a/n - in the last 82 days, I've posted a total of 57 chapters of something on my two profiles. Not bad, right? I also got my new bedroom painted this last week and assembled the new desk. Now I'm unpacking writing books, outlines, etc. Currently, I'm working on Catalyst, Aftermath, and Laboring.

By the time Tim was ready to pull the car as close as possible, Lydia had gotten several other cars moved out of the way and a folding chair brought for Gibbs. As ordered, the teenaged snowboarder hadn't moved an inch from his assigned spot. Parking, McGee popped the hatchback before climbing out. With a glare that would put Gibbs to shame, Tim pointed at the young man. "Load the sled, then you're going to help me get Gibbs into the car. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Sir." Bursting into action, he quickly had the sled in the back of the Lexus and followed Tim back to Tia and Gibbs.

The moment of impact was still running through his mind and Tim tried to hide his trembling hands from Gibbs as he reached for Tiana. "Okay, Sweetie, we're going to put you in your car seat first, then I'm going to help Papa get in the car."

Tia went easily from Gibbs to her father and Tim quickly buckled her in, arriving back to Gibbs' side as an older, distinguished looking man arrived and Lydia quickly made the introductions. "Tim, this is Stuart Hall, Matt's father."

"I understand there was a slight incident." He handed Tim a business card as he gave him an artificial smile. "I'm sure we can take care of this quickly."

"Incident?" Instead of ranting, Tim pulled out his phone and brought up the video. Seeing it the second time was even worse as it was evident just how close it had been. Matt bowed his head in shame and even his father was pale as he rubbed his face. Tim hit a few buttons on his phone, emailing a copy to his work computer, as the video ended.

Tim was very explicit in his explanation. "Jethro Gibbs has the fastest reflexes of anyone I've ever known. If he hadn't reacted as quickly as he had, your son's snowboard would have hit my little girl in the head and your son would probably be facing involuntary manslaughter charges right now."

Stuart Hill didn't say anything at first but Tim noticed that his first instinct was to reach for his wallet. Not wanting that, Tim turned to the son. "I understand the thrill of extreme sports, but the neighborhood hill is not the place for it. You had no right to put any of these children at risk. A true sportsman understands the proper time and place to push the limits. Now, this is how we're going to take care of the incident."

Both father and son caught on to how Tim was turning the father's words back on them and silently listened to McGee's requirements. "I am taking Jethro and Tiana to the hospital for x-rays and an exam. You will be responsible for the costs of that and also any missed wages for Agent Gibbs."

"That's perfectly reasonable." Hill again reached for his wallet, but Tim shook his head. "Your father is not paying for this, Matthew, you are. You will work it off – every dime of it."


"Yes, work. You can start by shoveling the snow around his house tomorrow. Be there at nine. You know where it is?"

Matt was looking between his father and McGee, realizing that his father wasn't going to bail him out this time. "Yeah, sure, everybody around here knows Agent Gibbs, but..."

Tim shoved the phone back in his pocked and crossed his arms as he stepped into Matthew's personal space. "There is videotaped evidence that shows your reckless disregard for the safety of the children here today, resulting in the injury to a sworn federal officer. Before you get any bright ideas, that recording has already been sent to our agency's computers. Don't make me come after you tomorrow."

"He'll be there."

Matt swung around in surprise. "Dad?"

In all honesty, Stuart Hill was more worried about the impact any negative publicity would have on his company, but he had to admit his son was getting more and more out of control. "I give you my word."

Tim studied him for a moment before nodding and moving to Gibbs' side. "Maybe we should get an ambulance, just in case."

"I survived all those years in the Corps, I am not riding in an ambulance from a sledding accident."

It was all Tim could do not to roll his eyes. "You are so damn stubborn, you know that? Fine, but we're taking it slow and easy." When Gibbs grunted in agreement, he wrapped his arms around the older man and lifted.

Gibbs couldn't hold back the groan as he was moved and he leaned heavily on Tim, only vaguely aware of Matt helping from the other side. Grateful that McGee had moved the car as close as possible, he shuffled in that general direction, leaving it to Tim to get him situated in the car. He didn't even complain when Tim reached in and buckled him in like a child.

They were half way to the hospital when Gibbs started to grin, which caught McGee's attention. "What?"

