"No. No, let me see him!" I screamed at Felix as I banged on the giant wood door in the pitch black room. His taunting laugh lingered from the hallway as he walked away, leaving dead silence behind.

"No, no, no...please." I sobbed, sinking to the floor and clutching my knees to my chest. I sat there in dark silence, my hearing hyper aware of every little squeak and sound. I jumped when multiple screams filled the air. Are they feeding? With shaky hands, I covered my ears and tucked my head between my knees, playing my lullaby through my head over and over.

"Felix... Let me see the girl." Aro's demented voice whispered from behind the door. I didn't hear Felix respond, but the heavy wood door creaked open slowly to reveal Aro, covered in blood, flanked by Jane and Alec. Tanya stood behind them, smiling evilly.

"We're ready for our desert now, sweet Bella," Aro purred, stepping closer and into the dark room.

"This won't hurt... Too much." Jane laughed, her high pitch voice ringing in my ears. They were all immersed in darkness when I started screaming.

"Bella!" Alice called, shaking me. I sucked in a deep breath and opened my eyes, expecting to see still the darkness from my nightmare. I sighed in relief when I was met by Alice's butterscotch eyes right on top of me.

"Alice, " I breathed.

"Are you OK? You were screaming!" she trilled, sitting back so she was on the edge of my bed. I nodded, not quite able to talk yet.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head no, not wanting to think about it.

"I'm going to take a shower and get dressed." I told her, getting up and heading into the bathroom. I turned the water on hot and undressed, not looking at myself in the mirror. My chest ached and my stomach was queasy...the effect of being away from Edward.

I stood under that shower head for a long while, probably too long. There was so much going through my head and it was hard to sort through everything. I let the spray wash down my back, attempting to let it relax my muscles. I wasn't sure what time it was, especially since I slept so long, but I figured I had been in here long enough and should eat something.

Surprisingly, Alice hadn't come in and try to pull me out of here... Maybe it hadn't been as long as I thought. I pulled a towel around me and wiped off the mirror, brushing my teeth quickly and thoroughly before stepping out of the steaming room.

I sighed as I stepped into the empty room and went to the dresser to get a pair of black skinny jeans, a T-shirt and another one of Edward's hoodies. Once I was dressed, Alice knocked on the door, not waiting for me to answer her though before coming right on in.

"Feeling better?" she asked, her eyebrow raised. I shrugged. I had forgotten about my nightmare for the most part.

"Ya, I'm fine."

"Are you hungry?" Alice questioned.

"Not really, but I should probably eat." Alice nodded in agreement, holding out her hand for me to take.

I took it easily, giving her a small smile. She led me quickly down the hall and into the kitchen, ignoring everyone's looks as we passed through the living room. I sat down at the island and folded my arms on the table in front of me.

"Alice, why were they all staring at me like that?" the crowd carried blank stares, but at the same time seemed nervous, "Did something happen with the wolves?" Alice threw me a 'don't be ridiculous' look over her shoulder, but otherwise said nothing. Silently, she popped a plate in the microwave and hit start. Almost immediately the warm aroma of Esme's stir fry filled the room. Alice scrunched her nose as she took the steaming plate out and set it in front of me.

"I don't know how you eat this," she said, disgusted, "it smells awful. No offence Esme." I rolled my eyes and dug in, moaning for good measure, just to annoy Alice.

"Alice, you would be eating the same food if you were human." Esme told her, coming into the kitchen and sitting next to me.

"Hmph," Alice pouted, rolling her eyes right back at me.

I smiled slightly, "Thank you for...lunch?" I searched around for a clock, finding one quickly on the stove. It was later than I thought, 12:26.

"So how did the meeting with the wolves go? Have you talked to any of the guys?"

Alice rolled her eyes again and stuck her bottom lip out, "No. And of course since I can't see the wolves, I have no idea. They haven't even called to tell us they're alive!"

My heart lurched for a moment, but settled when Esme tsked at Alice.

"They would call if anything happened, you know that, Alice."

Alice gave Esme a small, grim smile and fled the room, leaving me alone with Esme who stared after our fortune teller with anxiousness.

"What's going on? Everyone is acting so strange," I asked, setting the food aside. Esme turned back to look at me.

"Are you all finished?" I frowned, but nodded, thanking her for the meal.

"Everyone is just on edge this morning...all of us being away from our mates and all." she sighed.

I thought for a minute, not sure of this question exactly, or how to say it.

"What does that mean exactly? To be mated. Edward tried to explain it one time a year ago, but I don't think I get it." All he had a said was that being mated was like being a married pair... Having your second half.

Esme pursed her lips, thinking for a moment.

"It's the bond I think, the connection that you share with another person, the person you're meant to be with. That bond is the strongest one and unbreakable, at least for a vampire, but from what we've seen in the past year, humans too." She looked confused, "It is very hard to explain, but I would say that being mated is simply finding your other half and being irrevocably changed."

