Chapter 2: Annabeth II

Disclaimer: I Don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Annabeth II

My life was perfect…

An amazing boyfriend…

The job of my dreams…

Great friends…

And… I threw it all away…

For the worse…

It was 6 years ago…

I was at camp, with my loving boyfriend.

He was joking around while we sat next to one another on the beach.We laughed and pushed each other around. Being the seaweed brain that he was, he falls into the water and pulled me along with him. I splashed him with some water for doing such a stupid thing, but obviously he wasn't fazed and decides to douse me in a tidal wave of water. Of course all of this was for fun, so I ran towards him and pushed him over.

We laughed some more and continued to wrestle in the shallow, cool water.

Then the horn blasted for dinner and I got out of the water and pulled him with me.

I started running back and realized I was completely wet.

"Seaweed Brain! Dry me off now," I shouted at him as he struggled to keep up.

Now being the person he was, he touched my hand and I instantly became dry, but then he douses me with at least a liter more of water, soaking me again.

"Uggg! Why would you do that? It's time for dinner. Come on stop joking around and dry me off!" I yelled at him.

With his smug face he came up to me touched my hand and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smirked at his dumb face and pulled him along to go eat dinner. As we reached the pavilion, we kissed again and went to our separate tables. Ever since Percy asked for his gift to claim more demi-gods, camp has tripled in numbers in the year alone.

Being the leader of my cabin, I was in charge of teaching the new campers how things are done in camp when eating. Since we gathered so many new demi-gods so recently, these teachings have changed in the way they were performed and also new things were added. Before, there was one large camp fire pit that everyone sacrificed their food, but due to the huge population and with the help of the Gods, a miniature fire has appeared at every cabins table to sacrifice to the Gods. Then after sacrificing to the smaller pits of fire, the sacrifices are then transferred from each flame into the old fire pit. To the new campers, this was common, but for us older campers it was hard for us to adjust and teach to those that were new.

After we sacrificed our food everyone dug into their food. We were all laughing and joking around with each other, when I looked over at Percy's table. Percy was sitting there, all alone, without anyone to comfort him. He was rolling his food back and forward and looked sad in his eyes. I felt really bad for him since he didn't have any siblings with him and I wanted to comfort him. When Chiron wasn't looking I rushed over to his table and sat down. He looked over at me and gave a small smile and looked back at his food.

"Hey Annabeth," he mumbled sadly.

"What's wrong seaweed brain, why you so sad?" I said trying to get his attention on me.

He sighed and looked at me with fake smile.

"Nothing is wrong with me," he said.

I just looked at him and nudged him again.

"Don't tell me that Percy, tell me what is wrong." I sweetly said.

"Fine, I feel lonely Annabeth…" He started

"But you have me…" I cut in.

"… Yes, but I mean I feel that I have no one to talk to and have fun around at my table. I feel bad that I am by myself at this table. It is hard Wise Girl, seeing everyone else chatting with their half siblings and laughing and playing games, while I sit here every day, eat my food and walk away silently." He said

"Seaweed Brain, stop," as I lightly nudged him, "Look, I love you and everyone in this camp looks up to you, you have many friends and a loving girlfriend that are always there for you, no matter what happens. You don't need to be sad and lonely, here all alone, it's only a short amount of time, and also you can chat with everyone. You are not alone, so don't be sad." I reasoned with him.

He looked up at me again and smiled, for real

"Thanks Wise Girl, I knew that you could help me out," he said, losing the sadness in his tone.

I smiled and leaned in to give him a kiss, got up and walked back over to my table.

I sat back down and finished off my food and lead my siblings back to our cabin to continue the day.

After completing the day's work free time came around I went on a search for Percy. I found him again on the beach and sat down next to him. I looked at him and saw the deep look he had as if he was thinking of something really hard. I leaned towards him and planted a light kiss on his lips.

As my lips touched his, he didn't even notice. He just looked over at me and stared at me. In his eyes I saw nothing, his mind was clear, nothing was there. I clapped my hands in front of his and his eyes returned to normal.

