"You might just make it. But for now you're still a whelp to us, new blood." Vilkas looked up and down at the new recruit in front of him.

She was tall with blond hair and dark, seductive eyes. She was petite, and lacked muscle, he questioned how she was even able to lift her war hammer from the ground, let alone swing it at his iron shield. Her name was Jayne and she was attractive, a newcomer wanting to join the Companions. How little she knew.

"Well..?" He questioned aggressively as she stood staring at him.

"What would you like me to do for you sir?" She asked pathetically, wriggling in her heavy armor.

"Gods, you are more like a slave than a shield sister," He muttered before turning on his heel and striding away. Leaving Jayne perplexed and a little frightened, she watched the well muscled man clunk away in his armor, leaving her to gaze around at Jorrvaskr. The over turned ship played host to a whole realm of secrets and savagery, weapons and respect and pride. She crept towards the huge wooden door and twisted its large brass handle, it felt cold against her pale and calloused hand. With hope in her heart she pushed forward.

The warmth of a roaring fire greeted her immediately along with a perpetual smell of mead that hung in the air, she hung around in the doorway for fear of getting in the way of someone else. Jayne had already encountered Njada, an ugly woman who made no effort to mask her displeasure towards Jayne and Aela, a pettier, kinder girl who offered her congratulations when they frist met, Jayne could see herself becoming friends with Aela but she still quickly dismissed herself from the meeting insisting she was in a hurry.

Jayne leant of the wood of the door, watching the warriors dart about their usual business as if she wasn't even there.

"Ah," Jayne turned her head towards the sound, Vilkas was trotting towards her, grinning, what was he so happy about? "Jayne is it?"

She was confused. They had already met before, they had been in combat merely minutes ago, was she really that forgettable?

"You know my name," She answered defiantly, who did this man think he was? Did he not know that she could rip him to pieces with the sound of her voice?

"Of course, I just wanted to get it right..." He looked down at the floor like a scolded child, "Have you been tested in combat yet?" He perked up again, giddy with excitement as he made reference to the fight they had endured literally moments ago.

"Yes," She spoke bluntly, the man was clearly playing tricks on her, "It was you who tested me,"

She watched as a grin spread from one ear to the other.

"Vilkas," He laughed low and throaty, "My brother Vilkas,"

"You brother...? But..." She felt crimson creep steadily into her cheeks. She saw it now, the larger, muscular chest of the man, the longer hair and the distinctly different voice.

"My name is Farkas, Vilkas is my twin brother, he's the better talker," Farkas laughed, clasping her on the shoulder with the hilarity of the situation.

Jayne wasn't laughed, so much as standing there with her mouth open in embarrassment and disbelief but Farkas was like a dopey puppy dog that you could possibly hate.

She smiled softly and nodded, "It's good to meet you, you seem...more kind hearted then that brother of yours."

Farkas smiled again, his war paint smudging into the creases of his cheeks.

"Yes, I am often told that," He began to retreat from her, signaling his departure, "He will come round though, just give him time." With that Farkas turned and bounded away down the stairs.

Jayne smiled and surveyed the room. It was only then that she noticed Vilkas sitting in the corner, flagon of mead in his hand, gazing intently into her dark blue eyes as he listened to every word she spoke.