A/N: Alright, took a while, but I'm finally done with chapter 5! Yay! Things really start to get interesting now.

That night Bonkers came home to find Sassy fast asleep on the couch with the TV set on. He sighed and picked her up. He carried her to his bed and laid her down. After putting the covers over her, he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

~Mom and dad had another fight, eh little sis? ~

Bonkers lightly patted her back and turned to leave. He had just gotten to the door when he heard whimpering. He turned around and found that Sassy was thrashing on the bed, moaning and crying.

"No! Daddy stop! Leave mommy alone! Don't hurt her, daddy! Ahh! Put me down daddy! Stop that daddy! We didn't do anything wrong!" Sassy exclaimed.

Bonkers gasped, rushed over to her and shook her to wake her up. After a moment, she stop crying and moaning. She opened her eyes and began screaming when she saw Bonkers.

"Sassy, calm down! It's just me!" Bonkers exclaimed.

Sassy stopped screaming and starred at him for a moment. Realization finally kicked in and she threw her small arms around him and began crying on his shoulder. Bonkers rubbed her back in comfort.

"What happened, Sassy? What did dad do this time?" Bonkers asked.

Sassy wiped her tears with her arm and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

"It was horrible Bonkers! They got into another fight, but it seems that daddy was drunker than usual because he just started beating her senseless for absolutely no reason. When I tried to stop him, he grabbed me by the throat and rammed against the wall a few times spitting curses about how you, me and Alex were a bunch of good for nothings. After that, he tried to break my arms by twisting them, considering that's even possible for us toons. Then, he started kicking me and punching me, but mommy knocked him out by hitting him on the back of the head with a frying pan. She told me to come over here and that she was going to a friends' to spend the night." Sassy said.

Bonkers' jaw dropped and he felt rage begin to boil up inside him.

~That asshole! That does it! I'm going to put a stop to this my damn self! I am so sick and tired of him doing this shit! ~

"Don't worry sis, everything's gonna be alright. I'm gonna put a stop to dad's abuse myself." Bonkers said.

"How are you gonna do that?" Sassy said.

Bonkers smirked.

"Oh I have my ways, don't you worry." Bonkers said.

Sassy smiled and hugged him.

"I'm hungry. What do you have to eat?" Sassy asked.

Bonkers laughed and ruffled her hair playfully.

"I ain't got much here. How about we go get some pizza?" Bonkers asked.

Sassy nodded and hopped off the bed. She tugged at Bonkers' arm.

"Sassy, hold on. Let me change into some normal clothes first." Bonkers said.

Sassy made a mock pout and out her hands on her hips making Bonkers laugh.

"Alright, but hurry up. I'm really hungry." Sassy said.

"Just give me five minutes, and then we're out of here. Go wait in the car." Bonkers said.

"Okay." Sassy said.

She skipped out of the room. Bonkers laughed and shook his head. He took off his uniform and pulled on his trademark green sweater.

~Damn, what am I gonna do about dad? I thought the rehab helped him. Why did he go back to drinking? I've tried everything, but nothing worked. I didn't want to have to do this, but I'm beginning to think that maybe getting him arrested really is the only way to solve this problem once and for all. Hell, I already told Miranda about how my parents fight, but should I really risk telling her everything? Would she be able to help me? I'll have a little talk with about this tomorrow and see what she thinks. I'm also going to give mom a call later on and see how she's doing. ~

Bonkers sighed. He grabbed his car keys and went to his car where his sister was waiting.

~I sure hope Lucky is doing better than I am. ~

Meanwhile in Washington, Lucky was in total shock when he was told who his new partner would be.

~I don't believe it. I actually got Tulson as my new partner. ~

Lucky sighed and sat down in the chair in his office. He was going through some papers when Tulson walked in. Lucky looked up at him and smiled. Tulson smiled back.

"Hey there, Piquel. How do you like your first day as an FBI agent?" Tulson asked.

"I love it. This place is great. I still can't believe I got this job." Lucky said.

Tulson smirked.

"Well, you better believe it quick because we've already got our first mission." Tulson said.

"Oh really, already? What kind of mission is it?" Lucky asked.

"Some nutcase apparently found a chemical that can literally render toons insane." Tulson said.

Lucky's eyes widened.

"Render toons insane? You're kidding me, right?" Lucky asked.

"I wish I was. But, from what I've heard this nutcase plans to use the chemical to make toons into mindless zombies, so to speak." Tulson said.

"In other words, turn them into slaves." Lucky muttered.

"Correct." Tulson said.

Lucky sighed.

"I'd hate to think anyone could actually stoop so damn low." Lucky said.

"So do I, but, you should know by now to never underestimate the mind of a criminal." Tulson said.

Lucky nodded.

~I can't believe this. Someone would actually try to take the mind of a toon away and use them for crimes. ~

Tulson cleared his throat to get Lucky's attention. Lucky snapped back to attention and give an embarrassed chuckle.

"Speaking of toons how's your little cat-like toon friend? You know the one that used to be your partner?" Tulson asked.

"Bonkers? He's alright. I haven't really spoken to him since I left for Washington, though." Lucky said.

Tulson nodded in understanding.

"Although he was a bit nutty, he seems like a nice enough little guy. I'd make the effort to contact him often if I were you because it just so happens that I also heard that this nutcase and I say nutcase because I am uncertain of this person's gender is currently hiding out in Los Angles." Tulson said.

Lucky's jaw dropped and his face turned a deathly white.

~No way! That can't be! Bonkers can't possibly be a target, could he? ~

"Lucky, are you alright?" Tulson asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah. I'm fine Tulson." Lucky said.

"Please, just call me by my first name, Matthew, or Matt for short." Tulson said.

Lucky sighed.

"Alright Matt." Lucky said.

"I didn't mean to scare you, but I know you and that little toon are buddies, so I thought you would like to know." Matt said.

"Thanks for telling me Matt. I really appreciate it." Lucky said.

"No problem. Now go home and get rest. We start the investigation first thing tomorrow." Matt said.

Lucky nodded.

"Alright. See ya tomorrow. Partner." Lucky said.

Matt smiled.

"See ya tomorrow. Partner." Matt said.

Matt turned to leave. He got to the door when he turned back around.

"Oh and by the way, I heard you got another kid coming. Congratulations." Matt said.

Lucky smiled.

Thanks Matt." Lucky said.

Matt nodded and left the room. Lucky sighed and looked out his office window.

~I hope Bonkers will be alright. Poor guy's already got enough problems as it is. ~

Lucky put the papers he was looking at in folder. He put the folder away in a drawer and left the office.

~Don't you worry Bonkers. When I find out who's doing this, they're gonna wish they've never been born. Same goes for that son-of-a-bitch who raped you, and believe me, I WILL find out. ~

A/N: Ohhh, Lucky's pissed. Shoot, I would be too if I were him, wouldn't you? Anyway, more to come soon. R/R.