"Wha…what, what's going on… Wise Girl… what are you doing?" he said

"You were spaced out seaweed brain," I said as I playfully punched him on the shoulder.

He looked at me and smiled.

"I love you," he said

I simply returned the thought and we kissed.

We broke apart after we heard the horn sound and we got up and headed back to the cabins to get to bed. Before we split up I gave him a hug.

"Night wise girl," he spoke so lightly

"Night Seaweed Brain," I said

We walked our separate ways.

Then, during the night, I had a dream. It was my mother.

"Prepare yourself," she spoke as a I woke up with the sound of Peleus groaning.

I shot out of bed and rushed over to Thalia's tree where a crowd of campers was forming. I pushed my way to the front as I saw the horrible sight of Peleus beat up and the slashed everywhere. The crowd then separated behind me as Chiron and some healers arrived to treat Peleus.

"Cabin leaders stays here, the rest of you go back to your cabins and back to bed." Chiron ordered as the demi-gods started to split.

"Chiron, what's going on?" one of the new cabin leaders asked?

"I do not know, but it seems that a monster did this according to the marks that are on Peleus." Chiron responded.

I looked over at the tree and it dawned on me what has happened and what my mother has asked me to prepare for.

"Chiron, the Golden Fleece has been stolen." I said.

Chiron looked at me and at the other demi-gods around him.

"We will deal with this right in the morning, but right now we must defend camp in case of another assault, Clarrise, you and Chris will be taking the first shift, with the rest of your cabin. We will move Peleus to the infirmary; the rest of you should go back to your cabins and rest, be ready for anything and be ready for your shift on patrol." Chiron said as he and the healers lifted Peleus and carried him towards the Infirmary.

I walked away back to my cabin as did everyone else minus Chris and Clarrise. I got back in bed and tried to get some sleep.

Morning came by the next day and the cabin leaders were gathered around the ping pong table.

"We must look for the fleece, it is essential," I stated

Everyone around me nodded

"We must issue a quest, Chiron." I said

Chiron looked at me

"I am sorry Annabeth, but the Gods have contacted me last night and have told me that this will not be a normal quest. The fleece isn't very far from here, so the Gods are willing to send a single demi-god to retrieve the fleece by themselves. It wouldn't break ancient laws because it is not a quest and they have instructed me that you must choose amongst yourselves and volunteer to go." Chiron announced.

"I will go."

I looked over to who said that and saw that Percy had volunteered.

"Alright, Percy shall go, does anyone deny this claim." Chiron said.

No one objected except for me

"Percy can't go by himself, we have to stay together."I said.

Chiron was about to start to say something when…

"Don't worry Wise Girl, I will be back before you know it" Percy said with a wide smile on his face.

"Any questions, Annabeth?" Chiron questioned

"No…"I responded.

"Good, Percy, you will leave in a week's time. Prepare yourself." Chiron said as he dismissed the meeting and everyone went their separate ways. Just before I left, Chiron came over to me and told me that I had to go see Grover today.

I went over to the forest and met up with Grover.

"Hey Grover, it's been a long time," I said cheerfully

"Yeah, it has" he smiled as his horns stuck out larger than ever

"So what did you need Grover?" I asked

"Well, I need you to go out and find a new demi god. He has a powerful scent and I don't have any satyrs that can go because I, for one have to remain at camp and all the others have been out looking for other campers." He said

I accepted the mission and he told me that I was to leave today.

I went and told Chiron and got my stuff and was about to leave when Percy came running up to me.

"Stay safe, okay Annabeth." Percy said.

"Of course I will Seaweed brain," I laughed at him and gave him a kiss.

We broke apart and I started to walk away, and then heard a slight call

"I love you," he had said.

"I love you too" I responded as I headed away.

I walked over to the nearest bus station and I got on. I sat down and started to create more designs for Olympus. Olympus has become, in my opinion, grand and large. The newly designed throne room looked amazing and every seat had each Gods trait surrounding it.

