Hello, first of all thank you for reading my story; I really hope you enjoy it :)

Check out my forum guys :) Its called 'City of heavenly fires role play.'

Lastly, I do not own these characters etc.

Words can't explain the pain and the suffering I have felt over the past couple of months that I haven't been with my mother. The day I found out she had been in a car accident; I felt my heart crumble into millions of tiny pieces. In my mind, my heart assembled a puzzle; a puzzle that has had a piece go missing, making the puzzle unable to be completed. To this day, my heart still has a piece missing; I don't see how or if I'd ever be the same again.

I now live on the outskirts of New York with my father, Valentine and my brother, Jonathan in the family mansion. Things here are strict and the family environment I once felt when I was living with my mother has now vanished. My father is a really powerful, well-known business man and is well liked around the city of New York; but little do they know, this man is a snake and only out for money. My mother use to tell me about the dodgy dealing my father had done on the side when they were still together, I'm sure she told me this as a warning to never trust him. These past couple of months since I've been living with him and my brother, I've felt and seen him become stricter on me and my movements. I now know why my mother ran away, leaving Jonathan behind. She was pregnant with me and staying with my father would have left me with the same fate she would have had if she had stayed. My father loved my mother once, he was a loving father; but his strict, evil ways made my mother run. She knew there was no saving Jonathan because he was already so much like his father; so she did the only thing she could… she saved me.

BANG, BANG, BANG! I jumped into a sitting position suddenly awake from the loud banging that made the door of my bedroom move within its hinges.

"Get your lazy butt out of that bed now! Jonathan and I have been up for hour's now getting ready for tonight; when all you've been doing is being your lazy, selfish self and sleeping! Get up before I make you!" Dad yelled from the other same of the door.

Putting my feet on the cold, wooden floor I yelled back, "I'm sorry dad. I'm up now and I'll be out in a minute to help." I sat there for a second, suddenly asking "Helping with what exactly?"

"Do you ever listen?! I've got a very important dinner tonight with the lightwoods. If you miss this up for me, you'll get it. Got it?!" He yelled angrily. "Now get up!"

I heard his heavy footsteps storm down the stairs. I sighed as I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of old jeans that had paint splatted over them and a shirt with a single dove on it. I quickly tied my long, curly, red hair up and raced downstairs before dad came back up here.

As I got downstairs, Jonathan walked with his long strides up to me laughing. "Oh boy, are you in trouble. You really were supposed to be up hour's ago but here you are." He said, laughing his cowardly laugh of his.

"Shut up, will you. I've already heard it from dad; I don't need to hear it from you as well." I started walking towards the kitchen to start the cooking that was needed for today.

Jonathan was right behind me when he stepped right in front of me blocking my path to the kitchen. "Calm down Clary. You know what dad thinks about your attitude."

I put my hands on my hips. "Let me think… He thinks I'm a lazy, selfish cow. Don't act like you care Jonathan, I can take care of myself," I snarled.

Laughing sarcastically he said, "Because you've done such a good job at doing so already haven't you. I'm pretty sure I heard you recently lost your only friend, Sam was it?"

"Simon," I snarled,

"Oh, that's right. Hey at least he was your friend for this long." He laughed.

Pulling the finger at him, I pushed passed him slamming the kitchen door as I do. I stormed into the kitchen grabbing out the ingredients I needed to make my mum's famous roast and sauce. My mum was an amazing cook but not as good as she was as an artist. Mum had many talents; she was my role model and the one I counted on to there for me when things got tough. Tears slowly ran down my cheek as the memories of my mum came back to me. The mother daughter days out and her speeches she gave me. The pain all was rushing back to me and the knowledge of knowing I was really alone in this world.

"You're such a baby. You're sixteen Clary, you need to grow up!" I looked up from the roast I was preparing for dinner to find dad staring down at me with a disgust look. "If you're mother had just left you here all those years ago, you would have been a much stronger lady. NOT a little crying girl." He said, harshly.

I dropped what I was doing then and looked sharply at him. "You know what, I'm glad mum took me away from you the moment she find out she was pregnant with me because there is no way in hell would I want to be like you!"

"What did you just say to me?" He yelled. The anger in his voice rumbled through the air. I was shocked but there was no way in hell I was going to back down.

"Mum was right about you! You're a snake, you only look out for yourself and only out for whatever you can lay your greedy hands on," I screamed.

Right then, the look on his face made me regret the words that spilled out of my mouth. Suddenly I felt the back of his hand connect with the side of my face. Shocked, I just stood there holding my face; he walked right up to me and looked straight into my eyes. "I want to make something clear, if you ever talk to me like that ever again, you'll regret it; trust me on that. Got it?" he said coldly. All I did was nod holding the tears in that seemed determined to escape.

"Good. Now get the roast ready; everything tonight has to be perfect!" He said coolly as he walked out of the kitchen like nothing had happened. I just stood there shocked with the fact that I was now living with a mad man.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter :) I'm currently working on the second so look out for it :)

Check out my forum guys :) Its called 'City of heavenly fires role play.'

Please review and tell me what you think :)

Just to let people know, I've added a wee bit more on :) Hope ya like!