Hey there guys! It's been a long time since I've written again. I've to say, I miss it. Yes, I changed my penname from MRforever44 to mademoiselle-cosette. Anyway, sorry for the longass wait. Here's a rewrite of my old story, I Hate Camp, No, I Love Camp!

Fixing Her

We rode in silence, my eyes focused on anything but him, and my hands tightly folded across my chest. After several attempts at conversation Jeb had given up, although the tension in the air was tangible. I didn't see any reason for him to be upset. After all, he wasn't the one being shipped off to some unknown camp. He was the one who would be living it up once I was gone.

I was too absorbed in exploring different ways to kill him when all of a sudden, I felt something glide over my shoulder. Jeb's stupid hand. I shrugged it off me before I actually killed him. A thrill of satisfaction swept over me when I saw him wince, but it was soon washed out with irritation when he started to speak.

''Max, look, I'm not doing this to hurt you. I'm doing this because I love you. It's for the best, honey.''

I stayed silent. Of course he was doing this to hurt me. He wanted me out of his life.

''It's only for two months. At the end of September, you can come back. This is all just to help you with everything that's happened. It will keep you distracted.''

My hands curled into fists. I sensed the direction this was going. If Jeb was stupid enough to bring that up again, I would kill him.

He slowed the car down and paused at a huge sign. Camp Mesquite. I tensed when I saw the name. Detecting my tenseness, Jeb took a long, weary breathe and continued.

''I know this is a lot to take in, sweetie, but trust me, it will get better. I'm your dad- I know what's best for you. What with everything that's happened with your mom and-''

I cut him off by exhaling sharply. He didn't just say that. He wouldn't. My mind replayed his words and I got furious all over again.

''Know what's best for me? Are you serious, Jeb?'' I began, icily. ''You would know what's best for me by shutting the hell up! How dare you bring my mom into this! How dare you even talk to me about her!

''You know what, Jeb? You clearly don't know what's best for me. You never have and you never will. Dumping me off at this camp isn't going to help. It's just going to bring up another reason for me to hate you.''

I hadn't realized I was crying until I turned to glare at him. His wide eyes were staring at the sparkling tear on my cheek, and I momentarily scowled at myself. I rarely cried and when I did, it was for things worth crying for; the last time I had actually spilled a tear was at my mom's funeral. I flinched at the awful memory, then remembered Jeb's eyes were still trained on my face.

Before he could say anything, I opened the door of the Jeep, walked to the back of it, and yanked my backpack and suitcase out.

Jeb was already out of the car, his hands behind his back and waiting for me by the camp sign. I stalked past him, ignoring his attempt at carrying my suitcase for me.

''The camp director said there would be a five-minute hike before we actually got to the camp,'' he informed, behind me. His voice was small and repentant. For a brief second, I felt a flash of guilt but then rolled my eyes and started on the trail leading to Camp Mesquite.

I was thankful for the mini-hike; it helped clear my mind. Luckily, Jeb stayed quiet, too, so I could think clearly without him making me all violent and what not.

I knew it was terribly unfair to him, for me to act like this. We had barely talked after my mom had died. I don't think he ever realized I had stayed away from him to protect myself. Only when he was sober would I speak with him and even then, they weren't ordinary conversations. More like screaming matches.

Time passed and I found out I had a short temper with him around, even if he hadn't said anything. I realized I had never forgiven Jeb, despite those short, tight apologies we muttered after fights.

After a few minutes of hiking, we reached camp. I scanned my eyes over it. A beige building near the entrance. A climbing wall to the left of us. A volleyball court a bit farther down from it. A glittering blue lake to our right.

''We're here,'' Jeb murmured.

''I know,'' I snapped.

Ignoring my comment, he said, ''Do you want me to come with you? You're going to have to give them your paperwork and what not.''

''I'll go by myself.''


He seemed to be waiting for something.

''If you're asking me to hug you goodbye or something, then you know better, Jeb.''

He nodded in assent, but I sensed that he was disappointed. ''Alright, then. See you in two months, kiddo.'' Before I could react, he gathered me to him and planted a kiss on my forehead. I was too shocked to do anything but stand there and feel him let go of me. We shared one quick glance before he spun around and retreated back to the car.

As I watched his receding figure disappear, a cold pang touched my heart. I was alone. Jeb had left me. This was all his fault. Why did he have to bring me here? Didn't I have any say in this? This was his fault.

The thought bounced around in my head while I walked towards the beige building, which I guessed was headquarters. Might as well do something useful instead of use all my energy hating Jeb.

I placed my hand on the door handle, but abruptly, it turned from the other side and swung in. Looking up, I saw a guy with an annoyed look, scowling down at me. What had I done?

''Sorry,'' he murmured. He edged around me and left.

I shook my head. What was up with that?

The people inside- a man and a lady- saw me standing in the doorway and beckoned me inside. I walked in cautiously and looked around the small room. There was a couch and TV set in the corner along with a desk in the center.

''Sorry about that,'' said the friendly-looking woman from behind the desk.

I glanced at the man. He had the identical expression of irritation as the guy who had just left. He even looked like him. Dark, black hair and tan, olive skin.

Looking back to the lady, I said quietly, ''That's alright.''

She smiled and noticing my suitcase and knapsack, asked, ''Are you a new camper?''


I handed over my papers and sat on the chair in front of her desk while she looked over them. The man stood in the corner watching TV. He was still frowning, with his hands folded across his chest.

''So was that your son?'' I blurted out and immediately cursed myself. Damn my annoying curiosity.

In the corner of my eye, I saw his head sharply turn in my direction. Slightly embarrassed, I looked down at my clasped hands. I squirmed when I felt four eyes on me. I didn't like being looked at.

Then there was a soft sigh. ''Yes, he's my son, alright. You'll have to excuse him. He's in one of his moods.''

I nodded, not wanting to pry anymore.

''Alright, Maximum—", started the woman.

''It's Max.''

''Sorry. I have your papers all checked, Max. Here's your schedule,'' she paused to hand me a paper of my scheduled activities. I tried not to scowl. Sensing my annoyance, she continued grinning. ''Don't worry. You can start tomorrow. I'm Casey and I'll be your sort-of counselor. Any problems you have, just inform me.''

''Thank you, Casey.'' I tried to match her smile and failed.

''No problem. Oh, and this is Mr. Ride. He's our camp director,'' she said, gesturing to Mr. Ride, who turned and addressed me.

''S' right. I come up with the activities here at camp.''

I nodded again and picking up my suitcase, prepared to leave. A hand on my shoulder stopped me.

''Let me help you with that, Max,'' Mr. Ride offered.

''No, it's alright. I got it.''

''Well, then. I think I'll show you to your cabin.''

We started walking down to the rows of cabins. And let me tell you, it was thoroughly uncomfortable. I didn't want to ask any more questions about Mr. Ride's son. In fact I didn't want to talk period. I just wanted to keep to myself and wait these two long months out, without cracking.

Just then, I made a promise to myself, that I would hate this place as much as I possibly could.

So? What did you think? Yeah, this chapter might seem a bit dead, but hey! This is the intro- what do you expect of me? This shows mainly character development. Oh and for those of you wondering, Mr. Ride's son may or may not be Fang. Anywho, next chapter will up be in good time- can't say when, but don't worry, I'll write whenever I can!

I have one question for you guys tho. Do you think that I should get a beta to edit my work? I don't know, I think I could use one. Thoughts?