For my mother, Lady Athena, there is an owl messenger waiting for orders, olive tree branches running down the side and carvings of owls on the seat itself.

For Lord Zeus, there is a holder filled with thunder bolts, 'hopefully, he won't throw them at us demi-gods when he is angry', and changing colour clouds that surround the throne, which change according to his mood for weather, dark and wet for thunder and white for a normal cloud.

For Lady Aphrodite, there are hearts and pink cloth that surround the throne; it is the most elegant and beautiful, which suits Lady Aphrodite. A dove stands by to assist her.

For Lord Poseidon, there is are sea horses engraved onto the throne with engraves waves on the armrests, a sea horse that remains on the side as a messenger, and a seat made of water.

For Lord Dionysus, there are simple grape vines that grow around his throne as it was before, but an added satyr that will serve him at command with a refrigerator that contains infinite space for any drink that the Lord may want.

For Lord Apollo, there is an engraving of the sun on the head rest of the throne and the wood that makes up the chair is fire proof and can hold fire. It is coloured bright, vibrant yellow, orange colours and is the brightest throne of all.

For Lady Artemis, there is an engraving of the moon on the head rest of the throne and the throne itself is made of pieces of the moon. A bow is laid down the side, with the best arrows ever crafted.

For Lord Hephaestus, the throne is made mechanically with an automaton that will serve the Lord whatever he may want. The throne is equipped with many tools and metals that fit into the armrest compartments. The armrests are enchanted and can hold an infinite number of supplies.

For Lord Hades, the throne is shrouded in dark shadows; the throne is created with bones of the deceased and has an undead skeleton remains there awaiting orders from its master.

For Lady Hestia, the throne consists of a homey feeling; the throne has a small fire next to it and is made of traditional woods from earth.

For Lady Demeter, the throne is created with flowers and anything from nature with beauty. Flowers have been woven together to create the armrests for the throne is so comfortable that a mortal man would fall asleep if he were to sit on it.

For Lady Hera, the throne is a very traditional throne with many traditional Greek engravings throughout the throne. A peacock is on the side of the throne to assist the Goddess.

Behind the Gods thrones, there are stain glass windows that are unbreakable and hold pictures of great achievements throughout the history of the Gods.

Also elsewhere on Olympus, mini temples have been created for all the Olympians and automatons have been placed throughout Olympus to protect it from enemies.

Also, recently, we have started a section for Demi-Gods that have made a name for themselves in the view of the Gods. These are the heroes that have accomplished what the Gods may have deemed worthy, or done something on a Gods level and succeeded. There is a section for this generation of half bloods, and the main one was obviously Percy.

Since the building on Olympus were destroyed during the war, I am currently trying to create bigger and more grand designs that can help make the Olympians throne room look even more grand.

Then, as I was pondering about ways to design Olympus, I recognized a sound that was very disturbing. It was the hissing of a dracaena.

I looked around to see where it was coming, and I realized it was coming from the front of the bus, but the problem was, there was no one there, I was the only one on the bus besides the bus driver.

I went up to the front cautiously, and looked at the driver seat with my hand on my dagger.

To my surprise the driver seat was empty. It took me a moment to realize that there had been a driver there earlier, so I turned back to my seat cautiously, looking for any sign of a monster.

Then, suddenly the bus stopped.

I turned around back at the driver seat and saw a dracaena, just as it was about to jump at me.

I took out my knife and slashed at it.

It exploded into a cloud of dust and remained on the ground.

I was waiting for it to go back to tartarus, but the odd thing is that the dust was still remaining on the spot.

Then, suddenly the dracaena reformed and hissed.

I couldn't understand what was going on, but I quickly got to work and took it down again.

I didn't want to wait around for it to reform again so I exited the bus and started to run. I kept running and running on the road, while mortal cars drove by me with the mortal giving me weird looks.

After that, I finally reached a school, which I believe was the area that the demi-god I was suppose to find was. I hurried to the door and threw it open. I kept running, running past confused students and teachers.

