Disclaimer: As usual, all rights to the show and its characters belong to ABC. I only use them for fun. This is going to be a deviation from what happens in the show, just as a warning.

Days Gone By

Chapter One: At the Garage

Yesterday was a hectic day. She gave up the idea of normal a long time ago, but Emma was seriously looking forward to a quiet day in Storybrooke. Judging from how things were going, that wouldn't be for a while. When she finally got back to the place she shared with her parents (how weird was that?), she flopped down on the bed and slept without even removing her shoes.

Her hair was a mess the next morning. She tackled them with a vengeance and ran her mind through everything one more time. Emma was still coming to terms with Neal being back in her life and in Storybrooke, and now this came along. She wasn't sure if she should feel nervous or excited about what it meant. What did it mean, anyway?

She left the house and still hadn't figured it out. All she knew was she needed to check up on him. Emma climbed into her patrol car and hunted around town. He was a little easier to find this time around, but the place was still a surprise. She parked and stepped into the garage. All she could see of him were his boots, as the rest of him was blocked by a jacked-up car.

"Mechanic, huh? I didn't peg you for the type."

"Yeah, well…" He rolled out and flashed her his easy smile. It was good seeing it again. "I'm a man of many mysteries. Besides, someone had to rotate Archie's tires."

"Guess so." She rested her hand on the trunk of the car while looking down on him. There was already a smear of grease on his forehead. "So how are you doing? I mean, after yesterday…" She trailed off uneasily. How did you even talk about something like that?

"Yeah." The smile slid off his face. "Emma, I just wanted to say I'm sorry-"

"You know what," she interrupted, "save it. What's done is done. This is all about a second chance, right?" He nodded, his eyes thoughtfully watching her. Emma remembered the other times those eyes gave her the same look. Like he saw more than what was in front of him.

"How are things with Neal?"

"Neal?" Emma was almost irritated he would ask, but then realized why he would feel the obligation. "He and Henry are getting along pretty well. It helps that Neal knows how to steer a pirate ship." She paused, as if waiting for him to fill in the gaps. He just kept watching her quietly; maybe he didn't know, or maybe he thought Neal should tell her. She never could tell with him. "Anyway, he might not hang around for much longer. He's got a life back in Manhattan."

"Oh?" His eyebrows went up, and again Emma was questioning his expression. Was he relieved or disappointed? And why did it matter to her?

"Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay. I'd better let you get back to rotating Archie's tires." She flashed him a smile and turned to leave.

"Emma." She stopped and turned back. "You want to meet for lunch later at Granny's?"

"Yeah, I'd like that." She started to go again but hesitated. She dropped to crouch down in front of him. "Hang on, you've got a little something…" The heel of her palm carefully wiped the grease from his forehead. Emma let her hand linger there, caught up in the intensity of his eyes.

Her hand dropped awkwardly. "See you at lunch," she muttered, and quickly left the garage. As she walked she kept staring at the grease smear on her palm. With an impatient huff Emma rubbed it on the side of her pants.

Honestly, what was wrong with her? He was back for one day and already she was unsure of herself. As if things weren't complicated enough around here. She tried to focus her attention on other things but couldn't manage it. All she could really think about was seeing him again at lunch, and what might come from that.