**Written for Cheeky's Weekly Drabble Competition: Easy, Endless Possibility Challenge: Take a Walk on the Wild Side and Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes: Fainting Fancies**


Sirius Black wasn't entirely happy with the predicament he was currently in: strapped to a chair in the hospital wing. Although he had been tied up many times before with extremely pleasurable consequences, he didn't think that this was going to be another of those cases. Just as that thought crossed his mind however, music started playing; very sensual and erotic music. Maybe, just maybe, this was going to be another one of those situations.

The door to the office creaked open and out sauntered the matron, but she was no longer the caring, motherly nurse that Sirius had so often visited. She was dressed in nothing but a very short, and what seemed to be muggle, nurses uniform. Poppy kept eye contact with Sirius as she strutted over to the nearest bed, and winked at him before climbing up. Not at all careful to stop the riding up of her dress, Sirius spied a very small red thong before his eyes were brought back to the antics of his school nurse. She was now crawling like an animal over the bed, biting the pillows and scratching her nails up and down her legs. Sirius was quite convinced that this was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen in his life but he wasn't feeling anything...down there. Surely this was a dream, but no, the noise that Poppy Pomfrey was making sounded incredibly real.

She soon had enough frolicking around on the bed and focused her attention on Sirius himself. She straddled him, forcing her chest mere inches from his face. The nurse pulled out a bandage from a side pocket and proceeded to reinforce the ties around his wrists, a motion that Sirius thought did not need the accompanying brush of lips against his neck and the heavy breath into his ear. Poppy leant back and pulled out a small vial from between her breasts, she unstoppered it with her mouth and slowly poured the solution temptingly over her...


"Padfoot, wake up!"

"Mr Black. Are you going to take this potion willingly, or am I going to have to force it upon you?" asked Madam Pomfrey in a disapproving voice.

"Ohh, force it on me you dirty nurse." growled Sirius in return. Both of Sirius' best friends burst out laughing at this response.

"Mr Potter, Mr Lupin, can either of you tell me just how many confundus spells he was hit with please?"