I kept running to look for a person that light brown hair, blue eyes. When I heard that description I was wondering about how was I suppose to find this person since many people, but then again, this demigod should have a strong scent that even other demigods could sense.

As I was running, I started to take into account what was happening around me. The alarm had gone off in the school as I saw students and teachers rushing into classrooms, for an intruder drill. It took me a moment to realize that I was the intruder.

"Great," I thought, "how am I going to find him now?"

I ran through the hall ways, up and down stairs, and looking through windows. I heard the sound of police sirens outside, so I knew my time was limited. I kept running to every room to look through each window, praying I would find him, until finally I found a door that held a strong scent to it, which felt like a powerful demigod. Someone answered my prayers, so I was sure to sacrifice some food for whoever it was later, but at the time I busted into the room and saw a teacher cowering in a corner while the students were underneath their desks.

I scanned through the students and found the boy of the description. I went over to him and he pushed me away calling me a monster.

I tried to get him to leave, but he wouldn't budge, so I knocked him out and ran out the door. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could to get outside, and kept running. The police were going to be onto me and they may catch me so I had to keep going until I was safe.

I ran all the way to a park with a forest and ran into the forest. I lay the boy down, he was heavy, and I fed him some ambrosia. He started to wake up and look at me with more focus. He tried to get away, but I pushed him to the ground and sat next to him, trying to calm him down. Surprisingly he calmed down quite quickly after I touched his hand.

He looked at me and said.

"Are you a monster?"

"No, I am not," I responded.

He seemed to relax a bit more, but then tensed up again and said

"But, does that mean you are like me?"

"Yes," I said "I will try to explain this to you"

He nodded and stared at me.

I went over the usually talk about demigods, Gods and monsters and he took it all in.

"… and what is your name." I asked

"Mark," he replied smirking.

"Well Mark we got to get you to Camp Half Blood, it is where people like you and I go for safety, when we get to camp I will explain more." I said

We got up and started to walk.

I led the way as Mark followed behind me.

He kept asking me questions about me and asked if I was single. He kept using those stupid jokes that were supposed to get girls, but I kept replying that I had a boyfriend, but he was consistent.

"Okay, we settle here for the night and we will resume tomorrow morning," I said. "You rest, I will stay up and watch out for monsters."

"I will stay up with you than," Mark said.

"No, go to bed," I said firmly

"No, you go to bed" Mark said as he playfully pushed me.

"No, you" as I pushed him back, and this went on for a while before we both gave up, laughing with each other.

He looked into my eyes and I looked at him.

"He looks cute," I thought

"Wait, what are you thinking Annabeth, get a grip, you have a boyfriend already, you love Percy." I also thought

I looked back at Mark, and blushed as he was still staring at me. I didn't even realize that he had put his arm around me. It felt so warm and comfortable.

"Annabeth, Get a grip!" screamed the left side of my brain. "You have a boyfriend already."

"But you like him, he is really cute" said the other side of my brain.

I felt so confused, I had just met Mark, but he seemed like I have known him for years.

Mark looked at me intensely, I couldn't decipher what he was thinking, my mind was melting from his gorgeous eyes.

He started to lean forward to kiss me, but I jumped back and looked and pretended to go to bed. I heard a sad sounding grunt from him, but I heard him stand up. After that, I was fast asleep.

I slept so long that I didn't even realize that it was my shift. I was being hugged by someone, and thinking it was Percy I hugged back, but then I realized that I was on a quest and it was Mark hugging me.

I was about to jump back when I was thinking, I might wake him up. So I got up slowly and waited for the sun to rise for us to continue.

Then, behind me I heard Mark moving, and then something was behind me and hugged me.

I turned around to see Mark standing there, without his shirt on, which I thought was very hot since he had a six pack that I wanted to touch.

"What are you doing Mark," as I pushed him away. "I told you, I have a boyfriend."

"But he is not here at the moment, so relax and give in, forget everything about him for just one night… be with me, I know you want me and I want you too." He replied in a very seductive voice.

