Doctor Halse shined a small light in Pepper's eyes. "Vitals look normal" he said. He then took an x-ray of her lungs. "I'll be back with the results" he said walking out of the container. Tony had ran into him when he entered the room. "Hey how is she?" Tony asked panting. "It was the weirdest thing she was on the verge of dying ten minutes ago because her body couldn't handle it anymore but her body suddenly started making a full recovery" Halse said.

"The past twenty minutes her health has been improving it's a miracle" he said then left to scan the results. Tony walked into the container. "Hey Pep" he said. "Hey Tony" Pepper said sitting up and sitting Indian style holding her bear. "I heard you're doing better" he said. "I feel awesome!" she said smiling. Tony smiled at her and gave her a big hug. "Hey are you okay?" she asked as she heard him sniffling. "You don't know how happy that makes me…to know you're alright" he said.

"Aw Tony…." Pepper said. "I love you Pepper" he said. "Oh I love you too!" Pepper said smiling. Tony broke apart. "I don't mean it in a friendship way" he said. Pepper blushed. "Really?" she asked. Tony leaned in closer to her face and planted his lips on hers. Halse happened to walk in on them right when they pulled apart. "Oh um….I'm sorry was I interrupting something?" he asked. "No" Tony said chuckling and moved to give Halse some space. "Well Pepper you're lungs are cleared up and the radiation poison is taken care of but just to be on the safe side take these for the next ten days" Doctor Halse said giving her some pills.

"You're free to go" he said. "Oh finally I can walk!" she said. Pepper swung her legs over and stood up but that was only for a few seconds until she fell to her knees. Tony caught her by the arms. "Whoa…..haven't been out of bed in awhile" she said. "It's gonna take a little time of getting re-acquainted with your motor functions" Halse said. "I'll carry you for now" Tony said as he was about to pick her up. "No…..I have to try" she said. Pepper used the wall for support as she slowly walked. She managed to make it to the sliding doors then turned around.

"Uhh…..a little help?" she asked smiling like an idiot. Tony chuckled, picked her up and left to the Stark lab. "Oh hey Tony…and Pepper?" Miranda said. "I thought you were dying?" Claire said. "She was" Tony said setting Pepper down on the table. "But how did she recover so quickly?" Miranda asked. "Well your medicine helped out a lot and I think it had something to do with Rhona" Tony said. "What do you mean?" Claire asked. Tony explained everything that happened at the warehouse. "So she had a trigger that could kill Pepper slowly and I guess the trigger went down a long with the two" he said.

"Well she only could have recovered if the trigger was able to stop spreading whatever it was spreading" Miranda said. "Well then it had to right?" he asked. "Guess so" Miranda said. "We're glad you're okay Pepper" Claire said. "Ooooo Pepper I gotta tell you something!" Miranda said jumping up and down. "What is it?" Pepper asked. "Tony likes you!" she blurted out. Tony and Pepper looked at each other smirking. "She knows already" Tony said. "What no way!" Miranda said. "I wanted to embarrass you" she said.

"Well that's not cool" he said. They all laughed. Around eight PM Tony was at Pepper's apartment but sitting on the roof watching the cars pass by the New York City streets. "How's Rhodey been" she asked. "He's alright, but he's been worried about you" he said. "Nice to know" Pepper said giggling. Tony put his arm around her and kept her close. "Have you been feeling better since the Plague…" she asked."I've been getting better day by day, I just haven't recovered my full strength" he said. Pepper put her arms around Tony. "I don't want these things ever happen to you again" she said. "Same for you" he said. "But like I said better me than you" she said. "And like I said I would feel the same way if it was me" he said. "No Tony" Pepper said. "It's alright it's what we all do for the people you love" Tony said smiling at her.

"So Rhona's dead huh" Pepper said. "Yup" Tony said. "And I was serious about what I told you" he said. Pepper looked at him in confusion. "I'll be back" Tony said. He dropped down off the roof. "Tony!" Pepper yelled. Tony hovered back up smirking with his hands behind his back. "Heheh scared you didn't I?" Tony asked. Tony only wore his jet boots from his armor which Pepper didn't notice. "You're crazy" she said. Tony revealed his hands showing Andys head. "You killed Andy?!" she said. "Technically he was never alive but yeah you could say that" he said.

Tony swooped Pepper off from the roof. "Big difference without the armor" Tony said. "So you're saying I weight too much" she said crossing her arms. Tony chuckled. "I'm kidding" he said. Tony flew over to the beach and landed on a bridge that crossed over a lake leading the water to the ocean. "What are you going to do?" Pepper asked. "I want no trace of Rhona" he said. "I want to forget those horrible memories" he said. Tony dropped Andy's head into the lake and it sunk down as it was being carried out to the ocean.

Tony held Peppers hand as they watched the water flow to the ocean. Pepper turned her head to Tony and kissed his cheek. Tony looked at her smiling. "Oh come here!" he said picking her up and spinning her around as she laughed. "Come on lets go home" he said. He took off going back to Pepper's house.

(I found that short but I hoped it was good enough…..I hoped I didn't fail you Hailey XP)(Review please)