The Magic Man is peeking from under the grass, listening to Finn and Jake's conversation, when he comes up with an idea.

He pulls out a random bag and proceeds to whisper a spell "Do as thou'st will be the whole piece of law."

He looks at the bag and whispers "I'm not coming back."

Meanwhile in the world of the little people:

Little Finn asks, "Glob! Where are we?"

"This is life, dude." Little Jake replies.

"Life is so... dark..."

Little Ice King barges into their conversation: "Yeah, especially if you're me."

Little Finn looks toward him "Dude, what are you doing here?"

"Uh, I was here the whole time."

"Get out of here Ice King." Little Finn replies bluntly.

"I can't, Gunther. We're in total darkness if you couldn't tell, you ding dong."

Little Finn replies "Umm...Well, just stay out of our conversation then."

He then proceeds to ask Little Jake "So, who all is here anyways?"

Little Jake replies "I have no idea dude. Remember, it's completely dark."

Little Finn responds "Oh yeah, how do I keep forgetting that?"

Little Ice King interrupts again "Maybe because you were raised by dogs."

"Hey! I heard that!" yells Little Jake.

Little Ice King replies "Well, it's true."

Little Finn gets frustrated and starts to run over to Ice King

He fails when he realizes that they are still in total darkness and he steps on everyone

Princess Bubblegum yells "Finn! What the cabbage! Get off me!"

Finn replies "Sorry PB!"

Little Ice King freezes Little Finn, hoping to be a hero by saving his princess.

Little Jake asks Little Ice King "Ice King... What the Glob did you do?"

The Ice King replies "I was just trying to be a hero.. So I froze Finn."

Jake yells "Dude, what is wrong with you?"

Ice King sadly says "I was just trying to help..."

Little Jake replies "Well you didn't. Now unfreeze Finn."

"I don't know how." replied Ice King with a shrug.

Little Jake flips, "Dude! What do you mean you don't know how?"

Little Ice King says, "Well I'm sorry. I'm the ICE King, not the MELT King."

Little Flame Princess announces, "Ugh, calm down people. I've got this."

The people around her scream as she lights up and thaws the frozen Finn.

Little Finn calmly states "Thanks FP."

"No problem!" They exchanged smiles.

Then Finn turns to rage as Flame Princess backs away slowly, stepping on others, burning them, "Ice King! What was that for?"

Little Ice King replies "I was just trying to help. Yeesh! No need to freak out!"

"I could have died!" snaps Finn.

Little Ice King sadly says "Oh. I'm sorry Finn."

Little Finn replies "Yeah, sure you are."

How's this for a first chapter? Reviews will make chapters come quicker and I'm not sure how many chapters there will be. But anyways enjoy!