Blaine woke up to the feeling of movement in his hair. It wasn't something he was used to, at least not when he was staying at Kurt's. He twitched to life, feeling a sting at the front of his skull as memories of the after party flooded back to him: Puck and Santana on either side of him, grinding against his hips, Rachel throwing up while Mercedes held her hair back, Tina somehow mistaking Finn for Mike then doing nothing more than rubbing her nose against his, Kurt dancing with Brittany… Oh, yeah. Kurt. Kurt was pretty much all he could remember after that. His tequila-laced breath, his hips, his tongue-

He realised that Kurt was blowing his hair, which explained the movement. It was cold, so he nuzzled against his chest. He couldn't form enough words yet to tell him to stop.

"Mmmf. Schnop."

Kurt buried his nose in Blaine's hair, wondering at how soft it felt, how natural. He stopped blowing now that Blaine was awake, and pressed kisses into the curls instead.

Blaine became slightly more articulate after that.


Kurt smiled, pulling Blaine closer.


Blaine hummed in response.

"I don't want to freak you out or anything, but… you should know this isn't the first time I've seen your hair like this."

That snapped him fully into consciousness.

He propped himself on his elbow, with one hand on Kurt's chest, holding him down to get some answers.

"What? How- when? Kurt, I was so careful, I've never-"

Kurt snorted at the alarm in Blaine's voice and the panic in his eyes, but he managed not to burst out laughing. He calmly cupped his face and shushed him.

"Woah, calm down, it's okay, Blaine, I like it-"

"No, but seriously, when? I can't remember-"

"What about Rachel's party? I mean, you did much more embarrassing stuff that night anyway so it's no big deal… Oh, and don't even try to convince me that you were wearing a wig for that Hall and Oates mash-up. You can't fool me when it comes to hair."

Blaine flopped his head against Kurt's chest, kissing his skin absent-mindedly between laughs.

"I should have known better, shouldn't I?"

"You really should."

"Fine, sorry for being so weird about it, I just- I don't like it. It's so fluffy and big and out of control-"

"You want to know my favourite time? The time it's looked best?"

Blaine looked up, surprised. Another time? He waited for Kurt to explain.

"Okay, you thought I was asleep, but do you remember your birthday?"

Blaine narrowed his eyes. He didn't remember much of it.

"Okay, me neither, but that night I know things got pretty… how do I put this delicately… gymnastic? Active? A lot of riding and yelling and friction and until we were kind of a sweaty heap on your bed?"

Blaine smiled.

"Wow, Kurt, that was like a poem-"

"Quiet, I'm being romantic. In a second. Anyway, the gel didn't really stand a chance, but you actually slipped out of bed to re-apply when you thought I was still asleep. I was, to be fair, but you kissed my head before you got out and woke me up.

"It was still kind of fluffy; I don't think you could see straight, but you forced it down anyway. Before that - when it was crazy messy, springing out in different directions, falling in front of your eyes - it looked great. Beautiful. I mean, I understand the need to style one's hair, don't get me wrong, but when you looked all sleepy and unstudied… like now… it's gorgeous."

Blaine smiled into Kurt's chest, hiding his face as he felt a blush edging up his cheeks.

"Great, I finally get to see the hair and the rest of you disappears-"

Blaine popped his head up again, grinning, and leaned up to kiss him before propping his chin on his chest, smiling at him adoringly.

"If you want to gel it again, I understand. But maybe sometimes you could leave it like this for me? So I can stroke it, and run my fingers through it, maybe pull on it just a bit-"

Blaine pounced on him, moaning a husky 'God, yes' into his mouth.