Thinking about how Tim had laid into the Hills would have made Gibbs laugh if he wasn't hurting so bad. He carefully turned his head to look at the other man. "When Tiana is old enough to date, I'm not the one that's going to scare the boys the most, Tiger."

"Very funny." The side of Tim's face twitched ever so slightly, but he didn't take his eyes off the road.


At the hospital a quick exam confirmed that Tiana was fine, some bruises on her arm the extent of her injuries. She curled up on Tim's lap to wait while Gibbs was poked, prodded and x-rayed. Eventually they were allowed in so Tim could hear the doctor's report.

"Well, Agent Gibbs, you were very lucky. Your ribs are badly bruised and several are partially separated, but that seems to be the worst of it. Ice the injury as much as possible for the next few days, then you can use heat, which will help the muscles. Stay as still as possible and absolutely no lifting for the next week. Jan here has a list of your restrictions and the breathing exercises we want you to start tomorrow. Right now your greatest risk is developing pneumonia, especially this time of the year. I expect you to follow up with your own doctor before returning to duty."

Tim took the large stack of print-outs. "He will, don't worry."

The doctor snickered at how quickly Gibbs' protests died when his partner put his foot down. "Well, Tim, I leave him in your very capable hands."


Once released, McGee drove first to his place to take care of the dog and gather what would be needed for the next few days. A phone call to Maggie arranged for Jethro to spend a few days with his favorite collie. Bedtime books were added to Tiana's go bag and some toys and her favorite blanket were grabbed. Ten minutes later they were on their way to Gibbs' house.

Gibbs thought about reminding Tim that he wasn't totally helpless but Tim seemed to sense what he was getting ready to say. As he drove, Tim reached over and laid his hand across Gibbs' hand, brushing his thumb across his knuckles. "You got hurt protecting Tia. Let me do this, okay?"

"Okay." Gibbs turned his hand so it was palm up and the two men interlaced their fingers together for a moment before Tim squeezed Gibbs' hand and returned his to the steering wheel.

Arriving at the house, Tim got Tia out of her seat before helping Gibbs climb out of the car and up the steps onto the porch. Once the front door was unlocked, the three of them went inside. "Bed or sofa?"

For a fleeting moment Gibbs wondered if Tim would lay next to him if he said 'bed', but they were moving slowly for a reason – plus he wasn't really wanting to deal with the stairs. "Sofa."

Tim parked him on the sofa, lifting his legs and helping Gibbs to lay down and pull off his shoes, before retreating to the kitchen to prepare an ice pack. Tiana settled on her knees, her arms crossed on the edge of the couch so she was almost nose to nose with Gibbs. "I'm sorry you got hurt, Papa."

Gibbs brushed his hand over her head. "It would have hurt me more if you'd been hit, Sweetheart."

In the kitchen Tim sagged against the counter. Years of science and math had given him the ability to see a projected path clearly in his head. There was no doubt what would have happened to Tiana and he fought down the panic every time he let the thought seep into his head. Forcing a calm he wasn't feeling, he picked up a towel and the gel packs he found in the freezer before returning to the living room.

The scene he walked into made him smile. Tiana had her doctor's kit from her Uncle Tony and was very seriously listening to Gibbs' foot with her play stethoscope while Gibbs tried very hard not to squirm. Not in a million years would he have ever guessed the other man was ticklish. Tim filed that little tidbit away for later and focused on other things. "So, doctor, what's the verdict?"

"Papa needs ice cream."

"Oh, he does? Let me bring the rest of our stuff in from the car and I'll see what I can do." Tim laid the towel wrapped cold packs across the worst of the bruises on Gibbs' back before touching his head. "Be back in just a minute."

Gibbs nodded, his throat thick at the feeling of being cared for by family, and stopped fighting the pain meds he'd been given at the hospital. Drifting, he was vaguely aware of Tim returning with several boxes, Ducky's eventual arrival and the smell of food being cooked in the kitchen. Eventually the pills wore off enough that he was wide awake and Tim helped him to sit up.

A bowl of Ham and Bean soup from Tim's freezer, along with a slice of freshly baked cornbread was waiting for him. Gibbs looked around, but didn't see Ducky anywhere. Before he could ask, the man in question came through the front door, a grocery bag in his hand.

