I realized how weird that thought was and I let go.


"No prob."

I turned towards the entrance of the park. Several brightly colored banners pointed where people could buy tickets. Already there was a crowd forming.

"So where do we enter?" I wondered aloud.

"No clue," Barry answered.

"Maybe we should check around?"

"Good idea."

Me and him wandered around the park entrance. After what seemed like an hour we found a worker who could point us to the entrance. We gave a person at the gate our tickets and entered the park. What I saw inside took my breath away.

Everything was bright and colorful. The Volt Tackle towered over us, looking larger than ever. Large rides took up the skyline. There were already crowds gathered, blocking the way. Me and Barry grinned at each other. We took off, weaving through the crowds.

Soon the Volt Tackle stood before us in its towering, metallic glory. There was no line, surprisingly. A sign told us the reason why.

"It's closed!?" Barry asked exasperatedly.

"Says here it's closed for repairs," I pointed out.

"Dang it."

He sat down on a bench. I sat down next to him. Barry seemed really upset.

"Let's go check something else out," I suggested.

He sighed


"The haunted house is supposed to be cool. Let's go there."