I thought through her words, taking in just how hard it would be to explain something like love. Mating is love, but stronger. That's how I imagine it anyways.

"So you think Edward and I are mates?" I questioned, wondering about her human statement earlier.

Esme nodded, a smile on her face, "Without a doubt."

I cast my eyes down and smiled slightly, liking the thought that Edward and I were similar to the rest of the family. Somehow that made me feel normal.

Esme rested her hand on my shoulder, startling me.

"Everything will turn out alright", she whispered. My eyes glazed with tears as I looked up to her. "You think?" I sniffled, "It just seems so tense...like something happened. Irina is still missing and we have no idea what she will do or when; everything just seems to unsure."

Esme took a deep breath and let it out, moving to hug me where I sat. I easily accepted, curling into her embrace. "Oh, sweetheart...look at it this way, we've faced the Volturi, we've taken care of Tanya, Laurent, James and Victoria all within the past few months. We've been reunited and we've forged new allies, made new friends that will stand beside us." I sniffled as she paused, hugging her tighter and taking a deep breath.

Her hand caressed my face, brushing my tangled hair back from my face and tipped my chin up so I would look at her. "We're together. We are strong and we have to remember to enjoy our time as it comes." Esme pursed her lips, "Breath dear," I took a deep breath, calming myself.

"Why is Alice so worried?" I asked her, releasing my grip. Esme looked unsure, avoiding my eyes.

"Alice is...having a difficult time. She's been looking for Irina, and she found her, but it's not enough to go on and so far everyone has agreed to let her be for now. No one wants to tell her about Tanya and I believe she is grieving Laurent."

"So we wait?"

Esme nodded, looking worried herself. "Anything else?" I pushed, wondering what was eating her.

"I'm just worried about the boys...I don't want there to be a confrontation with the wolves." She explained. I nodded, understanding.

"I wish I could be there. Jacob would listen to me...what if they don't listen to them and everything turns out ugly?" Esme smiled sadly at me, but said nothing. I bit my lip and looked away, wanting nothing more than for Edward to be home.

"Come now girls, enough glooming. There's a wedding to be planned is there not? We've got to pick bridesmaid dresses and color palettesā€¦" Carmen stated as she walked into the room, eyebrows raised. "Our men are strong, and most of them are reasonable...lets give them the benefit of the doubt, shall we?" Esme and I looked at each other and tried to hide out smiles.

"Carmen, you're right. They can handle it." she straighten up and fixed her dress, only to hold her hand out to me. I took it and let her help me stand up. "Carmen has quite the extensive magazine collection that I'm sure she would let us use." Carmen smiled with a nod and left the room. I turned to Esme and gave her a quick hug, thanking her.

We looked through every fashion and wedding magazine she had, taking us hours upon hours of page flipping and deliberating. Alice was the first to join us as soon as she saw us exit the kitchen. Bree, Rosalie and Kate seemed more skeptical, but gave in and joined us as well. It was well past four when our distraction wore down and we were back to worrying about how long everyone had been gone. Alice insisted we all stay together and watch a movie, play some board games and paint each other's nails...and while I objected to the nails part, the rest did sound comforting.

"So serious talk you guys." Alice started after our first movie and the beginning of our nail painting session. We all sat in a circle and had our toes in the person to our lefts lap. "Midnight purple or raspberry red?" I rolled my eyes and chuckled, but when everyone else didn't laugh, I frowned. They were all staring at Alice, worry covering their face. I looked toward her to see her blank face, far off in a vision.

"Alice?" Esme asked, shifting forward. I folded my foot back under me and leaned forward as well. Alice didn't answer. My heart started to beat faster until it was racing in my chest.

"The wolves. I smell them." Esme announced, her eyes wide.

"Is that what that awful stench is?" Kate asked, her nose scrunched up.

"But if the wolves are here...then where are the guys?" Bree wondered, asking the question we all wanted to know. I stood up and quickly walked outside, wanting to see them when they came up. Alice was at my side instantly, having come out of her trance.

"How long?" I asked, looking at the dark forest line and searching for glowing eyes.

"They're here. You should see them in a moment." She definitely wasn't wrong. I saw a line of glowing dots emerge slowly in front of us.

"What do they want?" Rosalie asked. I hadn't realized that everyone else had joined us.

"I guess we'll find out." Esme answered as they came into full sight.

They stopped ten feet from us, fully illuminated by the moonlight. No one said a thing, all lost in their own thoughts. I stepped forward, overly anxious.

"Jacob?" my voice weakly called. I was happy for once that everyone else had super hearing, because I could barely hear myself. A huff sounded from the pack, but I couldn't tell which one it came from.

