
Rose felt a tap on her shoulder. She was about to give the guy an earful as she spun around but was stumped at who she saw.

"With the way you are dancing I'm surprised no one has needed to call an ambulance yet for us men," joked Dimitri.

Guess this night out wasn't a bad idea after all.

Rose laughed. "Well hello stranger, fancy seeing you here."

"Yes, you can blame Ivan for bringing me here."

"Ivan is here too?"

"Why else would I be here? He needs someone to get him home when he has one too many therefore me."

"I can actually picture you doing that for some strange reason. Do you get paid for your usefulness?"

They laughed. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Rose asked.

"Somewhat," Dimitri replied.

"Ivan isn't that bad is he?"

Dimitri gave Rose a look that could be interpreted as: you have no idea about how bad he can be.

"Ah that bad eh?"

Dimitri nodded.

"I hope I'm not here to witness it or I'm too drunk to even notice."

"I would love to be not here but, unfortunately someone has to clear the aftermath i.e. you know..."

"Bet that's fun."

"You have no idea."

"Do you fancy dancing since we are here on the dance floor?"

"Oh... I don't ... well I just..."

"Come on, it isn't hard just swing your hips. That's all there is to it. Here I'll help you."

Rose moved closer to Dimitri and gently swung her hips.


Dimitri sighed and gently placed his hands on her hips as her hands wrapped around his neck.

"Is this ok?"

"Perfect, see I told you that you could do it."

For several dances they moved together in sync not one of them broke the rhythm they had formed. Rose smiled happily knowing that she was getting somewhere with this mysterious man. She was glad that she came out tonight instead of staying home and pigging out on ice-cream watching chick flicks, even though it is a nice thought. Life had funny ways of conjuring up the unpredictable. She would have never ever of thought of meeting Dimitri here; for him to also come up to her had been an added bonus. Maybe she wrong about him not liking her, the game of figuring out if the other liked you was very tricky to play. One wrong and that's it, game over.

Rose peered over Dimitri's shoulder and saw something that made her groan out load. She did not need this, not now!

"What?" Dimitri asked.

Rose started to speak until she was interrupted by the very last person she wanted to see.

"Little flower, I've been searching for you everywhere."

"Oh yes I can imagine that with you hanging out with your friends. Did you check the ladies bathroom whilst you were at it? "

"Not this time." Adrian looked at Dimitri sizing him up and glanced between him and Rose trying to determine if there was something there. To say he was usually a drunk he could read people very well. "Who's this?" he asked pointing to Dimitri.

"Oh right, Dimitri this is Adrian, Adrian this is Dimitri."

"Nice to meet you Dimitri, tell me how did you meet my dear friend Rose?"

"Pleasure to meet you Adrian and well I sought of caught her when she was knocked over."

"How very gentlemanly of you."

Rose was cautious of what Adrian was doing. What the hell is he playing at?

"You could say that," Dimitri replied.

Adrian smirked. "It's been very nice to meet you but Rose and I have to go."

"What, but..."

Adrian clasped her waist and dragged her off the dance floor, leaving Dimitri standing there alone. "Hope to see you again soon. Although not too soon," Adrian called.

"What the hell are playing at?" Rose hissed.

"Little Flower, trust me on this one. I know the male species pretty well; use my knowledge to your advantage. Let me guide you in your journey to fulfilling your primal needs. Let the lessons begin. Rule number one: the best thing for a woman to do to get a guy she likes is to leave them wanting more."

"Wow, wow, wow I do not like Dimitri he's, to some extent, friend. And by you pulling me away from him will make him want more?"

"Uh huh, so the reason why you were making googly eyes at him was because you just felt like it. Rose, even a blind person can see your attraction to him, on the other hand your friend may need less subtle hints and more direct approaches. If the rest of the Russian population is like him it's a wonder on how their numbers keep growing."

"He may have a girlfriend already."

"Rule number two: if he is seeing someone act more voluptuous to make him leave her."

"I can't do that! Act all slutty like to split him and his girlfriend. Don't you have morals?"

"When these morals concern the opposite sex then yes I have them."

"That's just great; you don't care unless it helps you get lucky. Are there any morals to help you get lucky?"

"I'm sure there are. Come on Rose, it's just harmless flirting. If he does leave her it's not really your fault."

"Say that to the scorned girlfriend."

"I'm sure you'll live. It won't be a life or death situation. Besides, I bet you have experience with scorned girlfriends."

"I think you have more experience of scorned girlfriends than I do."

Adrian stroked in chin as if he had a beard there. "Indeed, remind me again never ever come between two arguing women."

"I thought that was common sense."

Adrian stared at Rose for a while before she gave in. "Fine, I'll warn you in the future since you're incapable of handling yourself."

Adrian made some form of snorting sound as they both made their way over to where Lissa, Christian and Mia were standing near the bar.

"You found her!" Lissa exclaimed.

"You make it sound like she was missing," Christian grumbled. "Not that it wouldn't be a bad thing."

Mia smirked. "So, Rose I saw you dancing the boss' friend on the dance floor."

Lissa gasped. "You met a guy!"

"More like always-bumping-into-each other kinda guy," Rose explained.

"Isn't it always," Mia suggested.

"Always bumping into each other?" Lissa repeated, you could see the gears rattling in her head trying to piece the information together; connecting the clues. "The guy that caught you when I met Christian?"

"The very same," Rose replied.

"Wow, you meet the boss' friend before. Why didn't you tell me?!" Mia said, astounded.

"I didn't know at the time; now every time he meets Ivan we do have a brief conversation."

"I have a feeling that girl talk is on the way," Christian moaned.

"I've always been fascinated by girl talk," Adrian said.

"That's great! Does he like you? When do you think he'll as you out? Do you think he'll do double dates?" Lissa babbled.

"Hold your horses Lissa; I don't even know if he likes me. When I do I'll be able to answer all of your questions."

Lissa seemed disappointed in Rose's response. It had been too long since Rose had last been in a relationship, one she wouldn't want Rose to experience again.

"Now that this enlightening discussion is at a dead end, who wants to party?" Mia asked.

Rose cheered in agreement grabbing a drink from a passing waitress.

Date: 12th March 2012

Rose whimpered as her alarm clock sprung to life. I don't set my alarm clock to go off on a Sunday Rose thought. She slammed the palm of her hand onto the clock knocking it off the bedside table. Her head fell back onto the pillow; the crashing sound of the alarm hitting the floor startled Rose.

"Holy crap! I'm up, I'm up!" she exclaimed.

She noticed that she was in her apartment. She knew that Lissa brought her here safely, probably with the help from her boyfriend Christian.

Christian? The cheeky bugger must have set my alarm clock when he was here!

Even though she wanted to throttle Christian with her bare hands then hangover she was suffering from was agony. Falling back onto her bed gently and, whilst ignoring the little people inside her head tapping away, tried to recall what happened last night. She knew something that she considered important had happened. Trying to remember it though was not as easy as she had previously thought. She could call Lissa but, she would have been probably busy with Christian all night. Adrian was a complete no no! Mia- that would just be cruel of her.

Rose thought long and hard. The memories she had of last night were just a one big blur. There was a face albeit, one she couldn't make out. It made her insides tingle like her subconscious knew who they were. She focused on the image, the blurring subsiding to reveal with perfect clarity of who it was. Dimitri was there!

"Oh-my-God, Dimitri danced with me!" Rose shouted; she started to jump on her bed as she was on cloud nine.

When she stopped she spread her arms out to keep her balance. She had forgotten all about her hangover. But, who cared for she had danced with Dimitri the night before.