Author's Note: Nothing cannon about it with the exception of Kaidan's message, just a random ficlet. I don't want to hear all of this out of character nonsense, I'm aware and it's actually kind of the point.

It was all for you for you, cutesy smut action, it was all for you…

Also, BIOWARE. They own it, not me. Cool? Cool. Enjoy.


The CIC was bustling with activity as it usually was, but Shepard found that she was a world away from it all; her subconscious mind lost in the heart wrenching memories of a battered biotic motionless in a hospital bed. Missions came and went and alliances were made and after every single one she would bee line it to her personal terminal in hopes for a message from him. So when her terminal pinged during a conversation with Traynor about a toothbrush, she couldn't control the incessant tapping of her foot as she waited for the now mundane conversation to end; Traynor's large brown orbs shown with understanding and quickly turned back to her terminal muttering something about integrating data.

Shepard's feet couldn't have moved the few feet to her personal terminal fast enough, hoping she didn't look as desperate as she felt. Opening her messages and skimming through several "Thank You" messages and an equal amount of "Fuck You" messages she finally came across the one she'd been hoping for. Subject: Doc says I'm ready for visitors. There was no one else that could be, and she could feel her eyes light up.

From: Kaidan Alenko

Hey Shepard,

Through some combination of a medical miracle and dumb luck, I survived the beating I took on Mars. The doctors say I'm still not ready to be released, but I'd really like to see you if you could spare the time.

Councilor Udina offered to make me a Spectre. Still thinking about whether or not I should accept. Stop by my room at the hospital when you're on the Citadel. I'd like your advice.

Thanks, Kaidan.

She re-read the message two more times, just to make sure she wasn't imagining the "I want to see you" part. Her heart fluttered in her chest; despite being a hardened soldier, Kaidan always reminded her that she was human too, and very much a woman. Her stomach twisted into a knot and she struggled to repress the giggle fighting to escape. A part of her even wondered if she should wear civilian clothes instead of her usual Alliance uniform; she decided to nix that last thought fairly quickly. Joker's voice came over the speaker, snapping her out of her revere of being girly for Kaidan, and found she was pretty thankful for it. Once she gets an idea in her head she doesn't just go through with it, but often goes a little over the top with it. Shooting a deranged fan in the foot to prove a point, throwing a mercenary out of a window along with a witty one liner, head butting a Krogan, the list goes on. Though, on that last one she wasn't completely sure if she had wanted to convince Clan Urdnot or herself that she may actually be part Krogan.

"Commander, the Asari councilor is on vid-com."

No. This was not going to happen right now. Besides, she felt that she could safely assume how the conversation was going to go anyway.

"I'm not here. Oh, and Joker, set a course for the Citadel. I'll be in my quarters."

"Yes, Ma'am. ETA two hours." Shepard could hear the smile in his voice. Disdain for the Council would always be a common ground bringing her and her helmsman together. She smiled as she headed to the elevator; a message from Kaidan and the opportunity to flip off the Council all at the same time? It was going to be a good day.