Accidently in Love

Dark Lady Devinity


Things had quieted down since Snippy miraculously came back from the dead. Well, Engie was absolutely terrified of the sniper but he was like that. Some days he was scared of Snippy and some days he was completely exasperated with Snippy. No, what bother Snippy the most was that Pilot was quieter. For one thing, the aviator seemed to know that he had done something wrong by Snippy- that is, more wrong than killing him. Not that Snippy necessarily blamed Pilot for that. Still, Snippy was relieved when Pilot voluntarily gave Captain his neural interface for safe keeping until his left arm could be trusted.

No, Snippy was annoyed that he still liked Pilot even after that stupid seduction scheme.

He had to fix that.

And so, on a gloomy Sunday morning- it felt like a Sunday anyway- the sniper walked up to the aviator and said, "You killed me so you have to take me on a date."

Pilot, sat on the couch in their current base and playing with Mr. Kittyhawk, looked up at Snippy in surprise. He seemed to think about it and then nodded. "I'll ask Captain if it's okay to take a day off from our important missions."

That was far easier than Snippy had been expecting. He even said so to Pilot. The green-goggled man simply shrugged. Then he said something about a voice warning him that he was being bad a long time ago. Between the two of them Pilot was now responsible for a lot of bad. Snippy had no idea what that meant but he was willing to take what he was given.

"Well, ah, you're taking me on this date so think up something good." Snippy said abashedly. He was probably going to regret this sooner than later.

Pilot hummed in agreement. Whether he was agreeing with Snippy's words or with Snippy's thoughts the sniper could not tell.


"I am so happy for you, mein snippy-sniper!"

Snippy jumped as the loud German-accented voice of Captain assaulted his ears just before the large German body of Captain captured him in veritable death-trap of a hug. Snippy had been stood up in the kitchen trying to decide which type of canned bean he wanted for dinner when Captain mysterious materialized behind him. Snippy struggled for about a minute before giving in and letting his back rest against Captain's chest. There wasn't much point in fighting with his superior commander when said commander wanted to give out free hugs.

"And why are you happy for me?" Snippy asked. "Nothing new has happened."

"You and Pilot are back together! Romance is in the air!" Captain said delightfully. He quickly let go of the sniper so he could spin the man around and grip his shoulders. "This is good! I have agreed to give you two one day free of missions. But you must work extra hard on all zee other days."

Snippy sighed. Pilot clearly had already spoken to the German. "We're not getting back together Captain. I just wanted to know what it would have been like."

"Ah, such a jaded snippy-sniper." Captain announced dramatically, griping his heart with one hand while keeping hold of Snippy's shoulder with the other. Snippy figured he must have looked ready to bolt. Which, okay, he kind of wanted to do.

"You do know he was only trying to date me because he thought it would make you jealous right? Pilot does not like me." Snippy enunciated.

Captain sighed sadly. It sounded like a sympathetic noise. Snippy frowned and vaguely wondered if his goggles were mirroring his bemused expression. Captain was rarely sympathetic to Snippy's feelings. "My snippy-sniper may not be as pretty a girl as his Captain but he has his own very good points. Pilot will see that eventually."

Captain was making it sound like Pilot and Snippy were young children and that Pilot merely had a crush on Snippy's mom- in this case, Captain. But god-worshipping was not the same thing as a crush. Snippy just wanted to try a little experiment, see what he could have had if he was anyone other than himself, and then try to get over the Stockholm Syndrome-type symptoms he seemed to be suffering from. But how could he explain that?

He couldn't.

The simple fact was that Snippy's heart hurt. He couldn't remember the last time anyone had been genuinely interested in him solely for his own merits. That was why Pilot's seduction attempt had worked so well on Snippy and not Captain. Captain was satisfied with everything in his life while Snippy was lonely. He had been lonely for a long time. Captain and Pilot were both too crazy to have meaningful conversations with and, even if they had not been crazy, they were typically happy-go-lucky type people. Then there was Engie, who was the epitome of anti-socialness. Engie wanted to know there were people that he could rely on when things got bad but otherwise left each other alone. Snippy was a pessimist that depressed other people and yet needed to have that little touch of human contact in his life. He had known it was all a game but Pilot had been warm, solid and kind, and Snippy found himself wanting that. He still wanted it.

More than anything, though, Snippy just wanted to move on. And he intended to do just that. His plan was to attempt one date just to get the idea of a meaningful relationship with anyone out of his head.

Captain gave Snippy another, slightly less bone crushing, hug. "Captain always makes things work out for the best, ja? So stop making the sad goggles-face."

"Sometimes I feel like I must be going crazy," Snippy groaned, "but could I have a mission for this afternoon? I need to do something distracting."

It was a relief when Captain sent him out to look for a hot pink collar for Photoshop.


What should Snippy and Pilot do for their date? Any suggestions?