As foolish as I was, I feel for it and gave into him. We cuddled with each other as my regrets and thought swashed away.

I felt like a new person, no longer burdened by anything, I felt completed with Mark.

The next thing I knew it was morning time and I started to wake up, only to see Mark already awake, standing up, looking into the sun light, with the wind gently hitting his abs.

I stood up and told him it was time to move on.

Eventually, we made our way to half blood hill, where we were about to start up the hill when Mark grabbed me and kissed me.

I wanted to stop kissing him, but it was so good that I started to kiss back and we made out for at least 10 minutes.

We separated and Mark said

"I bet your boyfriend can't kiss like that."

"Yeah, he can't, that was unbelievable." I replied.

Then again I grabbed his face and started to kiss it with more passion, enjoying it all, without even thinking about Percy.

After that, I started to head back into camp with Mark. Any regret of being with Mark was washed away as that kiss was so memorizing. He seems so perfect, he looks better than Percy, kisses better than him and is cuddlier than Percy ever was, I thought to myself.

I stopped by the big house and told Chiron that I was back and introduced Mark to him. Mark seemed to get along with Chiron and met up with Lord Dionysus, who weirdly took a liking into Mark. I, then, led Mark to the new camper area for him to stay until he was claimed. As I dropped him off, he whispered to meet him by the forest after dinner. I agreed and walked back to my cabin.

When I reached my cabin, Malcolm told me that Percy had gone on his, not so quest already, but left me a note.

I grabbed it from him and threw it on my desk. I had decided that it was time to break up with Percy Jackson, but because he had a seaweed brain mind I had to tell him slowly.

So, dinner came by and he did the traditional things and everyone started to head to the camp fire to go have a sing along. I snuck off to the forest to meet up with Mark.

"So, what is up Mark?" I questioned.

He didn't say anything, but instead grabbed me and kissed me

I was kissing back and tried to get more of him.

He bit my lip, begging for entrance and I gave it to him and let his tongue explore my mouth.

I eventually fought against his tongue and won, exploring his mouth.

As we were exploring each other's mouths, his hands grabbed me and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around him. I kept kissing him, not letting go, while he started to rub my back. He was about un strap my bra, but I pulled away and looked at him. I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine, until I heard someone calling my name.

"I have to go," I said, "No one must know about us Mark."

"Why Annabeth, I want to express our love for each other to everyone," he replied.

"Not yet, I love you, but I still have my pesky boyfriend who is on a quest right now, and everyone in camp knows that I am dating him, so if they catch me with you they will know I am cheating on him." I said

"Alright, I will keep this between us," he replied.

"Tomorrow?" I asked.

"For sure," Mark replied.

Over the next few days, Mark and I have been having some private moments with each other and no one realized anything.

Then, my other boyfriend returns, I saw him running up the hill with the fleece in hand, I put on a fake smile.

He ran up to me and gave me a hug that was crushing me; it felt like forever as he held tightly.

To prepare for this, I had already told Mark to pretend to be oblivious to knowing anything between Percy and I, so I could break it to him slowly, and Mark agreed, which was another thing that was amazing about Mark.

""Percy, did you meet the new camper yet? His name is Mark. You know that since you are our leader of our camp, you have to lead the orientations. I'll go tell Chiron your back; you go on ahead and meet him. He seems like a nice guy."I said

I ran off without looking at him and reported to Chiron that Percy had returned.

I started to head towards them, when Percy came over to me and kissed me, I glanced at Mark and saw a flare in his eye.

I quickly pecked back at Percy and went over to Mark and said Hello as if I was starting to greet him, like I never knew him

Then, dinner came by and I was looking at Mark, he seemed to be filled with anger at Percy, which I could understand. It must have hurt him when Percy came by me yet again and planted a huge kiss on me.

We sacrificed our food and I dug in.

After eating, Chiron made his announcements bringing up the new camper, Mark, my love.

