A/N: New story! Woot! Woot!

Disclaimer: I don't own Phantom of the Opera. I only own the original things I come up with.

Chapter 1

"We are almost there, Adeleine. Just think about all the fun you and your Grandma Luanne will have." my mom chirped from the front seat of our car. What fun can I have at a boring old house? It will be even more boring since the house is on an old back road, miles from any town. I didn't understand why my Grandma Luanne did not live closer to us. It would be so easy for her to move closer. What if something happened to her? Any help would be miles away and it's not like people are visiting all the time. This summer was going to be the worst ever. While everybody is away at summer camp, hanging at the pool, or working there jobs to save money for college, I would be spending it at my grandma's house in no-man's-land.

The car stopped abruptly and I was lurched forward. "Hey!" I was about to yell at my dad for his horrible driving when I realized that we were stopped in front of a house surrounded by tall trees of many different kinds. The house itself was quite pretty. It was a Queen Anne style two story house painted burgundy. Vines climbed up the brick walls and made the sheer beauty of the house even more perfect. I couldn't believe I would be staying at such an exquisite house. Let's just hope it has air conditioning. My mom, dad, and I all piled out of the car.

"Hey Addie, get your stuff out of the trunk." My dad popped the trunk and I got my suitcase and backpack out. We walked up to the door and I knocked on it. A few seconds later, the door opened and I found myself looking at a little old lady. She was short and wore her grey hair in a neat atop her head; she also had on a short sleeved dress that looked like it came from the Victorian era. "Hey mom." my dad said from behind me. This is my grandma?! You have got to be...

"Tyler! Oh my goodness. Please do come in. You must me tired from that long drive." she exclaimed and ushered us inside. I sat my heavy suitcase on the floor next to the door and placed my backpack next to it. "I didn't expect for you guys to get here so early. Traffic must have been pretty good."

"Yes it was. Adeleine was very anxious to get here." I glared at my mom from next to the door, but she didn't notice. As they chatted about everyday things, I took to inspecting the room. Much like my grandmother, the room was very... old. Old books sat upon shelves in between book holders in the shape of swans, a glass rose was perched atop a pillow, and there was a music box. The music box had to be my favorite object. A little woman in a white dress sat upon it. Her brown curls were perfect and she looked like she was singing. I'll have to ask Grandma Luanne about it...

"Mom, we are so thankful for you allowing Addie to come out and spend the summer with you. I hope she won't be too much trouble, huh Addie?" My father's voice shook me out of the gaze I held with the music box.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'll be on my best behavior." I said sarcastically, still not happy about my parent's decision to put me out here away from civilization. My reply received dirty looks from both my parents, but my Grandma didn't catch on.

"Well, Luanne, we best start heading back. Make sure you call sometime and tell us how you two are getting along." I looked at my parents like a deer in a pair of headlights. They can't be leaving right now! We just barely got here!

"Oh Marissa, I'll call you every week to tell you anything you ask about. Tyler," she said turning to my father. "You take care of your wife and yourself. Just like I told you on your wedding day, she's a keeper." I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Puh-lease...

"Goodbye Adeleine. I love you, babe." my mom wrapped her arms around me and placed a kiss on my forehead. I couldn't help but hug her back even though I was thoroughly mad at her for leaving me here. She pulled back and allowed my dad to step forward.

"We'll see ya in August, eh squirt?" August it is, dad.

"Yeah." I said giving my dad a quick hug. "See ya then." Grandma Luanne shoed them out the door and stood outside waving to them as they drove back down the road. I watched the tail lights of the car until they disappeared over a hill. One of my hands was placed against the cold glass window. I didn't want them to leave.

"Well then, Addie. I'll show you to your room." My back was still turned towards her. A hand was placed on my shoulder and gave me a comforting squeeze. "Don't worry about them, deary. How does this sound: we will get you settled into your room and then I can give you a tour of the house."

How could I refuse such an offer? I really wanted to see more of her humble abode. "That sounds great, Grandma." My answer to her question made her smile. I picked my stuff up and followed her up a set of stairs, down a hall, and into a room. The room was... well... it was beautiful. There was a plain bed with light green sheets, a white vanity, and a beautiful dresser inside the room. The walls were painted a soft pink and had a small green design running all around the room.

"Will this suit your needs?" An ear to ear grin spread across her face as I nodded vigorously. "Well, I'll just let you get settled in. Make yourself at home." With those words, she walked out of the room and I got to work unpacking my suitcase. When I finished, I sat on the bed with my journal to start a new entry.

June 10th, 1:35 p.m.:

Today is the first of the many days I will be spending at my Grandma's house this summer. Although I thought it would be a drag and a complete total waste of my time, my expectations have been relinquished. This house is amazing! It is so magical, like something out of a story book your parents would read to you every night before you went to sleep. My room is just the same as the house. Everything about this place screams "Fit for a princess!" One thing that confuses me though is why in the world would my grandma need such a large house? I understand that she probably feels all alone since Grandpa is gone, but honestly, there is something I find fishy and I will get to the bottom of it, one way or another.

