Hey all! I really love this Hetalia pairing, and really want to write a story for these two, because let's face it, they need the shipping, and deserve it. :) It might seem like a crack pairing, but I feel that it has enough moments to constitute the two actually being a pair. Just go look it up on the Hetalia Wiki (Really, please do ;) ) I plan on doing a full length, multi chapter story for these two, I am just working out the plot ( I already have an idea ;) ) In the meantime, here is a little something for all of us to enjoy, including myself :) It is a short, fun little thing where every letter in that alphabet gets a story! How cool is that?! Haha anyways, reviews are always welcome, so don't feel shy to post. ~Sincerely, StarFire32


~A is for Abdomen~

Shivers ran through my body as I felt Turkey's hot, wet tongue coat my abdomen with spit. Losing myself in total ecstasy, I let a moan escape my lips, only to have my mouth be consumed by soft lips engulfing my entire being. Turkey's hand still lay on my abdomen, gently running over my pale skin, slowly making its way downward, slipping under the elastic band of my underwear.


I let a hesitant moan escape and turn away a bit from Turkey, my eyes shut tightly in apprehension.

"Don't worry... I don't bite..." I hear Turkey whisper seductively into my ear, as I lose myself to this olive skinned wonder, completely caught up in the moment...


"Hey look!"

I pry my eyes away from the book I am thoroughly enjoying to look up to see Turkey pointing towards a small, brown creature slowly making its way along the dirt road in front of us.

"Isn't it cool looking?! I wonder what it is?"

I snicker to myself and look back down at the printed letters in my book.

"Hey?! Are you even listening?!"


Turkey stands up and makes his way over to me before resting his tab hand on my petite shoulder.

"Hey, Ice... Are you oka-"

Not giving him a chance to finish, I jump up with a start and fling my arms around this statuesque man, embracing him a gentle kiss, letting the book drop to the dusty, dirt road; the words on the page reading: Armadillos are encased in hard shell that protects them from the danger of the world. But with a little patience one will find that their hat exterior hides a soft underbelly that few very rarely, if ever, to see; only showing it to those it trusts with its life...


"Hey! My favorite show is on, why did you change it?!" I let out in a very aggressive and hostile tone, my eyes a afire with inextinguishable flames.

"Pssh! Asylums aren't that scary. I could watch this in the dark and not have nightmares or anything."

Turkey mutters as he plops down next to me on the suede couch. I sit up and look him straight in he eye, determined to watch my show once more.

"Oh really?! Well then...I dare you to watch it with me in complete darkness!"

A grin forms across Turkey's face as he turns to face me, flashing me a toothy grin and a wink.

"Heh, your on Ice! I'll show you just how much of a man I am..."

Ten Minutes Later


The man beside me jumps up in terror and lands directly on top of me, no reservations about what he might squishing or damaging.

"H-hey! Get off of me! Your squishing me!"

As I say this, I feebly attempt to push the much bigger and stronger man off of my lap… but to no avail.

"B-but it's just so scary! Who would have thought that Asylums could be so frightening!"