I stared at him, but he wasn't looking at me, but my previous boyfriend. Then, the amazing happened; a trident appeared over the head of Mark proving him to be a son of Poseidon. This made everything better since that is what I loved about Percy and now Mark had it too. I saw him smirk at my boyfriend, but nothing towards me and everyone headed off to their cabins.

I went to bed sleeping sound, thinking about Mark.

Over the next few days, life in camp half blood started to return to normal, new campers coming in, same daily routines, make out/ cuddling sessions with Mark, but something was off about Percy.

He seemed a bit different than before. It was like something has happened to him, I started to ask around and heard a rumour going around about Percy's argument with the Stoll brothers.

Then the next day more rumours about Percy were spread, that Percy was losing all his friends. In my opinion I think that this was coming since he did seem to be changing.

Then the day came where Mark got his first quest. He chose Percy and me to go with him. His quest was to kill a hydra that had been disturbing the peace near one of the bridges that led into Manhattan. On our quest, Percy tried to get with me, but I started to hand around Mark a lot, which clearly disturbed Percy, but I hoped he would get a hint that it was time to split up.

When we finally found the Hydra, we had a plan to get rid of it quickly, so we attacked and Mark was knocked into a building after his first strike. Percy and I fought together and Percy seemed to enjoy that we were fighting together. Once we disposed of the Hydra, Percy turned to me and expected a kiss or a hug, it seems he still doesn't realized that we are through, so I ran over to Mark and tended to him. I started to nurse Mark back to health and when he was better we started to head back to camp.

When we got back to camp, I was told to report to Olympus to hand in some of my designs for Olympus and that I would be back at dinner.

I left the crowd that was cheering for Mark and Percy, and was taken away by car to the empire state building.

I went up to floor 600 and handed in my designs and went over them with a minor God.

After that I returned back to camp just in time for dinner and too see Mark being called Poseidon's favorite son. I was so happy for him, and even Chiron made a surprising announcement and told the camp that Mark was now the new leader of the camp. I was so proud of him that I ran up to him and gave him a kiss on the lips, while everyone cheered. I didn't see Percy in the crowd though, I guess he had gone to bed.

Everyone started to clear up and headed back to their cabin, but I snuck out with Mark. We sat there on the beach holding hands together and made out with each other for hours, until we fell asleep in each other's arms.

When we woke up we still sat there and I knew that Percy was going to come to this spot since it was what we used to do, so I told Mark that we were going to make out and confess our love for each other in front of Percy, hopefully getting him to understand that we were through. When I heard Percy coming towards us I put the plan into action.

"Annabeth, you know that I love you right." Purred Mark

"Mark I love you, but Percy is still in the way from our love." I replied

"You have to dump him sooner or later, remember I will always be with you when you need someone." Mark said.

"I will break up with him when I see him," I replied

Then I proceeded to lean into Mark and made out with him, I tried to make a good act and kissed Mark in the same way I kissed Percy to show that I was now with someone else and we were through.

I glanced over to see Percy, storming down towards us, well how did I not see this one coming, he is a seaweed brain.

He started to yell at me and I tried to calm him down a bit, but that didn't work so to get the message across I yelling out that I was breaking up with him, but he did seem to get the message and he raged at Mark. He started to yell at Mark while I tried to pull him off, but Percy was too strong and he punched Mark into the water. I ran over to him and tended to his wounds while I started to hear campers gathering around. Chiron then came in and got the paramedics to take Mark to the infirmary, he also ordered me to follow them.

As I followed Mark I glanced over to what was happening, and I saw Percy being carried by Chiron, thrown out of camp.

"Good, he's gone" I thought to myself as I tended to Mark.

After that day, I never saw Percy again.

After four years, I had been dating Mark and all was fine, we loved each other and occasionally had some fun times together at night time. I never did that with Percy, which is why I loved Mark so much more. Ever since Percy had gone, life had been so much quieter and everyone seemed to be happy without him. Mark had gone off to become one of camps best campers and he had earned himself a spot in the Demigod history timeline. Mark protected us from everything and I was his girl.