"Ah, Jethro, you're awake I see." He lifted a carton of ice cream out of the bag. "After a consultation with our young doctor, I ran out to fetch the required medicine."

Despite his pain, Gibbs had to grin. "Lucky that I have two doctors here to take care of me."

The question of whether Ducky would stay for dinner was answered when Tim handed him a bowl of soup. Everyone ate in the living room so Gibbs didn't have to get up and after his prescribed ice cream and pills, he was wiped and he wasn't the only one.

Already in her pajamas, Tiana was leaning against her father, eyes barely open. Seeing that, Gibbs pointed up the stairs. "Why don't you put her to bed? Second door on the right, there's clean linens on the bed."

Tim thought about the layout of the house as he scooped Tia up. "Isn't that Kelly's..." His words trailed off as Gibbs gave a nod.

"It was." Gibbs seemed totally all right with letting Tiana sleep in there, so Tim gave him a grateful smile and carried her up the stairs. Once they were alone, Ducky gave Gibbs a more serious once-over.

"Jethro, is there anything you haven't told me? It's not like you to let someone fuss over you like this."

Gibbs shrugged his less injured shoulder. "Nah, but Tim need to do this and it's kinda nice. Been a long time since I had anyone take care of me for a change."

"Are you and Timothy..."

"Taking it slow, seeing what develops."

Ducky looked surprised, but didn't say anything.


Tim felt funny walking into Kelly's old room with Tiana sleeping on his shoulder, but it was obvious that Gibbs was serious about Tiana using the room. A large hutch in the room held antique dolls and a folded, handmade quilt on the upper shelves, while the lower shelves were empty and ready for new toys. On the bed, the freshly washed bedding was covered with a new comforter, folded back and ready to keep Tiana warm and snug.

"Here you go, Sweetheart." Tim laid her down and tucked Tia into the bed. She never really woke up and after watching her sleep for a few minutes, Tim partially closed the door and went back downstairs.

Ducky met him in the hallway. "Our wee one go down all right? Being in a strange room won't frighten her?"

The concern from Grandpa Ducky made Tim smile a bit. "She's had a busy day, so I'm hoping she'll sleep straight through. The door's part way open and I'll leave the hall light on, just in case."

"Very well, Timothy, it seems that you have everything under control. Is there anything else I can do for you before I head home?"

Tim shook his head. "Thanks, Ducky, I appreciate you coming out."

"Of course, now feel free to call if any of you need anything. I know Jethro has a few more vacation days coming, but I will let the Director know that he's actually out on medical leave for the rest of the week."

"Okay, but I'm not sure if Gibbs will want anyone else to know. You know how he is."

Ducky understood all too well. "Indeed. I'm not sure how well he'll be able to hide it when he returns to work and is restricted to desk duty, but we will let him make his own decisions."

Once Ducky had left and Tim locked the door behind him, the younger man found himself suddenly exhausted. He leaned against the door until he heard his name being called softly.

Gibbs was sitting up, setting the gel packs aside.

"Are you in pain? What can I do?"

"Come here." Gibbs held his hand up and tugged Tim down onto the sofa when he took it. "Show me the video." Tim hesitated, but one look at the stubborn face told him it wasn't up for debate.

Sighing, Tim pulled his phone out of his pocket and loaded the video before handing it over. Gibbs' training and experience as a sniper gave him as much understanding of vectors, angles and velocity as McGee's degrees. Adding to that his personal knowledge of the impact as the snowboard had skimmed across his back and he saw what had terrified the other man. If they had still been sitting as they had been, Tiana most likely would have been decapitated in the accident.

Tim's hands were trembling again and Gibbs pulled him closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "As bad as it was when I lost Kelly and Shannon, knowing that I was too far away to do anything was the only thing that kept me sane. If Tia had been killed in my arms, right in front of you..."

Gibbs had to stop and take a deep breath, forcing down his own fears. "But that's not what happened. Tia is fine and all I've got are some bruises that will heal."

"I know." Tim let himself be tucked in against Gibbs. "I mean, my head knows, but my heart..."

"Yeah." Gibbs turned as far as he could to brush his lips across Tim's head. "Welcome to parenthood."


Next up – Humpty Dumpty. While restricted to desk duty, Gibbs has his own turn at the terror of watching a loved one in mortal danger.