In the middle of my writing session, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. A chill ran up and down my spine as well, but I didn't have a clue why. I looked all around the room, but nothing seemed out of place besides the feeling I was getting. Quietly, I stood up and looked inside the closet only to find nothing there either. Perhaps you're just being paranoid. As I passed the vanity I looked into the mirror at myself. My chocolate hair was in a simple pony tail. I had always been jealous of my dad's curly hair, but I was stuck with my mom's, straight and simple. Though, I did have my father's ice blue eyes. He had gotten them from my Grandpa. Everybody I met complimented me for them. Deciding that I was just a little upset from my parents leave, I went back to my bed.

I finished up the newest entry and put it on the vanity. After stretching my arms out a little bit, I decided to go find my Grandma Luanne for that tour she was so excited about giving me. Going back the way we came to my room, I found myself back at the front room. "I knew you would be coming soon." I jumped at her voice. Is she always this sneaky? She was standing in the doorway that led into another room. "Sorry for scaring you like that, sweetheart. I didn't mean to at all."

"Its okay, Grandma." I said feeling really bad that she felt bad.

"That's good, then. Follow me now and I'll show you around." She walked back through the door she was standing in and I followed. The room we came into was a sitting room. There were two couches and a wicker rocking chair with a very soft looking cushion on the seat. A grand piano sat sparkling in the sun and it made me perk up with excitement. I loved to play the piano! My mom and dad got me lessons when I was eight. I was so good that they bought me my own piano that we kept in one of the extra room we had in our house. Whenever I felt like it, I'd go in to that room and sit and play everything from Mozart to a piece from a movie, and then once in a while, something I just thought would sound good from my own mind. "I see you like that piano over there. I'm okay if you play it whenever you want. It needs somebody with experience to give it attention."

"Are you serious? I can play it whenever I want!?" She nodded her head yes. "Thank you so much, Grandma. I couldn't take my piano with me, but now I can play!" I gave her a hug of thanks and we continued the tour. We proceeded to the kitchen, a small library, the two bedrooms on the first floor, one of which she slept in, a bathroom, and then the upstairs bedrooms. I got to go in every room, besides the one directly across from mine. We passed it, but she didn't say anything. "Um... Grandma? We missed that room."

"That room is off limits." Her voice snapped at me. Whoa...What's the problem with that room? "The door is locked all the time and you are never to go in there, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Grandma." Perhaps she has stuff that my Grandpa loved and such in there. Maybe it hurts to see all the things that reminds her of him. "I understand."

"Good. Just look at the time." I found the clock that hung on the wall. It was 5:30. "I better go get dinner started. What would you like? I know how to make pretty much anything."

"Grilled cheese sandwiches sound okay. I don't want to have something to fancy on my first day here." I said. "Would it be okay if I helped?"

A smile lit up her face. "I wouldn't mind if you helped. It's been quite some time since I've cooked with another woman." What does she mean by that? Has she cooked with a guy other than my grandfather while she's lived here? I know my parents barely ever come out to see her, so my mom couldn't have been the "other woman" she was talking about. I followed her to the kitchen and we cooked, and ate in silence.

After my long day, I went straight to bed. As I laid there on the bed staring out the window in the room, the room across the hall came to my mind once more. I couldn't help but be curious about what was in there. Grandma had been pretty freaky when I mentioned it. Stop thinking about it, Adeleine. It's just some empty room, alright? Suddenly, I had a major urge to go to the bathroom. Quietly, I crawled out of bed and out of the room. For a few seconds I stood there in front of the mysterious door staring at it as if I could see right through to the inside, but then I shook my head and made my way to the bathroom. When I was done, I headed straight back to my room, but I stopped in the door way to my room when I heard a loud thud from the room behind me.

Was that Grandma in there? If it was, I hoped she was alright. Why don't you check to see? She could be hurt and you'd never know if you don't. Listening to the voice in my head, I turned and knocked on the door. "Grandma, was that you?" Silence. "Are you in there?" Still no answer came from inside. I grabbed the door knob only to find it was still locked just as she had said. I brushed the thud off as me hearing things, and went back to bed, hoping and praying that it wasn't my Grandma in there... or anybody else.

A/N: Oooooh... Kind of creepy, huh? I sort of based the setting the house is in on my own grandparent's house. They live out in the country and there house is surround by trees on one side, but I decided to make the house in this one have trees on all sides. Please read and review. I just love to hear from all my lovely readers.

Erik: When do I come in?

Me: Perhaps the next chapter, but I'm not sure I'll fully introduce you.

Erik: Awe... *pouts*

Me: Cry yourself a river, build a bridge, and get over it!