Then, things started to change for me. Another year after the four years dating Mark seemed to get more distant as he was getting more famous. He had been completing so many quests and getting chased by girls that he hardly ever had time with me. Also whenever I was on Olympus I never got anymore IM's from him. I started to get very suspicious of what was going on so I started to investigate.

When I returned to camp from Olympus I went to him and kissed him, but he didn't seem to return it very well. I started to notice that he was staring at another girl. A new girl that had recently joined camp, since campers have started to mysteriously come to camp without any satyrs and apparently a man in a cloak was bringing them to camp, but that doesn't matter. Mark seemed to be doing what I did with him with Percy with that new girl. I tried to ride along and hopefully get him to be with me again, but then, it happened.

I was heading to the spot in the forest where Mark and I would have our… sessions and I saw him there pressing his beautiful abs against the tree and making noises. I started to creep closer and realized that he was making out with the new girl. Not only that, she was topless and he was fondling with her body. I was really angry, so I stormed in and grabbed Mark's arm.

"Mark!" I yelled, unable to hold back my tears, as I lashed out at him.

Mark stared back at me, with a look of surprise as the new girl was trying to cover herself up.

"It's not what you think Annabeth," Mark Replied smoothly.

I glared at him as I saw the girl run out of sight in my peripheral vision.

He came closer to me, but instinct told me to step back.

"It's not my fault Annabeth, she came onto me," he said slyly as he made his way over to hold my hand.

Instantly a calm feeling had overrun me and I felt like I was melting. His touch felt so comforting and amazing.

"It's okay Mark... Just don't do it next time," I replied, forgiving him for his misdeed.

He pulled me in closer and planted a kiss on my lips.

I proceeded to take off his shirt and exposed his gorgeous body as he had taken mine off as well.

We were there for hours, until finally we decided it was enough and went to our cabins.

So another year goes by and Mark and I are still infatuated with each together. Mark has been even more distant than before and I started to give up. I knew that even after our love sessions he was sneaking off with other girls. So I finally confronted him and he looked like he didn't even feel any remorse. He started to tell me off and told me that it was my fault for their breaking apart. He started to also tell me that other girls were hotter than me, but I didn't care because I knew we were done. I started to cry and ran towards the beach.

I sat there sad, lost and alone. I didn't know what to do. I lost my real boyfriend to a cheating loser. I lost all myself dignity and fell for that cheater's lie. I wanted it to all go away; the hurt was too much to bear.

"What happened those days..." I thought to myself

I glared into the sea and there he was...


I could see him; he was just in reach, standing there in the water...


Then... The Dinner Horn sounded and I jolted at the sound...

I turned back and he was gone...

"Who am I kidding... Percy is gone..."

I turned and was about get out of the hole that my feet were buried in, when something caught my eye.

There was a box lying in the sand. It was partially buried, but I scooped it up and stared it. It looked old, 6 years old, covered by sand.

It looked like ring case, my curiosity got to the better of me and I opened the box. I stared at the ring, but my eyes wouldn't l let me focus on it... Out of frustration I threw the box out into the sea..., but as i turned to leave... the ring case had washed back up onto the shore...

I stood there for a moment, wondering on what shall I do, but my body was numb, I could not control myself... All I could do was watch as I dragged myself towards the box and picked it up.

I opened the box and the ring popped out of its socket.

I picked up the ring and stared at its design

"My Wise Girl"

I looked at it in disbelief

I looked again and on it was a trident with an owl together, and under the ring it shown it beautiful italics "My Wise Girl"

My heart was beating so hard... I could feel every single beat...

The ring reminded me so much of Percy...

It was as if Percy had left me this...

Then it hit me, the day that Percy was thrown out of camp, the day everything was different, was the day… that Perseus Jackson was going to propose to me.

I stared at the ring and started to cry, I had been so cruel, I broken Percy's heart on the exact same day, he was set to propose to me.

I looked out into the ocean, closed my eyes, with tears rolling down my face.

"I do…"
