I was asked what happens after the Reaper war. I always had plans for it and now here they are another trilogy

1st squeal

while it is not all fleshed out. 8 years after Shepard and tali live on Rannoch where they set up home but after the battle with the humans at the end of the reaper war the fleets are stretched thin. Batarian raiders attack Rannoch causing massive infrastructure damage and uprooting Shepard. Shepard is pissed but finds that it did not happen just at Rannoch but was a coordinated attack on all homeworlds. The other races and Shepard himself fearing that the Batarians are on the move. Which they are Shepard pulls together his team to strike back at the Batarians. Shepard eventually finds out that the Batarians are being led by a religious fanatic. Calling for the end time. That only the Batarians will be saved. As there god is coming. Shepard hunts down the Batarian leader and defeats him but while he hunted the Batarians and defeated them it meant nothing. Shepard learns about the Batarian prophecy over the course of this hunt for the Batarian leader. the leaders are monitoring a particular star in Quarian space. the one effected by dark energy. the star explodes on video feed and upon the video refocusing a fleet of ships arrive in the galaxy. in place of the star. with a strange anomaly behind them. this fleet moves out to attack any and everything in the galaxy. with the remains of the races military they fight off the first wave. But a second wave arrives through the anomaly even bigger. they realize the only way to stop the enemy is to close the anomaly. Thankfully this fleet has held there ground and not advanced. The Normandy investigates the anomaly and they discover it is a dark energy conduit. similar to that of what the reapers would have use to jump in on the citadel had sovereign succeed. as the citadel is not a mass relay but a dark energy conduit. It is decided that a gravity generator is needed to disable the conduit. the Normandy is to to stealth drop the item and set the generator to critical levels. The Normandy drops the generator and is detected during the drop. It destabilizes the anomaly and causes the anomaly to explode. But before this happens the Normandy takes a critical hit. disabling it's ftl drive. with only one choice Joker takes the ship right into the anomaly and is transported to the Andromeda galaxy. The Normandy falls short do to the destabilization of the conduit and are lost in the Andromeda galaxy to fend for themselves.

2nd sequal

at this point Shepard and the team start the next story. 3rd. lost in a new galaxy Shepard and the team have to find a way home. but sense they are in the invader galaxy which is pretty much presumed and eventually discovered to be true. They decide to see if they can stop the invasion from occurring again or preform a massive delaying action. The team is able to meet new races as the Normandy is not like any other ship and soon discovers the name and face of there attackers. the Ket. yes I'm not joking. the Ket are waging this war in responses to the past Reaper invasions attempting to prevent the reapers from ever coming back to Andromeda. The ket are not as evil though and shepard and the team can actually move around them without fear of anything bad. in fact the Normandy remains hidden most of the time and only the team is ever seen out and about. they start to draw attention as they are different though and rebel factions as well as the ket manly the rebel factions and then the ket empire. Eventually Shepard and the team discover the source of the conduit. it is another giant citidel under ket military control. The reapers lost the citadel to them within a previous cycle but it was heavily damaged and only the recently did they get it operational. it was damaged do to the efforts back in the milky way. preventing further waves from being deployed but it will soon be operational again. Shepard and the team decide that it is best that they wait for it to be repaired and so Shepard works with the rebels to help him overthrow the empire. or at least cause a significant blow drawing many to the rebel cause. with the rebel help Shepard and the team is able destroy the citadel and escape back to the milkway through the new conduit created. Shepard and the team arrive home finding the galaxy had moved on without them but not forgetting the events.

3rd sequal

Things have stabilized remarkably well, and military has been growing in strength by all races. humanity has began to rebound as well rejoining the other races under a new banner. finally Shepard speaks with the council as the races have prepared very well in the last year they had been gone. Shepard suggest to the council that what they did only prolonged another inevitable retaliatory attack. Shepard explains what the citadel really is. A dark energy bridge generator. it takes another 2 years for science teams to discover how to use the energy bridge. during this time all races build as many ships for what is about to come. They are going to invade another galaxy. The citadel is eventually brought online to preform it's task as a energy conduit and it locks on to a receiver on the other side. The Andromeda citadel. Instead of taking years to focus the bridge which was presumed the connection is instant. shocked but worried that the enemy may come through they ask Shepard to lead the Normandy to survey the area. Shepard reluctantly agrees and takes his team once again through the conduit back to Andromeda. the receiver citadel is being worked on by a construction team and the Normandy is quickly detected. A comm comes through. A familiar rebel voice. the rebels have control of the station and are still continuing the war with the ket. they ask for Shepard to come aboard and speak with them. Shepard does and they converse about the situation. they ask Shepard for help bring this war to a end Shepard agrees. stating a military force from his own galaxy will soon be arriving. Shepard helps fighting the ket the Milkyway galaxy fleets also partake in the assistance. eventually Shepard learns that the rebels are no better then the ket and are actually more militaristic then the ket. Shepard determines along with the council and admirals that the fight should be left to the Andromeda galaxy. when it becomes obvious that the Milkyway fleet intends to pull out. the rebels disable the conduit. Shepard is forced to board the Andromeda citadel and activate the conduit so the fleet and the Normandy can return home. A major fight ensues between the rebels and the milky way fleet. the conduit opens and the Milkyway fleet retreats back to the other side. rebel ships follow and Shepard realizes that this will never end with the Andromeda citadel intact and sets off to cause the station to self destruct. the team makes it to the stations main control room where they believe they can destroy the station. the station cannot be self destructed though. But Tali realizes a strong directed forced dark energy blast would destroy the receiving station the team retreats back to the Normandy and they take the conduit home. A battle is going on at the Citadel when they arrive but the milkyway fleet is winning. the Normandy transmits the data on how to create the dark energy blast and the citadel fires the blast after several minutes. This permanently closes the conduit and destroys the Andromeda citadel. the dark energy blast does more to the Andromeda galaxy though causing spacial events things similar to that seen in The Mass Effect Andromeda game. Shepard and the team retire after this they go to enjoy there lives and the milkyway galaxy enters a era of Guarded peace.