"Jacob what are you doing here?" Movement rippled through the crowd as one moved back. I sucked in a breath and felt the anger run through me. But as I was about to yell at him to not run, his voice answered from the darkness.

"Chill Bella." Jacob called out, moving from the center of the pack in human form. He must have changed.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded, marching toward him so we were a few inches apart, "Where is Edward and the everyone else? What did you do?" I was so close to yelling.

He started to shake so I backed off, but held my ground.

"We haven't done anything to your bloodsuckers."

"Then where are they?" Alice inquired, skeptical of the wolves. Jacob looked at us, confused.

"We figured they would be back by now, considering they spoke to us last night and left quickly after we came to an agreement." He stated, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently.I looked around at our side, Esme and Kate shared a worried look while Alice had her lips pursed and her arms crossed. Carmen came to stand behind me.

"What was your agreement?" Carmen asked, speaking for us.

Jacob started out harshly, "Your family has caused more problems in the last year, than our ancestors have seen in a dozen. So unless you all want to be slaughtered, you need to stay away from our territory for the safety of Forks and its people. Our tribe does not need to grow larger than it already has, there will be no more turnings and no more trouble."

Everyone was silent for a moment, waiting while Jacob turned and passed back and forth amongst his pack, calming himself to continue.

"It was also announced that you're engaged." Jacob stated, staring me down.

"Jacob-" I tried, feeling guilty about leaving him in the dust despite all the trouble he had caused.

He shook his head, rolling his eyes and muttered, "Better off dead." He was obviously done with me too. I knew it was for the better.

"I'm sorry." Was all I had to say. I looked down at the ground, my worry for the boys festering even more now.

"So the last time you saw them was?"

"Eight this morning as they left town." A smaller wolf answered Alice, walking out from behind a tree. He had short hair, but not as short as the others, he couldn't have been more than 15.

"What are you doing Seth?" Jacob growled, "Get back in line."

"I can help too, I was there. Besides, you're out of sorts." Seth shrugged, standing a foot shorter than Jacob with a calmness I wish I could have. Jacob huffed, but walked away,turning back into a wolf and disappearing into the trees.

"I went with them to your house after we talked and kept surveillance as they packed up a few things, but after that they left in a hurry. We don't know anymore, I'm sorry." Seth finished, shrugging with a grim smile.

"Thank you Seth." Alice replied, "So why are you here then?"

Seth perked up a bit, "Well, it's not exactly good news; it's for Bella, from Charlie. Jacob wanted to come alone, but the pack decided he was too unstable, so Sam sent a few of us to help him out."

"What's the news Seth?" I prompted, curious. The last time I had spoke with Charlie was before the fight with Victoria and the newborns as well as our trip to Voltura. We had told him I was staying to live with the Cullen's until collegeā€¦

"He's dead." Seth whispered, "I'm sorry."

I stood there with my mouth agape. Dead, Charlie was dead and I knew it was because of me. Not only that, but the last conversation we had was a fight.

"How?" I strangled out. Carmen rested her hands on my shoulders and squeezed gently. I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

My jaw clenched and my eyes watered, but I didn't make a sound.

Jacob walked back into our circle and took over for Seth, "The female from the fight that stood with the red head and the dreadlocks...the one that got away, she came while we talked, snapped his neck and drained him. He was sleeping, so I doubt he really felt anything. There was no note, or scuffle, it was clean and quick. By time we figured out that she was here, it was too late. She was long gone."

"Did they know?" Carmen asked, wondering if maybe the boys had picked up her scent and followed. But they would have left a note, a message...something right?

"From our knowledge they had left before we even smelled her trail. They went the opposite way from where she came and left, so I doubt they noticed."

I stared off in the distance, feeling so drained from everything. Was it ever going to end?

"I have to tell Renee." I stated, turning and walking back into the house. My head pounded, and instead of going to get the phone, I went to Edward's and my bedroom, closed the door, locked it and sunk down in the corner. I sat there for hours with my head between my legs and my heart pounding.

"Bella?" Carmen called from outside the door, knocking.

"Bella, please come out, we need to talk." Alice joined. I didn't answer. I listened as the day grew to night and the wind started howling. Every once in awhile either Alice, Carmen or Esme tried to get me to come out, to eat or to say something, but I couldn't find myself to wake from this safe trance. Eventually I fell asleep, fitfully, but at least it was something. I curled myself up in the corner of the room and closed my eyes, wishing for everything to pass. But I knew differently. My thoughts took me away and lulled me in and out of dreams, more like nightmares. Sometime around dawn when the howling ended, did I realize I wasn't doing any good by locking myself in a room and hiding. If I wanted to end things, it would be easier with help, and I needed help.

Slowly, I stood and undressed, showered and freshened up, putting on dark jeans and Edward's beige sweater. I tied my hair up in a bun and walked out the door, ready to face our next challenge. I wanted Edward back, so I would do anything it took.