First ever fan fiction so please don't flame I don't mind if its constructive cause i'm not to good at writing and all of that, but flames are just not nice. This is starting right as Percy is in throne room for the celebration. This is not going to be a Percabeth so don't expect that and Zoe probably wont come in till like the 3rd chapter. And really don't expect this to be a well written story. If somebody wants to then they can message me to beta read but i will probably only update 1 time a week if I can manage that.

Disclaimer : I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rick Riordan does he owns all of it this is just my own story line.

So the time comes for Percy to get his gift for defeating Kronos Percy walks up and Zeus starts with

"Perseus we will give you any gift you even the gift of godhood do you accept" Zeus said.

"I'm Sorry for this Lord Zeus I mean absolutely no disrespect (trying to not piss of the king of gods) but I cannot accept this gift my lord I have a few small request's that are definitely in your power but I need you to swear on the River Styx that you will do it." Percy stated.

"Okay Fine we the Olympian Council Swear on the River Styx to do as Percy wishes as long as it is in our power." Zeus grunted.

"First I wish that all Demigods be claimed by the age of 13 Minor and Major gods and there to be Cabins built for all of the Demigods so that a revolt like this cannot happen again because of the gods neglecting their kids. Second and final change I want is that Hestia and Hades be put on the Olympian Council. That is what I wish for Lord Zeus." Percy triumphantly says.

Zeus begrudgingly accepts but not before Percy had to remind him of his Oath on the Styx. In a bright flash two thrones appeared at the end of the U shaped thrones making it more of a 0 looking shape. A pure black obsidian and stygian iron throne on the Men's side. On the Women's side a warm glowing red/orange/yellow glowing with warmth throne. Hades looked at Percy with gratitude and nodded at him. Hestia got up from the Hearth and hugged Percy for all she was worth in her 8 year old self saying thank you to Percy before growing into her god height and sitting down. Zeus deemed the Meeting done and called out a "Meeting Adjourned TIME TO PARTY!" before flashing out with Hera in a bright flash of lighting.

As all of the Demigods and Gods went to party Percy waited back hoping to just sneak out and have a peaceful night, But 2 gods waited back for him First was Athena.

"Good job Percy with Kronos but that will not due with me for you to date Annabeth I will give you 4 months to train yourself be ready this will you will be wanting to fight Kronos again." Athena glared before flashing out leaving the scent of a new book.

"Hello Hestia how do you do tonight." Young Percy said.

"Well I am doing quite well since somebody went and got my throne back for me. Thank you really for getting my throne back Percy it means a lot to me that you would give up such a big thing as godhood just to get something small in return." Hestia smiled and said

"I only got back and did what should have already should have been done my lady" Percy said humbly.

"Well It looked like you were going to try and sneak out of here how about I just flash you back to camp real quick." Hestia said.

"Thank you so much my Lady that would help out a lot." Percy said

So Percy was flashed home and almost went straight to bed but then remembered to sacrifice some food for his Lady Hestia. The next few months were hard on Percy he trained all day long only stopping for food ( a guys got to eat) sleep and Annabeth. Only 1 other time did he stop was when the Horn blew three times meaning there was somebody or something at the border attacking. Percy takes off sprinting Thalia's Pine tree. There at the Border was a 15 year old boy with blonde hair and striking blue eyes just like Thalia's eyes. (HINT HINT) Behind him only 4 Hellhounds where chasing him. Percy charged into battle pulling out Riptide and uncapping it. The first hellhound he did a quick swipe side stepped as it jumped at him and then stabbed it in the heart. As the kid just stood there and tried picking up a stick to start to fight with Percy quickly dispatched of the 2nd hound with a strong diagonal slash. The third Hellhound ran straight to the new camper and by pure luck he hit it across the head and then Percy stabbed its head making it dissolve into gold dust and float away in the slow breeze. The new camper walks up to the top of the hill and starts to tell all the people gather around that he killed all 3 of the Hellhounds with just a stick and that Percy just stood there and watched and didn't even give him a sword or a knife. Everybody just looked at Percy with disgust that he didn't help the new camper and as this all went on a Yellow Glowing Holographic Lighting Bolt appeared above his head.

"All Hail Alex Harold Son of the God of Thunder King of the Gods Lord Zeus." Chiron announced to everybody.

"Percy my dear boy will you please show Alex around Camp today" Chiron asked?

"Sure Chiron I will, Hi Alex my Name is Percy Jackson Son of Poseidon" Percy stated.

"Ya ya whatever least I killed those Monsters unlike you did" Alex smugly said.

Percy went with Alex around camp showing him the Rock wall, all of the cabins, the arena, the archery range, the Big House, and finally the pavilion where they ended up at lunch time.

"You sit over at that table the glowing yellowish table" Percy showed Alex

"Whatever I can get around camp without you so leave me" Alex smirked at Percy.

So the rest of the day went on as normal Percy spent time with Annabeth and his friends. The next 4 months he trained nonstop not telling anybody why he was training so intense since they thought all of the problems were over but Percy had to train for what Athena had planed for him.

"Percy meet me at the top of half-blood hill at 12:00 pm tonight take this backpack it is the only thing I will give you it is enchanted to not way anymore than a regular backpack and is endless on the inside." Athena gave him.

"Thank you Athena I must be off to go tell my friends that I will be gone how long do you think this will take Lady Athena." Percy Respectfully said.

"This may take you from 4 to 8 months depending on how hard you try but just go with 6 months to be safe." Athena told him.

So Percy left to go tell all of his friends he was going out on a quest and it will probably take him 6 months till he would come back and that was the reason he had been training so hard to try and prepare for this quest.

"Hey Annabeth I need to tell you something" Percy shyly said.

"Ok how about after dinner at the beach" Annabeth said.

Time Change "At the Beach After Dinner"

"Annabeth I have to go on a Quest" Percy said.

"Is that why you have been training so hard for this quest, how long will it take for this quest?" Annabeth said.

"Athena said it would take about 6 months for the quest and yes she told me about it when we got back after the ceremony." Percy said.

"Why do you have to go I don't want you to go on another quest you could die." Annabeth said.

"I have to do this Annabeth please just let me I have to do this O.K." Percy said.

"Can I at least come with you on your quest please." Annabeth said.

"No you can't come Athena said I have to do this alone and all by my self I'm sorry but I have to do this I leave at midnight tonight so lets just spend the last few hours together." Percy said

And so Percy and Annabeth just sat on the beach till Percy had to go. He went up to the Thalia's Pine and was Teleported away.

So that was my first chapter and I think that it is a little to blocky I guess like after the dialogue I need to to be better than said and add more emotions into it. Please review so i can know what to do better next time. Thanks for reading!