
The streets around this time were always empty. A few stragglers just getting off late nigh bungs and the poor men that had to go into work early but as a whole, the streets of central were bare. A few lanterns flicked in cages of glass to aid the unlucky walkers to there home or jobs. A pair thanked the creator of such an invention as that walked along with flushed faces and the scent of liqueur on their tongues. "And that's how I saved the bastered!" The shorter of the two finished. His short dirty blond hair was a mess all over his face and head as his green eyes were hazed in drunkenness. He stumbled from side to side, threating to slip off the sidewalk or running into his tall friend from Drachma. Short burgundy hair framed his face as his flushed cheeks glowed like his violet eyes did. The taller seemed to be taking his drinks a bit better then the stumbling Amertrian next to him. He was, at least, able to walk in a straight line. The shorter finally merged with the other and gripped his arms with a bit of depression, "Ivan…This bloody walkway keeps s-slipping away from me." The shorter hicks and smack his lips together.

"Sorry, I can't do anything about that." Ivan smiled down at the other. "It's moving on me too"

"But you aren't walking all funny!"

"I'm used to it."

The amestrian laughed and slapped Ivan's back with a hefty palm, "Used to it! You bloody foreigner and your ability to out drink me." Ivan just smiled. "It's alright Arthur; you'd beat me on day."

"Or die of liver failure trying", Arthur chuckles and released the taller's arm. "Thanks for drinkin with me. It wouldn't have been as much fun alone." Ivan shook his head, "Don't worry about it. I know how it feels to drink alone." They both sighed deeply, Arthur much more then Ivan. "It's almost unbearable," the smaller murmured. "What is?" the other asked looking down at Arthur.

"Being alone."

Ivan nodded sadly, "I almost just want to make my own company"

"Make your own? Like human transmutation?" The Drachma man didn't answer that time which Arthur knew meant yes. "That's not a very good idea Ivan." Another hick escaped from the smaller as he tried to pull off his white gloves that had transmutation circles on them. Under the fabric was metal that reflected the warm orange glow of the lanterns. "You don't want this, do you?" Ivan shrugged looking at the glimmering steel, "What happened to you again?"

"I tried to bring back someone close to me, you know that." Ivan earned himself another back smack. "I know but that's all it took from you, this 'Truth'; your hands?" Arthur nodded, "and I'm not complaining. I heard some has lost internal organs or their whole body. I'm lucky it was just my hands."

"Who told you that?" Ivan questioned

"Does it matter!"

"You don't remember…"

"Shut up! I remember just fine!"

Ivan smiled knowing he didn't remember and in this sight, wouldn't admit that. The taller just shook his head. "Fine, but why is it you haven't been caught yet. That does change you doesn't it?"

"Well of course it changes you but, I just act like it didn't. I still use these bloody gloves and everything. And you're the only one that knows my hands aren't real." Arthur shoved a metal finger into Ivan's chin, "So don't go off tellin' anyone you got that!" Ivan smiled, Of course not." Arthur looked over for any hits of a lie but, being too drunk to tell the difference between Ivan 1 and Ivan 2 or even 3 in 4 in the background, he just had to believe his friend.

"What could you give up that is of equitant exchange for a full human body, soul and all?" The amstrian slipped back on his gloves the best he could.

"You" Ivan stated and Arthur gave a hardy belly laugh. "You are the kidder Ivan!"

Ivan gave a small grin, "I guess so, but about this. I'm not kidding." Arthur stopped laughing. "I really don't care about the risks, I'm really tired of being alone Arthur." A slightly more sober Arthur looks up into the serious violet eyes of his troubled friend. "It's pointless Ivan. Human transmutation just can't work. You need to be skilled in many different aspects of Alchemy . You're a great Water and Ice Alchemist but, to make skin and organs, a soul. It just can't be done!"

Ivan frowned at the discouragement, "I will never know unless I try. You can't stop me either. I'll do it without your help if I must." The drunken man walked faster finding his friend unsupportive. "Wait! Ivan! Oh blood hell!" Arthur slashed in street puddle as he tried to catch up with the other. "I can't be on board with this 100% but," Arthur hicked, "I may have a better idea." Stumbling, Arthur grabbed onto Ivan's blue military jacket, "We could transfer a soul into a doll."

"Do what?" Ivan eyed to drunken fool, "How does that help me? I can't make a doll."

"Oh but I can." A smile grew on Arthur pink face. "You'll have an immortal lover; they will have a soul and body! I heard scientist have done it to suits of armor. A doll should work, don't you think?"

"I think your mad" Ivan admitted then smiled, "a genius but mad."

"I'm a blood grand genius, Thank you!"

Ivan chuckled, "Fine, that sounds like it could work." He looked around the mostly empty streets. "So, whose soul do we transmute?"

"You just find a mate you fancy, I'll make the doll after them." Arthur draped an arm around the shoulders of his now uplifted friend. "So, do you see anyone you fancy?"

With a quick glance, Ivan spotted a girl sitting off on her own under a lantern. "Her, Right there." With a drunken nod of approval, they maneuvered to the lonely girl.

I hope you like this new story. I came up with it after finishing watching FMA. I try to keep it as real to both shows as possible. I how you like how i meshed the worlds.

I don't own FMA or Hetalia

Thanks for reading and Review~